‘Big Brother 15’ Spoilers: Week 9 HoH Endurance Competition Results

Julie Big Brother 15 Week 9 comp

Here we go! It’s time for a new Big Brother 15 Endurance HoH Competition! We just saw tonight’s eviction so it’s time to crown a new Head of Household AND find out which previously evicted HG will be returning to compete again in the game!

So here’s the deal: if you want to watch this competition live as it happens then you have to have your Big Brother Live Feeds up and running. If you don’t have the feeds then this is exactly when you need to sign-up with the free trial and see how they work. You’ll be able to watch everything live and uncut as it happens right along with us!

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Update: Here are pics from tonight’s competition! Click the thumbnails to see full sized.

Big Brother 15 Week 9 HoH Endurance Comp Results:

  • 6:55PM BBT – As the show ended, Jessie led with 2 balls.
  • 7:00PM BBT – Waiting for the Feeds to return.
  • 7:20PM BBT – Still waiting. Feeds back soon.
  • 7:25PM BBT – Feeds are back!
  • 7:26PM BBT – Jessie has 3. Elissa has 4.
  • 7:27PM BBT – McCrae & Spencer fell during the break.
  • 7:28PM BBT – Jessie & Judd catch another. He has 3 now.
  • 7:29PM BBT – Elissa caught a 5th. Amanda has 4.
  • 7:30PM BBT – Andy is down. GM, Elissa, & Amanda remain from reg HGs.
  • 7:35PM BBT – Feeds went to Trivia. It’ll be back soon.
  • 7:37PM BBT – Feeds back. Jessie falls. She cusses at Amanda & leaves.
  • 7:40PM BBT – Judd leads Jurors w/ 3. Candice & Helen have 2 each.
  • 7:42PM BBT – Crazy, mysterious visitor runs out to backyard yelling. Security chases him off. It was staged.
  • 7:47PM BBT – Jury status: Judd – 4, Helen – 3, Candice – 2.
  • 7:49PM BBT – Reg HG status: Elissa – 5, GM & Amanda – 4.
  • 7:55PM BBT – Helen sharing notes w/ Judd. Says GM tried to save her.
  • 7:56PM BBT – Aaryn announces GM lost a ball because it bounced first.
  • 7:58PM BBT – McCrae goofing around. He’s wearing prop baseball gear.
  • 8:01PM BBT – HGs get hit hard by balls. They shout & complain.
  • 8:05PM BBT – Elissa has 6. Judd leads Jury HGs w/ 4.
  • 8:06PM BBT – Helen falls!
  • 8:07PM BBT – Candice falls! Judd is back! Judd is back!
  • 8:09PM BBT – Judd catches another. He’s 1 behind Elissa & 1 ahead of Amanda
  • 8:12PM BBT – Judd says Jury was separated & couldn’t talk game off-camera
  • 8:13PM BBT – Elissa catches a 7th ball.
  • 8:14PM BBT – Visitor runs in again and gets chased out again.
  • 8:15PM BBT – Judd falls!
  • 8:16PM BBT – Amanda nearly falls but saves herself.
  • 8:17PM BBT – Whoa! Elissa falls off but catches an edge & swings back on!
  • 8:18PM BBT – Elissa has 8 balls.
  • 8:25PM BBT – Current stats: Elissa – 8, Amanda – 5, GM -3.
  • 8:30PM BBT – Elissa has 9.
  • 8:31PM BBT – Elissa catches number 10. Congrats, Elissa. You are the new HoH!
  • Watch what’s happening with the Live Feeds free trial!

Big Brother Live Feeds

Elissa wins HoH

Congratulations to Elissa. She is the new Head of Household! Her noms will be revealed late on Friday night and we should be in for an exciting week with her at the helm & Judd back in the game!

What do you think of tonight’s Big Brother 15 HoH results & Judd’s return?



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  1. I’m confused, will the juror who gets back in the game be HOH or is there another comp for that?

    • If a juror gets 10 balls first, they are back in the game AND they are HOH. If someone else gets it first, they win HOH and then the juror with 10 balls gets back in. Right?

    • Two comps at the same time. One for HOH and the other for jury person to return. all the same game.
      Results are in Elissa is HOH and Judd is back.

  2. Amanda – Dictator
    McCrae – Amanda’s Slave
    Andy – Amanda’s other Slave
    Helen – The other Dictator
    Elissa – Helen’s slave
    Aaryn – The other other dictator
    GinaMarie – Aaryn’s Slave
    Spencer – Human Sacrifice

    • That is hilarious!! That’s why I hope the returning juror wins HOH!! Ready to shake things up a bit!

      • My predictions:
        Jessie – Get brainwashed by Amanda
        Judd – Get brainwashed by Amanda
        Candice – Get brainwashed by Amanda
        Helen – Actually tries to evict Amanda

      • This Helen who passed with Judd two chances to evict Amanda? Jessie stood up for herself against both Helen and Amanda! I will take Jessie over Helen and Judd any day of the week!

      • IF Elissa doesnt take out Mc-Aman-dy, I will be done watching this season! At this point Aaryn and Judd are the best bet for Elissa to take Amanda, McCrae or Andy out. McCrae and Andy are both floaters. They need to fight to be there.

      • Actually the more accurate account would be unless someone comes back as HOH the juror is going right back out..Especially if its loser do nothings like Jessie or candace

      • Elissa will put up… Amanda… Aaryn… or Andy… then if one of them wins POV and takes themself off then the other will go… sooooo… one of the Mcranda 3 will go home… or should I say one of the 3AM group…. outta here!!!!

    • While almost everything you say is accurate I think Ellissa is Helen’s friend. Not a slave. The rest though is right on.

    • The first jury member to collect ten balls is back in the game, if the jury member is the first out of everyone to collect ten balls then they go back in the game and are also HOH.

  3. I am so overstimulated!! Will never get to sleep till I know!! I hope the returning juror wins HOH!! Don’t even care who it is!! Got to wake up in 7 hours for a long workday!! Boo!

  4. I’m hoping either Jesse or Judd comes back in and I don’t care who wins HOH as long is it leads to Amanda’s Eviction. How nice would it be to finally be rid of the 2 biggest manipulators Hellen and Amanda!

  5. Hey, wikipedia says Judd and Elissa are both HOH. Is there any way for them that to be true? Has anyone been able to get live feeds back or is it most likely that someone just posted that?

      • Oh, how I hope. I really want Jessie, Candice or even Helen to return. It looked like Jessie was doing well before the show ended. FINGERS CROSSED ON ANYONE BUT JUDD!! XXXXX

      • No, I said is there any way for it to be true. I’m REALLY hoping that Jessie, or Candice(or even Helen) wins out of the jurors. I meant that I didn’t want Judd to be the winner. Sorry for the confusion. :)

  6. I am wondering if they won’t show the competition on the feeds. The might not want to show the exit of jurors. So we might just come back to a house with the HOH and return-ee decided

    • That could be. But they could have the live feeds until it’s over then go to fish for a few minutes while the jurors go.

  7. Why are the feeds taking so long tonight? Usually we can watch a few minutes after the show ends. WTH

  8. I was hoping the jury comp was done before the HOH and whoever won was in the back yard waiting for them.

    • Oh I like the way it’s taking place where the house guests will be distracted by what’s happening right next to them!

  9. What happens if everybody falls before catching 10 balls?
    Ex. everyone falls but one houseguset, but that houseguest can’t catch enough balls and falls before reaching 10?

  10. Can’t wait to see who wins HOH. I’m hoping it’s the jury member! Preferably Helen or Jessie because they’d go against McCranda.

  11. Doesn’t look like the feeds are coming back until after the comp is completed. What a waste of momentum CBS!

  12. So, the winner will be HoH even if it’s a juror. And if a HG wins HoH then the jurors keep going to see who gets back in? Does that sound right?

  13. I loved the look on Amanda’s face when Julie told them about one of the jury was coming back in. The color drained from her face and you could see the wheels spinning. I’m rooting for Jessie to get back in and also win HOH. I don’t think Helen could get anyone to go with her to evict Amanda.

    • Somehow I doubt she was afraid of loser ass Jessie Or loser ass Candace who lost in true do nothing style…Not at all surprising considering they were already loser do nothings…..Common sense dictates unless Judd or too much plastic surgery and botox elyssa wins HOH he will just be going right back out

  14. Elissa needs to be HOH this week. I need her to get a Pandora’s Box so she can switch with Rachel for a day.

  15. You’re all saying for the past few weeks you wanted her out but you want her back in?

  16. Elissa needs to win HOH and Helen needs to get back into the house. Then Amanda and McCrae go up and if one wins veto Andy is the renom.

  17. It’s not surprising why Amanda is doing relatively well in this competition. She is good at grabbing and twisting balls.

  18. I am freaking out!! My heart is pounding, constant refreshing of bbnetwork, and chanting..must be the Big Brother Syndrome. Lol.

  19. OMG my worst nightmare Elissa in the lead. Fall Elissa fall!!!!! I’m going to need quite a few cocktails if she wins.

      • I don’t want Amanda to win either but there will be no room in the house if Elissa wins. And gee guess what GM was one behind and I wondered why they went to trivia and when they came back they took a ball away from GM. Productions gotta make sure Elissa wins.

      • lol. I do agree that Elissa isn’t my first choice, but she is waaay better than Amanda in this case. Now if Elissa leaves after she helps re-balance the house then I’m ok with that. :)

      • Are you absolutely certain? That kind of blatant fixing is a serious thing to accuse them of.

      • Oh I think you’re wrong on this one. The show tells a different story….looks like a lot of people have agreed to target McCramdy this week.

      • Now that Elissa won I think she will play personal. And wow her head is going to be so big there will be no room in the house for anyone else. She already thinks she’s entitled and talks down to everyone so can’t wait to see how she acts now that she’s HOH. Watch how far McManda crawls up her butt. She will definitely nominate Aaryn. She’s all she talks about even today right before the live show she was telling McCrae that Aaryn has to go. She’s stupid if she keeps McManda in the house and deserves to go next.

      • They all would (based on the show’s highlites of what they talked about in the jury house). The only person who might not would be Candice, but I don’t think she stands a chance of winning this comp.

    • Hoping she gets nailed by a ball in the face and falls off the platform, and yells “noooooo…niiiiiiiiiiiick!”

  20. this is the slowest competition!!! these balls are being thrown to slow. they should have just had them coming nonstop then more ppl would have fallen! LOL

  21. Haven’t posted in a while (because I haven’t had anything to say). But, woohoo! GO ELISSA! She needs to win this week.

      • I don’t know….lemme recheck that one episode on King of Queens that had something similar occur.

      • Lawls, I know man as I was just flexing my sarcasm on my that comment.

        Besides, That Visitor thing was just a reference to fans running onto the feild during games in MLB…..brain fart on that one.

      • Oh my bad. Just realized you were referencing the King of Queens episode when Doug brings Arthur to the Mets game and ends up on the field. There was an episode of Yes, Dear when the “Greg” character broke into the big brother house because “Jimmy” was on the show. It featured cameos by some of the Big Brother 3 cast.

  22. Go Elissa! I’m hoping she wins HOH and Helen comes back! If this happens the house will be turned upside down!

    • Better yet, why not just have Helen (or a jury member) win it? That way it’s a better way to go after Amanda!

  23. Reading joker updates. Is it true that Elissa and GM are being pounded with water while Amanda has no water on her?

  24. Judd already thanked everyone for getting rid of Helen. Yup Mccranda have it in the bag with him.

      • I think Jessie telling him Helen was behind his eviction, then his alliance evicting Helen, he probably thinks they got reveng for him,

    • I’m starting to think production made him win because he would go align with Amanda because the producers rig everything for her except comps.

  25. I want amanda to win, go amanda go, put elissa on the block and get her skanky ass out of the house

  26. I wonder if Amanda looses this competition if she will run hide behind the garbage can again?

  27. I don’t understand the VILE attacks against Elissa. So what you don’t like Rachel, her season was 2 years.

    • Elissa’s a snob thats why alot of ppl dont like her but compared to the rest of the cast shes not that bad XD

    • It’s not because of Rachel. I actually liked Rachel. Elissa thinks she’s better than everyone else. Think she’s entitled and is just rude and a bitch. She talks down to everyone even her best friend Helen.

      • I also liked Rachel, and concur anyone with feeds should know how horrible a person Elissa is.

  28. I want to so badly tell Elissa “Girl you got this.. You are 3 ahead so take your time”. She can do this… She needs to use here Yoga patience..

    • No she’s a wasted HOH because she will play personal. You watch she will not go after McCrae/Amanda. She was already telling McCrae this afternoon she wants Aaryn out. She’s stupid if she don’t work with Aaryn and GM to get McManda out. She deserves to go next if that’s her big move.

  29. if suddenly there appears a mish mash of letters and symbols in a box from me–then I have seriously flaceplanted on the kepboard. I am not responsible for what my fat chugby cheeks, lipless mouth and baby nose says.

  30. When Amanda almost fell she had one foot still on the platform and when Elissa fell both feet left the platform. She should be out. But like elissa said yesterday I’m Rachels sister and there not going to let me leave. (meaning production) What a cheater.

    • did you she say that on the live feeds? She makes me sick not only because the is Rachels sister, but while is is not as vulgar as the rest, she does say some nasty things about people int he house. And she cries and says she will walk? Then when she won the veto she wanted to play the game hard. If Rachel and her were not related, Rachel would have already moved her out of the house. She is not a good player at all.

      • Yes on the live feeds yesterday she was talking to Aaryn in the HOH room and talking down to her saying you guys are stupid and I don’t care what anyone says and these people mean nothing to me and when Aaryn told Elissa if she wouldn’t of won POV she would of been gone and Eissa said no I wouldn’t of they are not going to let me go I’m Rachels sister. I just watched with my mouth open and couldn’t believe how arrogant she is.

  31. Yes I knew she could do it.. Yay Amanda is going on the block.. Sweet… The best thing to happen tonight…. and I even had a chocolate cake earlier and Elissa getting HOH is even better than that. BYE BYE Amanda….

    • I wish but you’re so wrong. Elissa will play personal and try to get Aaryn out instead of McManda.

    • its kind of tricky… if you put them both up then if Amanda wins shes off, if you don’t there could be a possibility that she wont be picked for the comp (if production stays out of it) and backdoor Amanda, they have the votes you need to put up Andy and McCrae and hope Amanda is not picked and wins Veto, that way you have at least one possible vote in Andy or McCrae on the hot seat.

  32. Elissa may have won HOH but Amanda is going is going to win the game. Its been rigged by producer Grodner.

  33. If Helen could have hung on, that would have been perfect..oh, well, guess half of my wish is better than nothing! Elissa, take Helen’s advice and put up Amanda!

    • Put up Amanda and McCrae. It is a perfect time to test Judd too! Judd would be the swing vote! That is why both McCrae and Amanda have to be on the block. Andy as renom to guarantee one of Amanda’s die hards get evicted! Preferably, Amanda herself!

  34. I almost threw up when I thought Elissa fell off but YAY cannot wait for Amanda to scramble and to feel like what it’s like to be in danger!

    • How long do you think it will take for Amanda to get in Elissa’s ear and tell her who to put up? I don’t think Amanda will be running this HOH for a change.

  35. I hope Elissa requested a new hoh mattress. There is no way in hell, I would sleep on the one that is there.

  36. I hope she put exactly amanda and mccrae, even if she wants andy or aaryn out, they need to be backdoored

  37. I can’t believe they didn’t call Elissa out…she had 0 feet on the platform. I’m glad she won though.