Big Brother 26 Cheat Sheet: What You Need To Know So Far

Makensy on Big Brother 26 - CBS

Big Brother 26 just premiered Wednesday and Thursday nights, but like always, a lot has already happened. We’ve got powers, an HOH, targets, alliances forming. Even a blooming showmance already? Ack. So, if you’re just tuning in or haven’t had time to catch up, let me assemble a little cheat sheet for you on everything you need to know so far. And be warned, there are SPOILERS AHEAD!

Keep in mind, this is Big Brother and the players talk in circles a lot and things change every five minutes, so I am only going to point out the major things we’ve learned so far by watching the episodes and Live Feeds.

  • Makensy and Quinn won the powers with the AI upgrade twist. Cedric and Chelsie lost their competitions, so their games were downgraded. They have had their houseguest stats stripped and are “AI Mascots” for the week. They couldn’t play in the HOH competition, won’t be able to play the veto and can’t vote in the first eviction. They can, however, be nominated and evicted.
  • Angela is the first Head of Household of the season. Who saw that coming? Not me.
  • Have Nots are Tucker, Kimo, Cam and Quinn
  • Kenny seems to be the official first target.
  • There will apparently be four nominees.
  • Pawns mentioned have been Kimo and Lisa, but again Kenny would be Angela’s target.
  • There has been talk of the nominees having two opportunities to take themselves off the block.
  • T’Kor and Kimo seem to be working together.
  • Makensy says she’s not looking for a showmance with Matt, but it appears to be something that is happening.
  • Brooklyn and Angela seem to have a Final 2 plan already.
  • Angela has a large alliance: her, Joseph, Brooklyn, Chelsie, Leah, Cam, Quinn, Cedric, and Rubina.
  • Another large alliance has formed: Makensy, Matt, Chelsie, Leah, Quinn, Joseph and Brooklyn (not sure which alliance is really to whom, though as several people are in both large alliances)

We will update the cheat sheet as any additional information comes in. What do you think of the Big Brother 26 houseguests and everything that has happened so far? This cast seems to be coming in hot, so can we expect a lot of drama and gameplay really fast? Here’s to hoping!



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