Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Will Jag Flip The Target To Cirie?

Bowie Jane having fun on BB25 - CBS
Bowie Jane having fun on BB25 – CBS

Jag Bains holds almost all of the power and control this week on Big Brother 25 as both the HOH and Veto winner, but what will he do with all that power in the days ahead? Yesterday on the Feeds we saw a couple of interesting conversations with Felicia Cannon that almost seemed to hint a betrayal with her Book Ends ally, Cirie Fields. Did it move the needle for Jag?

You’ll want to catch up on what Felicia was busy doing Saturday on the Live Feeds. Rewind to a little after 3PM BBT to find Jag and Matt talking following the Veto competition. Jag lets Matt know that Felicia came to him before the comp to say Cirie had warned Blue that she was the real target, not America this week. Jag attributes his amp’d up performance for the Veto to concerns that Blue was now motivated to win with that info. Sounds like Blue got second in the comp, so probably worth the extra effort on Jag’s part to win the Veto.

At this point Jag declares to Matt that while he understands Cirie can’t be trusted he’s still not willing to turn his sights to Cirie over Blue Kim, his top pick for this week’s eviction. Felicia isn’t done yet though.

Move ahead to 4:35 PM BBT to find Matt talking with Felicia in Storage. Felicia warns Matt that Cirie isn’t feeling too secure about their F4 with him and Jag. In fact, Felicia suggests Cirie may even be coming directly for Jag. Felicia is also suspicious of why Blue got a reprieve last week only to be back on the Block this week, but nonetheless she seems accepting of the idea that America remains the target this week. (She’s not. It’s Blue. For now, at least.)

Later in the evening, around 8:30 PM BBT, Felicia meets with Jag upstairs. She’s having mostly the same conversation she did earlier with Matt but now instead telling Jag that Cirie is questioning their position with him. Felicia questions the decision to put Blue up but Jag defends it, saying he needed the support for the Veto.

Cirie Fields on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Cirie Fields on Big Brother 25 – CBS

The takeaway here to me is that Felicia is nervous and uncertain what’s really going on here. She’s having all these conversations possibly in hopes of shifting the target in case it’s on her shoulders and Cirie is the closest thing to her. Kinda crazy that she keeps throwing Cirie under the bus when she doesn’t need to, but we’re down to the flailing phase of Felicia’s game.

So now with Jag hear from Felicia that Cirie supposedly betrayed his trust by telling Blue and that Cirie allegedly doesn’t trust Jag and their F4 you’d think he might do something with this knowledge. Remember last week when Blue got the Veto and suddenly Jag heard that Cory and America were up to no good? He took a few moments for him to shift tracks and blindside the duo. So is he ready to change plans again this week? Nope!

Later on Saturday night we saw Jag meet again with Matt and Bowie. He talks with his trio and declares that no, he doesn’t think Cirie will take the shot at them. He rates the chances at a “maybe.” “Personally, I don’t think Cirie wants the smoke,” says Jag. Well, okay Jag.

There are so few HGs left and if Cirie falls backwards into the HOH role in Thursday’s Double Eviction then what other options does she really have but to nominate Jag with Matt? They’re the biggest duo left and Jag has just won FIVE straight comps. She has to take the shot! Everyone should, at least.

So for now, Jag is not planning to change targets, despite Felicia’s bizarre conversations and possible strategy. Blue remains the target and after Monday’s Veto meeting we’ll know for sure if she’s staying on the Block opposite America.



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