Tonight on Big Brother 25… there’s nothing! We will not be watching Big Brother on CBS this evening and if you tune in at 8/7c then you’re going to be feeling the same as Cirie Fields above. Well, you’ll get the premiere episode of Survivor so that’s not too terrible, but it sure won’t be Big Brother! There’s no Power of Veto this week (no HOH or Noms either, obviously) and with that little zip in the routine production is skipping this midweek episode altogether as part of the Scary Week schedule.
Back inside the BB25 house the HGs have been plotting (watch out, Cory!) to help pass the Scary Week invasion of BB Zombies Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields. It’s admittedly been slow but somewhat still interesting as the uncertainty has left HGs in the lurch as they try to plan for as many contingencies as possible in the days ahead.
Which Zombie will be coming back? Spoilers have revealed that Cameron is in the lead spot to decide his fate come Thursday night. If he takes the ball then both his and Jared’s return or departure will be dictated by the upcoming mystery competition on Thursday night. We don’t know what Cameron will be facing and neither does he.
There’s plenty the Houseguests don’t know either this week and that includes whether or not Cory gets to join the competition for the next Head of Household. He is technically still the outgoing HOH so I think it’s reasonable that he won’t be competing for the power again on Thursday but we don’t know!
So while there isn’t an episode tonight (Sept 27th) there will be again come Thursday night at 9/8c on CBS. Yes, note that tomorrow’s episode is at a different time than usual and if you tune in that night at 8/7c you’ll get Buddy Games instead. Mercy, I think they’re intentionally trying to trick us at this point!