Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Blue Plans To Target Cory

Houseguests Blue Kim, Matt Klotz, and Jag Bains on BB25 - CBS
Houseguests Blue Kim, Matt Klotz, and Jag Bains on BB25 – CBS

Blue and Jag have been a duo for most of Big Brother 25. However, there have been times when she has thrown him under the bus and helped grow his target. Nevertheless, their game relationship seems stronger than ever, especially with Matt being a third to their group. He is Jag’s most loyal and faithful ally, especially after saving him with his power. Recently, Jag and Matt have been closely aligned with Cory and America.

Together the four of them played a major role in taking out the Big Brother zombies Cameron and Jared. With the game on pause for a week, Jag and Matt have plenty of time to rethink their alliance with Cory and America. Additionally, so many conversations are being had this week to rehash moves, clear the air, and reevaluate targets and plans going forward. 

Around 1:40 a.m. BBT 9/26, Blue began to explain to Matt and Jag why she wants to evict Cory as soon as possible. The trio gathered in the Have-Not room and spoke freely about wanting Cory specifically out of the game. This isn’t shocking as he just nominated her last week and took out Jared, her showmance. However, it is an interesting conversation because of what it reveals about Blue’s game and how things could shake up if she wins the upcoming Head of Household.

Blue confessed that she doesn’t trust America because she views her as a snitch. She thinks she shares way too much information. Blue even claims that she tested America by giving her information and it got back to Cory. She said that this revealed to her that she can’t trust America as long as Cory is in the game.

She thinks America is playing Cory’s game and not her own. Blue also fears that America is telling Cameron way too much information. Jag added that he thinks that’s America’s style of playing. She uses information as currency. 

Blue further explained that she thinks Cory is playing a good game and using them (Matt and Jag) as shields. He used them last week to ensure that Jared was evicted. Blue also believes that Cory is using all three of them to do his dirty work and go after Felicia and Mecole. Additionally, Jag discussed teaming up with Bowie and whoever stays between Jared and Cameron to go after America, Cory, and Felicia.

They also mentioned teaming up with Cirie because Matt knows he has a good relationship with her and Blue is working on one. They think she is a lone wolf which would be a good number for their side. Blue, Matt, and Jag also discussed keeping Cameron to help get rid of Cory and maybe Felicia, but they couldn’t let him stay too long.

Blue and Matt believe that if he stays too long, he will win the game. Blue plans to continue to work on improving her relationship with America, but really wants to win Head of Household next week and take out Cory. Jag and Matt even mentioned the possibility of throwing the Head of Household to her if they’re the final three in the competition.

The three solidified their group and spoke of staying true to each other and maybe pulling in Bowie as a fourth to their three. This conversation went on for about an hour, so definitely a good one to watch in an otherwise lackluster week of gameplay.

Cory has also mentioned before targeting Blue, so they’re definitely coming after each other. However, Blue might not be as high on Cory’s target list as he is on her list.

Do you think Blue should target Cory soon? 



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