Big Brother 22: Final Safety Suite Round Coming Up

Safety Suite on BB22

We’re down to the final round of the Safety Suite twist on Big Brother 22 as these All-Stars have one last shot at freedom from eviction for two. Of course, that isn’t something all of them can shoot for today so let’s take a look at what to expect.

Over the past two weeks, a lot of the HGs have swiped but not all of them, despite Memphis’s best efforts last week to make himself the only challenger in the Safety arena. Here’s who still has their VIP pass in hand:

  • Dani
  • Enzo
  • Memphis
  • Nicole F
  • Tyler

In the first week, we saw only Kaysar and Janelle use their badges and Kaysar won them both safety, but now that one-use turn is over and boy could they use it this round! Meanwhile, the past two evictees both failed to use their VIP passes and paid the price. We heard in a post-eviction interview with Keesha that she wanted to use her card in Week 1 when she saw Kaysar and Janelle go for it in the final moments of the countdown, but her card was downstairs and she couldn’t get there in time. Ouch!

Round two brought a lot of players to the field after Memphis encouraged everyone to play it because he wouldn’t promise safety ahead of time. That burned through a stack of players in the second week leaving us with just these few to go.

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Safety Suite comp kicked off just after 10AM BBT. Good luck with those lasers, HGs. #BB22

— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) August 21, 2020

This week’s Safety Suite challenge will have lasers (insert Dr. Evil here, right?) and that’s all I’ve got so far. The Feeds will go down for a few hours, the first of them being the hourlong countdown which is silly because they should all play with no future use of the card left and even sillier if we don’t get to watch that hour. Either way, expect it to last most the afternoon and then we’ll get the nominations later tonight. Shouldn’t be any surprises on those noms either. Tyler is targeting Janelle and Kaysar without a doubt.

Would any of these players save Janelle or Kaysar? Nope, not a chance. Memphis might act like it, but watch for him to throw this one hard. Memphis showed us last week that he isn’t here to make waves, or friends, or allies, or “things” I guess. If he had been more active last week I’d say maybe he wouldn’t but I highly doubt it.

Then you’ve got Enzo who threw an excellent hinky vote last night to keep NicA but that’s private, this would be public. Enzo is old school BB like Janelle & Kaysar, but he’s in a good spot now and although they’d keep him safe later I don’t see him sticking his neck out for them, do you?

Dani is playing a weird, weird game as though she wants to be the Queen of the New School HGs. She spends her days trashing Janelle alongside Franzel doing the same, so neither would save Janelle or Janelle’s closest ally.

As for Tyler, I assume he can play even though he’s HOH since there’s a bonus “Plus 1” safety feature to it. Also seems reasonable that the HOH might want to monopolize safety for the week and keep it away from others. So I expect he’ll be eligible to play, but don’t know for sure.

So there we go. Safety Suite this afternoon, Noms tonight, and Veto on Saturday. We’ve got a full plate of Big Brother Feeds ahead and spoilers to go with it. Stick with us and we’ll keep you updated on Big Brother 22!



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