What a day of Big Brother 25! We got it all on the Feeds Saturday as the Houseguests faced off in the annual prize-swap Veto comp, Cameron continued his assault on the power circle of BB25, and punishments arrived throughout the house to keep things moving ahead of Monday’s Veto Meeting.
Oh, and that Veto meeting? We’ve finally got more details on Cameron’s latest plans, or at least what he’s currently proposing as his alleged plan. Yes indeed, Cameron is looking to make some major shifts in the house but he’s going to need help and he’s going to have a hard time getting it.
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Catch up first on Friday night’s Highlights Report for all the latest before heading into Saturday’s events.
Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights โ Saturday, September 9, 2023:
7:30 AM BBT – HGs are up early for Veto Day.
8:06 AM BBT – Feeds cut.
8:30 AM BBT – Feeds are back from the Veto Players pick. Jared and Matt already discussing what they should do if they win Veto (both are playing).
8:40 AM BBT – Cirie and Felicia are both very happy with the player picks (Jag, Jared, and Matt). Cirie admits Cameron could be looking to BD her, but if he does he’ll have a lot of opponents and no chance at HOH the next week.
8:45 AM BBT – Izzy talks with Jared that it’d look bad if she doesn’t save herself with the Veto. She wants Jared to work on the other players though to get them not to use it if they win so Cirie doesn’t get potentially BD’d.
9:00 AM BBT – Cirie asks Cameron what he wants to happen with the Veto. He says it’s too early to discuss ideas since a lot could change with the comp results. Cameron tells Cirie he won’t make her the renom if that event happens.
9:20 AM BBT – Cameron tells Cory that any HG who was happy with his noms shouldn’t have to worry about a renom possibility.
9:25 AM BBT – Cameron warns Izzy that Felicia was quick to blame her and others about the last minute change to the voting plans on Thursday (Felicia and Meme were the last to be told by their group).
9:40 AM BBT – Cameron, Jared, and Matt discussing the Veto picks. They’re surprised that Izzy picked Jag for her HG Choice. Jared said Jag really wants to win, but didn’t know what he’d do with it if he did.
10:10 AM BBT – Izzy jokes with America and Cory that if Felicia goes then their curfew does too since Felicia wants them to bed early so the lights turn out.
10:25 AM BBT – Cameron talking with Bowie about how Felicia came to him last week immediately after the Veto comp and was already trying to talk him into not using the Veto on himself.
10:29 AM BBT – Jared tells Cirie that Jag plans to save Izzy if he wins Veto. Jared expects the renom will be him or Matt.
10:30 AM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto comp.
3:33 PM BBT – Feeds are back.
3:37 PM BBT – Jared tells Blue he’s going to leave the Noms as is. Jared won Veto.
3:40 PM BBT – Jared worries to Blue that Cirie won’t have the votes to stay against Izzy if they’re both on the Block.
3:45 PM BBT – Blue and Jared discussing where to go on a Europe trip (one of the comp rewards). Matt joins them and they discuss his “prize” with a guess that it’ll be a cardboard cutout of Josh Duhamel. Matt mentions trying to figure out from Jared during the comp whether or not to take the Veto from Jared (sounds like Matt may have outperformed Jared but left the Veto with Jared).
3:50 PM BBT – Matt, Blue, and Jared talking about the comp and mention getting dizzy (possibly the Bowlerina comp).
4:10 PM BBT – Cameron visits Jared and congratulates him on the win. Jared says he had to take it from Jag because Jag was going to give it to “her.” Cameron says they can talk later and decide to play it safe or drop grenades.
4:15 PM BBT – HGs discussing the comp and prizes/punishments. Someone won a kayak?
4:20 PM BBT – Jared and Jag discuss what Cameron might be planning. Jared expects Cameron is trying to BD Cirie because Cameron asked Jared if he wanted to “drop another bomb.” He tells Jag he doesn’t know if he’d want to keep Felicia or Cirie. Then Jared says Felicia makes a good meal but he doesn’t think she’s a number moving forward compared to Cirie. Jag thinks Izzy would stay if Noms don’t change.
4:25 PM BBT – Jared suggests to Jag that Cameron might renom Jag if Jared used the Veto since Izzy picked Jag for HG Choice in the Veto. Jared says they better keep Noms the same.
5:05 PM BBT – Cirie talks with Matt. Matt thinks Jared will keep Noms the same. Matt says he made sure to stay in the comp to outlast Cameron.
5:10 PM BBT – Jared tells Cirie he had to [win it] and that Cameron was already talking about moves.
5:10 PM BBT – Izzy already putting in the work and chatting with Jag that she hopes he wants her to stay. He says he does.
5:15 PM BBT – Felicia worries to Meme that if Jared takes her (F) down that Cirie could be the renom. Meme agrees that is probably Cameron’s plan.
5:50 PM BBT – HGs are raving over Blue’s Slop creation. They’re saying it’s delicious.
5:55 PM BBT – Jared and Izzy talked. He says he’s got her and to let him know if she thinks she’s not safe on the Block.
6:05 PM BBT – Jared talks again with Matt and they agree there’s a BD plan in the works so Jared should keep Noms as they are. Matt mentions he thought his prize would really be to hang out with Josh Duhamel, now he realizes that wouldn’t make sense.
6:15 PM BBT – Jared mentions Izzy’s punishment is two-layered. If she doesn’t complete the task then she doesn’t get to play in the next Veto.
6:55 PM BBT – Matt still feeling foolish about taking a “prize” to hang out with Duhamel but it turned out to be a punishment. Jared says the House will take that as a positive that he was willing to take a punishment for the group.
7:20 PM BBT – Feeds returned after a break for us to discover Cirie and Felicia are dressed in kayak/rafting gear and wearing a double kayak to move about the house in tandem.
7:25 PM BBT – Jared complains to Blue that America and Cory are sliding by without having to play the game. He says Cory keeps getting his way with the HGs leaving that he wanted out.
7:35 PM BBT – More complaints from Jared. He doesn’t like that America is being friendly to Cameron again.
7:50 PM BBT – Blue tells Jared that some HGs are expecting a Battle Back after the Jury phase starts. Jared doesn’t know what that is so Blue explains it.
8:10 PM BBT – Jared is meeting with Cameron. Cameron wants Jared to use the Veto on Felicia, Cirie would be renom’d, Izzy would be voted out, and then, in Cameron’s hopes, this would leave Cirie isolated in the game. Jared countering that Cirie wouldn’t have the votes to stay over Izzy. Cameron thinks they need to get Izzy out before the Jury so she’s not influencing votes there.
8:15 PM BBT – Cameron doesn’t believe that Izzy would go over Cirie. He also is sure that Felicia would go if she’s up against Izzy.
8:30 PM BBT – Cameron tells Jared the couples need to be split up…
8:45 PM BBT – Jared suggesting Jag as a renom instead of Cirie.
8:55 PM BBT – The discussion between Jared and Cameron has continued still. Cameron has gone through the votes and thinks they can secure the support to keep Cirie over Izzy, but he tells Jared that if he’s not comfortable with it then they’ll stick to the backup plan and leave Noms as they are.
9:25 PM BBT – Feeds return from a break and an extra HG has joined them. Not really. It’s a cardboard cutout of Josh Duhamel. Matt has to carry him around, take photos with him, and wear an outfit to promote the upcoming Buddy Games show.
9:25 PM BBT – Matt meets with Cameron. Cameron promises he won’t put Matt in danger this week but also won’t tell Matt his plan, if Matt doesn’t want to know (deniability later).
9:30 PM BBT – Jared warns Izzy that Cameron’s big plan is to renom Cirie.
9:55 PM BBT – Jared explains to Matt that if Cameron asks to tell Cam that Matt thinks the house would vote out Cirie over Izzy. It’s too late, Matt already talked with Cameron.
10:10 PM BBT – Izzy updates Cory that Cameron made a deal with Jag (Cameron told Jared, Jared told Izzy, Izzy told…). Izzy knows that Cameron wants her out.
10:20 PM BBT – Cory doesn’t like that America is getting closer to Cameron. Izzy suggests to Cory that America could replace Felicia in the Deadly Seven alliance, but Cory points out he’s not included in that now either so that doesn’t help. Izzy warns Cory to improve his relationship with Jared.
10:45 PM BBT – Cirie and Felicia discuss what’s going on with the news that Cameron is targeting Izzy. Felicia is upset with Cameron.
10:50 PM BBT – Jared updates Blue on what Cameron has proposed, so he needs Blue to say that she’d vote to keep Izzy over Cirie. Jared is frustrated that Blue is working with unreliable allies like Jag. Blue says she’s not close with them and then they’re bigger targets than her.
11:15 PM BBT – Felicia is ranting about Bowie and accuses her of being on a high horse.
11:25 PM BBT – Cameron and Izzy have their punishment. They are wearing piggy pajama style costumes and have to transfer a huge box of dirt from one side of the backyyard to the other. There’s a time limit. Once they’re done with the task they’ll get a new set of the costume (expecting the first to be dirty from the task). They’re required to complete 2000 laps within 12 hours. HGs attempt the math and say it’s around 160 trips/hour.
12:15 AM BBT – HGs are getting ready for bed, but the Piggies punishment continues outside. Cirie and Felicia are out of their kayaking costume so they can go to bed.
12:40 AM BBT – Bowie talks with Matt about the group of ladies and how they stop talking when she approaches. Matt says she won’t have to worry about that much longer. Bowie says she’ll vote however is needed.
12:50 AM BBT – Felicia has continued to complain about Bowie to Cirie and Meme.
1:10 AM BBT – Felicia says if she gets HOH next week then she’ll nominate America and Cory to split them up with Cameron as a renom option.
1:50 AM BBT – Jag checks in on Cameron and Izzy’s progress and they’re already up to 750+. Izzy says they’re planning a break at the 1000 mark.
2:25 AM BBT – Cory and America are kissing and cuddling in bed.
3:00 AM BBT – Cameron and Izzy continue their punishment task.
Jared is not going to use the Veto, we know that, and Cameron will figure it out sooner or later. But Jared needs to stop making all these excuses that Cameron can punch holes in and just let things wait out until Monday when he tells Cameron how the medallion is just going back in the box.
In the meantime, we’ve got some punishments to keep us entertained the rest of the weekend. Looks like Cameron and Izzy are on track to complete their work within the twelve hours. With the threat of losing a Veto comp participation that should be enough motivation to make it happen.
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