Big Brother 17 Popularity Poll – Week 1

The Big Brother 17 Houseguests have been in the house for nearly two weeks and we’re knee deep in learning all about them on the Live Feeds and episodes. So who is taking the lead as a fan favorite? Time for this week’s BB17 Popularity Poll.

Big Brother 17 Memory Wall
Big Brother 17 Memory Wall – Source: CBS

Last week we asked for your early picks and Clay Honeycutt ran away with nearly 25% of the vote. Vanessa Rousso snagged second (11.7%) with Audrey Middleton not behind in third (10.2%).

Least popular? Liz Nolan at just 1.6% of the vote but nearly tied with Becky Burgess who pulled 1.7% from our readers. As for this week’s target, Jace Agolli, 2.7% of you are likely to be disappointed coming Thursday. Check out the full results from last week here.

Ready to see which Big Brother 17 Houseguests are up and who is down this for Week 1? Here’s your chance so vote away and support your favorites. Leave your comments below and tell us why your pick earned your vote.



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    • She was my pick this week mainly because she didn’t bow to Aud. The feeds may show her in a different light. I’ll find out if I made the wrong choice. Hope she keeps getting stronger.

      • Now that Vanessa is recovering from her breakdown, she is back on my radar as a player with talent. She has a lot of work to do to break into a meaningful alliance in a house already crystalizing.

      • I’m thinking if they can get the right alliances, then Vanessa, Becky & Shelli might pull it off because they are each unsuspecting under the radar types right now…

    • That and trying to get big players out like Jace, and I believe Austin/Liz is on his mind too…Who do you think has done a lot in a span of one week?…dude the guy is playing.

      • I like that he stuck with his guns and didn’t let the noise distract him from gunning for Jace. He did the right thing. I was afraid Jace would target James fearing him to be a solid competitor and least likely to make enemies.
        And I think he has Austin in his sites but I don’t get the feeds so not sure if another pot is boiling over yet (other than Aud).

      • Hey girl! I have read some of your comments and I have a feeling we’re on the same page?..Again! lol
        You don’t have feeds, but you’re on the usual.

      • Oh one more thing. I can understand the logic on keeping Audrey as their shield (gamewise) and let her go in due time.

      • I’m in agreement on that. If she’s busted in front of the whole house, I won’t worry so much about her influence as before. So yeah, we could keep her around a bit longer. But Jace is a big “get” so GOOD! “Bro Rule # 0: Put your big boy shorts on and leave like a boss!”

      • In my view he is getting played though. Jace most likely wouldn’t put him up. Now he has made enemies in Austin and Liz. Also he has taken away an important meat shield. After Austin goes he is the biggest challenge threat. Also his alliance doesn’t seem that solid. They will prob turn on him around final 7 or so. He did Davone Audrey and Jasons work for them.

      • It’s really too early to tell who’s gonna come out as the top dog here. At this stage of the game, he’s the early fave,(Polls) not necessarily the best player.

    • I dont feel anyone is really standing out yet as an appealing force. I voted for Clay, but only half heartedly. He’s just a decent guy.

      • Agreed, I haven’t been watching the feeds or anything, but nobody has really struck me yet. I do like Becky, but it could partly be because she’s a cute girl with no aggressive tendencies…

      • Becky is almost MIA, or maybe Aud is just soaking up the sun. There is hardly a moment that a cam isnt focused on Aud. But, what Ihave seen of Becky I really do like. She seems a decent and balanced person with a lot of good will towards the other hgs.

      • Yup, she may not be as noticeable as Donny, but I love just about anyone with a sincere heart and an award winning smile!

      • Come and listen to my story ’bout a man named James
        Hillbilly Asian lookin’ for a little fame
        Got a ride to California and his very own key
        He loaded up his suitcase and he moved to BB
        Big Brother, that is, swimming pools, raging fools

      • LOL. Thanks! I wish I could have heard that! Did you do it with your best hillbilly voice? I’m from Tn.,and we are referred to as hillbillies frequently. Many of those doing the referencing, mean it as an insult. I wear it with pride.:)

      • The best place to get a glimpse of “my country” is in the Smoky Mtn. Nat’l Park. We are going in a couple of weeks and plan to do our first mtn. zipline. That will be a view!

      • Ziplining..that’s so much fun. I did that last year, but not here in US. Do you know the length/height of the zipline?..ok I’ll look it up.

      • No, but it is called Climbworks, I think. It consists of a few ziplines together. I have no idea of length or height, but I think it takes about 2 hrs. top to bottom and a few lines. You enjoyed it, huh?

      • I’ll decide when I get more details. My shoulder is not in a good place at present and I don’t know how much stress would be on it. We’ll see..

      • You got “frozen shoulder” too? I’ve had that for a few months…been doing PT and doc says another month of that and I will be good to go again! haha

      • I hope so, Joni. I’ve heard of that. But, no, I have an impingement and a tear that I’ve had a few injections for, but my Dr. is hesitant to give me more. So I deal with it until I have elective surgery or I hurt it worse. I don’t want either.

      • That’s what “frozen shoulder” is…an impingement…I’ve not had any injections and my doc said if I didn’t do PT, I could require surgery, which I’m trying to avoid!

      • You should. Ours/US is more secured and comfortable I’m sure. Climbworks? I’ll look it up.

      • VIDEO!!!! HAHAHAHA If I’m up there, both hands will have a firm grasp of whatever they are meant to grasp.

      • Yes people say it with derogatory meaning, but I prefer to think of Hillbillies as salt of the earth who make a mean gumbo! And I defy anyone who says they didn’t love Jeb & family! ;)

      • Okras coming in. I love okra. Don’t get me started with my Gump rendition of okra. And yes, the Clampett’s were a hoot and a holler. LOL

      • I’m not sure who would make the best Gilligan, Steve or Jason, or who else would be better?

    • Doesn’t he even have the slightest clue how incredibly stupid he looks with that visor. That combined with him thinking he’s all that and his irrational hatred of Jace make me dislike him intensely.
      I disliked Jace at first but now I kind of feel for him due to alll the lies and hate directed directed toward him.

      • oh my bashing the poor guy’s choice in headwear? Granted I don’t like it when people choose ”camouflage” as a colour scheme, but I can see why it’s important to him…

  1. I love that Jackie and Jace are hugging the bottom. Is there a way to evict them both the week?

    • Finally, someone who agrees with me. I stopped watching after the first night. I’m getting more sleep, enjoying seeing my friends and talking with my super God daughter.

    • Oh its mild compared to some years. I remember not being able to follow a conversation for all the bleeping.

      • No it was CBS. That year it was hard for them to broadcast without the bleeps. They had like 6 sec delay.

      • The season with our favourite racist bunch was probably the worst for the potty mouth that I can remember in recent history… Still, it’s kinda annoying.

    • But have you notice, as soon as someone starts to say something related to the game, Pop goes to commercials. But they keep the swearing in that doesn’t bother me. I think I read last year their is a time delay, so they can cut to another camera. Bugs me!! Showtime was soooooo much better

  2. One thing I admire is how Jace is handling all this. He spent the night reading Proverbs, singing song. He says he feels hurt but not angry. That is an honest man. Emotionally speaking anger is often a cover for hurt. It takes a self honesty for a guy to say he is hurt instead of just getting angry and aggressive. Sorry he’s friend, but it’s still early.

    • I feel bad for him now. In the beginning he was getting on my nerves. I thought he was a jerk. Now I kind of want the house to flip and see the look on Audrey’s face.

      • Hey Lavendar, you know me I watch BB to be entertained. If that happens, count me in. I’m all for a must see episode. On a condition that Audrey gets away and flip it right BACK! LOL

      • Julie Chen..”Audrey with the votes of 9

        to 7…Audrey you are safe”..picture that..that’s crazy. lol…and the house divided

      • James is so onto Aud. And, he is so convinced that he wont easily be swayed. He will turn on her when the moment is right. I think James is emerging as the new string puller, and Aud’s sun is about to set.

      • Maybe Aud should have given the “roly poly” “camo a$$” a little bit more respect and credit.

  3. Da’vonne, Vanessa, Steve and John are my favourites so far! I think I’ll start liking Austin after Jace is gone because I like the duo of Austin and Vanessa.

    Plus, I want Jeff and Jackie gone yesterday!!

  4. Coming directly from Barney (the purple love dinosaur): “I love you … You love me … We’re a HAPPY fam-i-ly … ” ((smile))

  5. Voted for James. He stuck to his decision and actually talked to Jace very respectfully even when Jace started cussing so bad. Seems to have a good game plan.

  6. Sorry this is off-topic. What is the BB fan site with the conversation summaries in large blue print? I was on it yesterday and now cant find it. Thanks for the hand.

  7. Oh I’m saddened to see my early fan fave (Becky) down in last place… Does nobody like the cute girl with a great smile and (so far) no evil intentions to speak of? She may not be the drama queen that others are, but isn’t it nice to have somebody who isn’t on the show for the purposes of launching their own website or acting career?

  8. Clay is surprising me. I was not a fan after the interviews, and aside from his alliance/allegiance to Audrey, he actually seems pretty cool and seems to know alot about the game.

  9. Sigh. The two Texans are at the top. You people just don’t learn do you? (and btw I am from Texas so I can make fun of us).

  10. I have watched every season of bb.. This is by far the worst group ever! Julie Chen should be ashamed of herself and her husband’s network.. Time for me to stop watching! Lowlife scum this season!

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