Adam Poch’s Big Brother 24 Player Rankings – Week 12

Adam Poch from Big Brother

What a long, strange trip it’s been. Big Brother 24 will never be in the conversation as “the best season ever” (that already belongs to Season 6… I am ok if you say S10 or S20 as well) – but this season sure has given us A LOT to talk about. Even before the season started, we had plenty of drama from the late cast announcement, to the dirty laundry from Turner’s sister, to a last second cast swap – which brought in one of our favorites (could you imagine no Joseph this year???). We should have known this season was going to be a MESS! And from week 1 – it was.

Bullying, racism, self evictions OH MY! This Big Brother season has seen it all. Along the way there was actually some decent gameplay, we got a record setter for most Vetoes, blindsides, showmances, etc… Looking back however, there were a lot of players that we were rooting against, more than there were players we were rooting for. Now tonight – someone will walk out of the house with a bank account larger than just about everyone of us.

BUT FIRST…. as I usually do each season, I go back and rank myself based on my preseason predictions. You can read the whole thing here.

Again – the rankings are not indicative of their games, just my ability to predict how they would play.

Players in order of eviction (self or other)

Paloma – 4 1/2 strips of Bacon – I called it that she would be the early season star & that she would get into it with someone the first couple of weeks. I just didn’t realize it would be Week 1, Day 1, Hour 1. Her spiraling meltdown pretty much wrote the narrative for the season. By her leaving – we did not see Brittany being saved by America, which could have also helped prevent Brittany’s early (and continuous spiral) too.

Pooch – 4 strips of Tofu – I was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY off on my read of him, Well, kinda… I thought there would be enough other big personalities for him to position himself behind, and there were. But then, he decided to put himself front & center and lead the charge. He did however become a verb in the Big Brother vernacular. Funny how him & Paloma both had alliances named after them to avenge their departures.

Ameerah – 1 strip of Tofu – she was too honest & straightforward – but I thought she would be the one to be manipulated. I did not see her being the one trying to manipulate others – and once that became well known – it was time for her to go bye bye. The first victim of the Leftovers, at least she understood that she got got.

Nicole – 5 strips of Bacon – another one that I nailed! Her mouth got her into so much trouble – and all the while she thought she was on the right side of justice. However her toxic personality inevitably did her in. She was the 2nd person to Pooch themselves this season.

Daniel – 3 strips of Tofu – my preseason pick to get to the end, I think he was off to a great start – until he hooked up with Nicole. That plus his HoHitis made him go from a fan favorite to one of the most disliked HGs of the season. I was completely off thinking he could keep his big personality in check and he ruffled so many feathers. Yet he did make a decent plea to keep him, but this house was very hard to sway once their minds were made up.

Indy – 2 strips of Tofu – I was right about her making the jury – but not much else after that. Although, I think she wanted to be in a showmance with Joseph – so that wasn’t completely off. Joseph had eyes on someone else though. Indy got in deep with the Girl’s Girls also known as the Taylor Haters Fan Club – but she was less strategic than others so they let her go further.

Jasmine – 5 strips of Tofu – Ooooh – I was so so so wrong about her and THANK GOD! I thought for sure she’d be furniture and would not be involved much this year. I don’t know about all of you – but she was my favorite of the season. Not for her gameplay – but for her “accidental comedy.” She was such an over the top personality – this is the reason I watch.

Joseph – 4 strips of Bacon – I pretty much got him right with the exception of the showmance part. He was on track to get to the end of the game, by playing the middle and being well liked by all. He did not win any challenges, but he didn’t need to. The split house twist really hurt him, but don’t worry – he will be back for another season of BB – or on some other CBS / MTV reality show.

Kyle – 2 strips of Bacon & 2 strips of Tofu – I got some right & some wrong. I was completely right that Kyle’s biggest challenger would be himself. As someone who has lived a “sheltered life” – he really got the biggest wake up call this season. I thought he would end up being evicted by his bad humor – I did not expect it to be due to his bad read on the house.

Terrance – 2 strips of Bacon – DJ SHOWTIME was a DJ DUD! Unlike some players that float to power, Terrance floated to the people being evicted. I expected him to go home as someone’s easy target which he did, I just did not expect him to make it to jury. His Dyre Fest week of power changed his game trajectory for a hot minute – but it did not last long.

Michael – 4 strips of Bacon – I got a lot right on Michael’s game. Originally I expected him to be the first out – which he almost was. But after talking to someone that knows him – they convinced me he would be a decent player and could make the FInal 6. No one expected him to become a legend – but he is. His downfall will always be him making safe moves rather than game changing moves when he was in power. Another lock to be back on BB or another show.

Alyssa – 5 strips of Bacon – need to pat myself on the back for this one again. She did everything I thought she would with one minor exception. I said she would need to get in with the right group. Well, she got in with a group – but they were not the right group. She did get into a showmance that carried her further than she would have on her own. Sadly though – she will be one of the players to come out of the season with a lot of regret.

Brittany – 1/2 strip of Bacon – I was sorta expecting her to be an early out – and with the Backstage Pass twist – it easily could have been her out week 1. So many other things happened that week including her actually being saved from the possibility of her being in jeopardy. If she knew week 1 that she had support outside of the house, she may not have been so mopey all year. She perked up her game acumen after Michael roasted her during the Double Eviction – but it was too late, people just never trusted her totally.

OK – so now we are down to the Final 3 – this is the order I am expecting them to finish. My prediction is Turner wins part 3 of the HoH – takes Monte with him – and somehow pulls out the win 5-4. He must own his game moves – not gloss over them as Michael worried about in the jury segment this week. If he does – hand the check to the Muffin Man. However – if Monte wins part 3 – he takes Taylor – and loses 8-1.

Taylor – 2 strips of Bacon – woah.. what a season this girl has had. Her peppy nature rubbed a few people the wrong way on day 1 – and as I mentioned in Paloma’s commentary – that set the tone for the season. Gamewise – she was not always the most savvy – but that was due to her being stifled and targeted. Once she was part of a solid alliance – she just went along with them most of the time. Her two HoHs look good on her resume – but if she does get to the final 2 chairs – that is not what will get her the win. In the worst case scenario – she gets America’s Favorite Player – a guest appearance on Bold & Beautiful – a sponsorship with Lay’s – and hundreds of other opportunities. It may not be $750K and the title – but she will use this experience to catapult her into a big career.

Monte – 0 strips of anything – While I have been riding the “Monte is in the best position in the house” all season – he really has not done enough to win the game. He was an integral part of the power alliances all season, and helped pull off the big move to get Michael out. There was nothing else though that really stood out. He has promised both Turner & Taylor he will take them to the F2 – so that’s a lost vote if he wins part 3. I thought he needed to win challenges to protect himself – but his social game did that more.

Turner – 1 strip of Tofu & 1 strip of Bacon – I thought he would need to win the first HoH to get people to work with him or he’d be an early boot. In fact it was the 3rd HoH that he won – and that did get him the allies he needed to get him further in the game. Like him or not – Turner saved the season by not being afraid to change the narrative of “Taylor’s a bitch” – and his HoH was pivotal. Otherwise this season really could have been even more painful.

The long, long road to Big Brother 25 starts tomorrow. But let’s enjoy one more day of the big sloppy mess known as Big Brother 24.

Who do you think will win? Who do you think will be AFP? What were your favorite moments of the season? Let me know in the comments section below.

THANKS to Matt & Big Brother Network for giving me the space to share my thoughts with all of you each week. Thanks to you all for reading all season long. I loved interacting with those of you that commented. Looking forward to bringing you this column for many years to come!!!!

For the last time this season – from outside the Big Brother house, I am Adam Poch – may all your bacon be tasty, and may all your tofu be in the garbage!



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