We’ve got your latest results from the Big Brother Feeds as another Houseguest is out the door to Jury and it’s time to crown a new Head of Household! Find out who won HOH last night and will be vulnerable heading into the upcoming Double Eviction on October 26th!
Cory Wurtenberger was just sent to Jury by a vote of 5-0, leaving his showmance partner America Lopez behind to fight off the bulldozers of Matt and Jag. America wouldn’t be completely alone though as Cirie and Felicia could become allies against the controlling powers. The next moves depend on this next HOH, so who holds the power now?
Host Julie Chen revealed the HGs would return to the Scaryverse for this next competition as they face the return of Johnny Mac as the Demented Dentist. The sneak peek we got at the competition looked pretty creepy. Looks like they might have to solve a crime scene puzzle and probably time based to determine the winner. We’ll see it play out on Sunday night, but no reason to wait that long for the spoilers and results!
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 12 HoH Comp:
- Jag is the new Head of Household
Well, sigh. Nothing against Jag in particular, but the same HOH two weeks in a row for any HG isn’t an exciting situation given the thrill of a season is often the power shifts, not a continued steamroll. No one to blame but production though when they decided to let the “invisible” HOH have the opportunity to play again without any conditions attached.
So now Jag is calling the shots. Again. Will he finish off the job of targeting America or will he switch it up to be Felicia and Cirie as this week’s targets?
Big Brother 25 Week 12 Nominations & Veto:
Noms will be revealed on Friday then after that the Veto comp arrives on Saturday to help settle the final noms of the week. There will be a lot of updates this weekend so download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the latest.
Who do you want to see heading to the Block this week?