‘Big Brother 26’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH? Week 1

Head of Household competition on Big Brother - CBS
Head of Household competition on Big Brother – CBS

The Feeds have just begun for Big Brother and the spoilers are here to go with it. We just watched the BB26 HGs move in over the past two nights and now it’s time for the game to get started. Find out who is the first Head of Household of the new season and what that could mean for sides, targets, and next moves.

Live Feeds were delayed with the west coast broadcast but they are now officially here and yes, there is no rewind or Flashback feature. No Flashback is bad enough, but this is going to be a tough season when you can’t even briefly rewind to hear that last comment again. We’ll have to get used to this mess but for now we do know who won the first HOH of the season.

Big Brother 26 Week 1 HoH Comp:

  • Angela is the new Head of Household
Angela Murry on Big Brother 26 Feeds - CBS
Angela Murry on Big Brother 26 Feeds – CBS

Right when Feeds returned we were hearing Makensy talking about needing to target Angela to get her out so they could free up Leah. So either this was puffery talk or Angela has fulfilled the standard issue of why you don’t want to be the first HOH!

And Makensy is not holding back here and she scrambles and is *this* close to an early spiral, but don’t forget that she was one of the two Upgrade players so maybe she has that Deepfake HOH or the America’s Veto, neither of which we know much about just yet anyway.

Makensy on Big Brother 26 - CBS
Makensy on Big Brother 26 – CBS

Few minutes later we saw Cedric and Joseph in the floating bedroom talking potential targets. Joseph suggested Kimo and Lisa could be in trouble while Kenney is thinking that he’s in danger too. So that sounds like nominations have not happened yet either. I expect we’ll get Noms Friday or Saturday this week as that first week is often a little off the regular routine so watch for more spoilers there soon.

Plenty to keep watching as we try to figure out how the BBAI twist is affecting things this season. There may be something happening with four total nominations which we know Cedric and Chelsie are the Downgrade players here this first week but that didn’t automatically make these noms though it sure makes it easier for that to happen!

Gotta pick someone, so who do you hope Angela sends to the Block for the first nominations of Big Brother 26? More spoilers ahead!

Stay close by and we’ll keep you updated all weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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