Big Brother 23 Spoilers: Weekend Roundup – Week 1

Frenchie and Brent on Big Brother 23

We’ve got all your latest Big Brother spoilers for everything on BB23 since Wednesday’s season premiere and it has been a busy few days. Going forward there will be live eviction episodes on Thursdays so we won’t have this long of a gap again. So let’s get you caught up on all the events and results from the Big Brother 23 Live Feeds the past few days.

Wildcard Competition:
The Jokers are safe but that leaves the Aces, Kings, and Queens in the danger zone. Each team sent in one player to fight for Safety and as long as the “big fish” didn’t win then Frenchie’s plans to evict would be safe. Ohh, wait, yikes, sorry Frenchie. Read who won the Wildcard Comp >>

Okay, so a change of plans it seems but look, Frenchie isn’t going to nominate any women because that’s not the game he’s here to play. He’s got a plan and he’s going to NOT nominate any women. Ohh, wait, yikes, sorry again Frenchie. Read who was nominated in Week 1 >>

Power of Veto Competition:
Right, so third time is the charm. We’ve got the “big fish” safe from eviction and Frenchie had to break his self-declared rules but at least now he’s got his backup target in the hot seat and nothing, NOTHING, will change… wait, what? So Frenchie had it all wrong?

Alright, so there’s a new target and as long as that HG doesn’t get picked, wait really? Okay, so long as that HG doesn’t win the Power of… WAIT, are you serious? Frenchie, maybe you should just head home at this point. Read who won the Power of Veto in Week 1 >>

Power of Veto Meeting:
So we think we know what will happen at the Veto meeting and Frenchie has yet another new plan. But that meeting doesn’t happen for another day and the way this house shifts there could be a lot of different changes between now and then, but we could be back to the original idea of a Jock heading out the door. Let’s just not give Frenchie any credit for falling backwards into things maybe, kinda working out after he fought so hard to mess it all up this week.

What do you think of this weekend’s Big Brother spoilers? Are you happy with the results or did you want someone else to pull off the wins? If you have our Big Brother App then you received alert notifications as these results arrived. If you don’t have it, then be sure to download our app now!



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