Another week of Big Brother is nearly done and it’s barely started! We’ve got your latest spoilers for the HOH competition, Nominations Ceremony, and even the Power of Veto along with what the HOH has said to expect for the upcoming Veto meeting. With those events wrapped up we’ll be back to the waiting game of what happens next on Thursday’s live show. And as an added bonus, this week’s live show will be a Double Eviction!
Head of Household:
First things first. We need a new HOH and thanks to Johnny Mac we’ve got a fun theme of the Demented Dentist for the HGs to face off in their bid to control the next round of nominations and secure their safety heading into the next vote.
I expected this was going to be an individual performance, but HGs said they could hear each other shouting so either someone was exceptionally loud or they were playing this one at the same time. Either way, this week’s HOH is a repeat and it comes as a strange occurence.
Typically, HOH’s can’t play in the following week but thanks to the Comics twist it was supposed to be a secret HOH. Of course this HOH can’t keep a secret from any breathing thing in the house and so the cause for a repeat performance was squashed. Not sure why they didn’t just have this one be individual and then default to a voided run for that one HG. Either way, here we go with back to back Jag HOH’s!
Read who won HOH for Week 12 >>
With Cory out the door and America remaining it seemed like an easy target to settle on America this week. Jag’s got other plans though and it involves a little throwback to last week when he was going after Blue. Remember all that regret and sorrow Jag had for betraying his ally Blue? Yeah, he didn’t mean it. Take a seat, Blue.
Wowza. So with Jag going back to his target last week he still needed a pawn and there were plenty to pick from as the remaining threats are mostly waiting to be picked off as Jag and Matt march hand in hand to final night.
Read who was nominated in Week 12 >>
Power of Veto Competition:
Someone is going to need to stand up and start winning here. This is getting kinda silly at this point with the one sided domination of competitions. Maybe it’s time to mix things up a little, production? Maybe sprinkle in some non-athletic challenges for good measure.
Either way, this was the FIFTH straight comp wins for the dominating player in the second half of the season. Getting out Cameron sure was good for his win record!
Read who won the Power of Veto in Week 12 >>
Power of Veto Meeting:
With the Veto safely in-hand, this week’s power is centered with even the chance to decide the eviction with a tie-breaker, but this close to Jury no one should want that to happen. Watch for Noms to stay as they are now and then we’ll march to Thursday’s first of two live votes thanks to the Double Eviction!
What do you think of this weekend’s Big Brother spoilers? Are you happy with the results or did you want someone else to pull off the win? If you have our Big Brother App then you received alert notifications as these results arrived. If you don’t have it, then be sure to download our app now!