Big Brother 22: Nomination Anticipation in Week 6

Another Thursday down which means another Big Brother All-Star was evicted and another HOH comp took place in Big Brother house. Now it’s Nomination Day for week 6 of Big Brother 22 and there is potential for a little excitement this week!

With Dani in the HOH position this week, there really aren’t many nomination options that can happen here. She has mentioned in the past that she felt the next five evictees should be Tyler, David, Kevin, Christmas, and Ian. She told Day last night that she likes Kevin and she doesn’t see Ian as a threat.

You would think that meant she would target David, Christmas, or Tyler this week. She mentioned to Nicole that her plan is to nominate Kevin and David for eviction this week.ย She would target David and Kevin would be a pawn. Here’s the problem, David has the Disrupter Power which is going to force her to change one of her noms. So clearly he isn’t going on the block this week.

Here’s another problem, she also told Day that she feels bad for telling Kevin she wasn’t going to nominate him but plans to. So now Kevin is going to be on the block and her target for the week won’t be. This means she is either going to have to target someone else or she’s going to tick off the first Jury member of Big Brother 22.

Dani currently has no backup plan and won’t have time to consult with her alliance before naming another nominee. There aren’t many others she can take a shot at so I’m guessing that after David uses his power, Dani will nominate and target Ian this week. She isn’t going to take a shot at Christmas or Tyler and even if she does, she is going to try and BD them. Which won’t work out so well because Christmas has the Blocker power to stop that from happening.

Could we see all three powers flushed out in one week? Who do you want to see Dani name as her second nominee after David takes himself out of the mix?

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