Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 12 Nominations

Nominations today on Big Brother 25

The latest Nominations are in for Week 12 of BB25 with the remaining seven Houseguests ahead of the looming Double Eviction that they anticipated but won’t know for sure until Thursday night.

For now we’ve got the Noms set and the HOH’s plans revealed to everyone but the target. That’s right, we’ve got the most talkative HOH back in control for the second straight week as Jag retains control of the House and safety for the week.

Big Brother 25 Week 12 Nominations:

  • Jag nominated: Blue & America

Talking with the other HGs this afternoon it was decided that Blue would be the target and America would be his pawn. Jag explained to America that it’d be far too strange and suspicious for him not to put her on the Block this week. Meanwhile, he’s going to tell Blue she’s up there to help secure the Veto and lockdown America’s eviction. Of course, if Blue wins the PoV then this whole plan is out the window.

America is supposed to pretend like she believes she’s the target and let’s just hope for her sake that can avoid spilling the beans to Blue about what’s really going on. This feels familiar to last week, right?

America and Jag hug it out in the HOH room - CBS
America and Jag hug it out in the HOH room – CBS

Veto comp is coming up on Saturday with all but one HG left on the sidelines. We’ll see who gets picked in the morning but so far we know Jag, America, and Blue will compete. Then during the DE everyone will play for Veto at F6.

What do you think of these picks? Were these the right choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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