Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: Izzy Wavers On Veto To Protect Cirie

Big Brother Houseguest Izzy Gleicher - CBS

Izzy Gleicher was quickly adopted into the Fields family on Big Brother 25 when she immediately recognized Jared and Cirie Fields were related thanks to following Cirie online due to her Survivor fame. That “adoption” has brought Izzy close to the matriarch of the season and kept her in the circle of power so far, a role Izzy has taken very seriously. But maybe also too seriously?

Just a few days ago Izzy took a moment in Storage to camtalk and question if she was starting to prioritize the safety of Cirie and Jared over her own. Yep, I’d say that’s going on and she needs to start taking stock of it quickly. Izzy assured Paige back home that she was trying to balance playing for herself and playing in a way she could be happy with doing.

That raised some concerns for Izzy this week shortly after the Noms Ceremony where she was sent to the Block opposite Felicia Cannon. Rewind on your Live Feeds to 9/8 at 5:35 PM BBT to find Izzy and Cirie speaking alone. Izzy tells Cirie that as crazy as it sounds, she just might leave herself on the Block should she win Veto. Wait, what?

Izzy explained that she’s worried Cirie could be the Backdoor plan and by opening a spot on the Block it could allow Cameron to send Cirie to the danger zone. Cirie says in the case of Izzy staying on the Block then Felicia would go. And while Cirie suggests Izzy would be safe, she also doesn’t immediately discourage this idea of Izzy not using the Veto to save herself, but Cirie does remind Izzy that Big Brother is Izzy’s dream, not hers and Cirie is okay if she (C) goes home.

Fast forward to later that night around 9:45 PM BBT as America talks with Cory about Izzy seemingly putting Cirie’s game before her own. This motivates Cory to talk with Izzy soon after to make sure Izzy wouldn’t be so crazy as to not use the Veto should she win it. Izzy does come around on the idea and tells Cory she would save herself. At least that’s what she’s saying to him.

Izzy, Cirie, and Jared on Big Brother CBS
Izzy, Cirie, and Jared on Big Brother – CBS

This morning Izzy was discussing the idea more with Jared (whether or not she’d save herself with the Veto). Izzy admits to Jared (Flashback to 8:43 AM BBT) it’d be a bad look (and foolish move really) to not save herself, should she win. Is the catch there whether or not Izzy will truly be fighting to win it though?

Izzy suggested to Jared that he work on influencing others to agree to NOT use the Veto should one of the non-nominated players win it. Jared said he’d talk with Cameron to try and figure out if Cam is looking to renom either Cirie or Felicia. Come on, Cameron isn’t going to tell any of these HGs what he’s really planning. Just look at yesterday’s surprise noms that Cameron lied about all afternoon to keep the house on its toes!

As of now the Houseguests are out playing for the Veto and we’ll find out soon enough if Izzy will be faced with choosing between her own game or risking Cirie’s position in the Big Brother house. What do you think Izzy would do?



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