Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Cameron Has A Plan, It’s Kinda Secret

Cameron Hardin on BB25 - CBS

Since Cameron Hardin won Head of Household for the second time on Big Brother 25 (he’s the first HG to do so) we’ve been trying to figure out what this guy is really up to. After his first stint as HOH flopped thanks to the Power of Invincibility it seemed like he probably didn’t want to repeat that mistake. So now he’s swinging for the fences, but with no true allies in the Big Brother house he’s left to keep things to himself, for the most part.

Starting back on Friday afternoon, Flashback to 4:32 PM BBT 9/8, we found Cameron explaining his multi-step plan. The Noms Ceremony had recently concluded and Cameron was talking with Jared. First up Cameron wanted to convince everyone that Jag and Blue were going back to the Block just as they had during his first HOH. Check.

Next move was to instead nominate Izzy and Felicia. Check and check. Next step was to convince both they were a pawn. In-progress at this point. The final step would be revealed when the time came.

Now mind you that Cameron is revealing this to Jared who we all know is going to run this back to his mom Cirie. And sure enough he’s sharing the info as we’d expect. But Cameron is holding back the secret ingredient of his end game in Step 4. Or at least he was until after the Veto comp was completed.

Cameron and Jared talk on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Cameron and Jared talk on Big Brother 25 – CBS

On Saturday afternoon the HGs ventured out to compete in the prize swap comp where Jared secured the Veto (check out all the prizes & punishment spoilers). Once Cameron felt secure in his opportunity to move forward on his secret plan he filled Jared in on Step 4.

Jump forward on your Feeds to 8:10 PM BBT 9/9 to find Jared meeting with Cameron upstairs in the HOH room. Cameron is laying out phase 4, the deathblow to the powers that be in the house.

Cameron explains he wants Jared to use the Veto on Felicia which he says would benefit Jared by generating a sense of debt and loyalty from Felicia to Jared. Cameron would then renom Cirie in her place… *record scratch* Well there’s your deal killer right upfront. Jared already suspected this could be happening and quickly after the Veto comp Jared told Blue he was going to keep Noms as they were.

Jared talks with Cameron in HOH - CBS
Jared talks with Cameron in HOH – CBS

Anyway, let’s continue. Cameron says with Izzy and Cirie on the Block the House would vote out Izzy and then Cirie would be left in isolation. Perhaps he thinks Cirie would blame Felicia for her renom situation and break ties with her even as both stayed in the house. Doesn’t matter, Jared isn’t going to do it.

Instead of Jared just smiling and nodding he broke into a run of reasons why this wouldn’t work and why he thought Izzy would survive on the Block opposite Cirie. Jared must have thought this would get Cameron to second think his plan. Cameron had already told Jared if he thought this was too risky that Jared could just shut it down and they’d stick with noms as they were. So why didn’t Jared just shush up, report back to Cirie, and then Monday morning tell Cameron he just couldn’t do it?

So there’s Cameron’s big master plan, but it’s not going to work out. He’s still managed to break up the trio of Cirie+Felicia+Izzy by taking out Felicia, but don’t forget that Cirie was already setting up Felicia to take the fall in their group. Felicia was getting a little loose lipped and Cirie didn’t seem to care for that.

Felicia and Cirie on Big Brother - CBS
Felicia and Cirie on Big Brother – CBS

I’m going to be disappointed to see Felicia voted out this week. I’d rather the stunt casting of Cirie come to an end since Izzy and Felicia keep me laughing more, but all good things must come to an end. And if the voting were today, I’d wager that it’s the end of the season for Felicia. Then again, Julie does have that “special announcement” coming up on Thursday regarding the game and that just might be an extended Jury. You never know!



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