We’re in the final stretch of Big Brother 24 and things are about to get slooowww on the Feeds. Houseguests wrapped up their last event on Friday morning for the entire week and there won’t be more comps or spoilers until Thursday night’s live show. (Reminder: no Wednesday episode this week.) But there’s still plenty to discuss and debate for these HGs as they try to prepare for finale night.
On Friday the HGs faced the final Veto comp and Monte came up the winner. That means the second F3 spot is locked and he’ll be joining Taylor in the spotlight. One more seat to fill though and that’s now officially Monte’s vote.
Brittany and Turner are on the Block while Taylor sits in the HOH seat. Monte will have the choice to vote one of those two out and he needs to make the best choice for his game. Monte has already settled on that decision and made it clear on Friday’s Feeds.
Flashback to 11:53 AM BBT 9/16 on Cams 3/4 to find Monte alone in the backyard as he discusses his logic in the decision ahead. Monte explains that he knows there is a risk in keeping Turner as far as the comps, but he’s beat Turner several times recently and he believes in himself to do it again. “Do I believe Turner has a great resume? I do. Do I believe Turner is a great competitor? I do. But do I believe in myself? I do.”
Monte goes on to explain that he considers his risk of failing to reach F2 to be much lower if he keeps Turner. Whether Taylor or Turner win F3 HOH he’s feeling sure that both would take him, but he expects that if Brittany stays over Turner and then wins F3 HOH that she would take Taylor instead of him. He’s not wrong.
Taylor has been talking with Brittany and despite Brittany’s flipped vote last week Taylor still wants to keep her which makes sense. Taylor versus Brittany on finale night is a lock for Taylor. And really, any combination with Brittany would/should be a lock for that other Houseguest so you’d think maybe she’s desirable to keep around but there’s the obvious catch, Brittany isn’t taking anyone but Taylor if she has a choice.
Taylor has continued to tell Brittany that she’s working on Monte and she has been. Taylor keeps dropping subtle and not-so-subtle comments that Turner needs to go as the greater threat to both their chances of winning compared to Brittany. She’s right and Monte agrees, but as he noted above Turner is going to keep Monte so Monte wants to keep Turner too.
Meanwhile, I do believe Monte is right, that whether it’s Taylor or Turner, both would take him on to F2. Turner has based his gameplay on a lack of loyalty most season, but here I think he feels more comfortable next to Monte and he’d make that pick. But if it’s Brittany there in F3 then Monte has to win his way to F2 as both Taylor and Brittany would take each other, not him.
Monte is making the right move and his decision is settled, no matter how many sweet nothings Taylor puts in his ear over the next several nights. Both seem to be enjoying their near nightly hookups, but I don’t see Monte losing sight of the plan here.
When Thursday night rolls around Monte, as the Veto holder, will cast the sole vote and it’s going to be to evict Brittany. Our Final 3 for Big Brother 24 will be Monte, Taylor, and Turner. One of those three will be the winner of Big Brother 24. Who do you think that should be?