Big Brother 13 Top 10 Events – Part 1

Big Brother 13 wraps up this week with the Wednesday finale show which makes this the perfect time to look back over the season. Today we’ll go through the Top 10 BB13 events, numbers 10 through 6, and then tomorrow I’ll wrap it up with our countdown to the biggest event of the Big Brother season.

#10: Return of the Vets

Big Brother 13 Vets return

When CBS released only 8 names and faces in late June we knew something was up. Sure enough on premiere night in they walked. Brendon & Rachel, Evel Dick & Daniele, and Jeff & Jordan. It all seemed to be a half-cocked All-Stars season attempt. With the numbers against them the Vets should have been crushed by the Newbies. In fact, I’d wager the whole Golden Key twist was designed to protect the Vets (and productions’ investment) from being entirely picked off from the start. Didn’t work out that way, did it?

We’re still a few days from finding out if the one remaining Veteran can come out on top or if the Newbies will reclaim this season for their own.

#9: Donna Martin graduates… and then pays a visit

Big Brother 13 Adam shocker

It was silly. It was pointless. But come on, who didn’t see this coming? From the start HG Adam Poch announced his obsession with “Beverly Hills 90210” and Tori Spelling, who played Donna Martin for those blissfully unaware. If he wasn’t praising Dingo, he was talking about Tori so when Julie Chen announced an upcoming celebrity visit and Allison Grodner tweeted one HG would be very happy the outcome seemed obvious. Adam might not get to check off winning Big Brother on his bucket list, but meeting Tori Spelling is done.

There was no impact on the game from this event, just brainless entertainment and sometimes that’s good enough. Well, at least it’s good enough to claim the #9 spot.

#8: Evel Dick Donato vanishes in to the DR

Big Brother 13 Evel Dick

He came. He saw. He walked in to the Diary Room and was never seen again.

Evel Dick’s presence in Big Brother 13 turned in to the biggest tease when this fan favorite left the game just hours before the show’s premiere broadcast and the Live Feeds turned on. Production managed to stretch out his stay for a full week but for the online Feed viewers, he was never part of the action. Heck, you can’t even vote for him as America’s Favorite!

While we will never know just what happened or why Evel Dick had to leave, we can always speculate this would have been a very, very different season with his hand in the mix.

#7: Regulators were regulated

Big Brother 13 Regulators

Hey, let’s make a deal. If we’re ever on the block, then we’ll promise to vote out our partners. You watch my back, I’ll watch yours. And if that doesn’t work out, then let’s promise to fall like a row of dominoes and be the first four evictees this season. Goooo Stooges Regulators! Worst alliance evah or just the most poorly executed plan of the season? Well, I don’t know about that second part, that might belong to another stop on our countdown.

So what happened here? Keith, Cassi, Dominic, and Lawon, the self-dubbed alliance “Regulators.” All gone. And if you discount Brendon’s original eviction, then the Regulators managed to be the first four fully evicted from the season. These four were supposed to stick together, work the house, and secure their Golden Keys. Perhaps that illustrates the Newbs overall issue with the Vets situation. They considered partial defeat (losing their supporting partners) as an acceptable compromise. Perhaps if they had pulled all the Newbies together, not just half, and vowed to fight (and vote) together and compete little harder we might not be looking at the same Big Brother landscape.

#6: House fight!

Big Brother 13 Kalia and the house fight

Matt Hoffman said it was a moment straight out of his bestseller book “How To Hold Your Own In A Brenchel House Meeting™.” I called it, “finally something to watch on the Live Feeds!” The Big Brother 13 house became self-aware on July 27, 2011 at 12:50PM BBT. At 1:20PM BBT the HGs realized they were competing for a half-million dollars and the viewers wanted their pound of flesh. Aaaaand fight!

For whatever reason, Kalia decided it would be worth engaging Brendon in an argument which soon boiled over in to a full-on house battle royale. For a good hour plus the HGs crowded inside the kitchen, pointed fingers of blame, yelled, accused, enjoyed a pudding pack, and exposed everything going on with Daniele’s manipulation of the Newbies. Favorite line of the event, “Rachel, you’re an idiot.”

This house fight drew the lines in the sand. From here there was no going back. Daniele had been cast out from the Vets alliance in to the wilderness to start again. First stop on that journey: getting her new partner, Dominic, evicted. Luckily her next stop was smarter: winning the endurance competition and setting up a three-week run of power.

Bonus highlight from this event: After the dust settles and the arguments are over, Lawon decides to step up to the Festivus pole and declare he’s “playing this game for himself” and “starting tomorrow, you m*-f*’ers better watch out!” The house responds in laughter. Oh, Lawon. Don’t worry, we have a spot for you coming up.

There’s our first half of Big Brother 13’s Top 10 Events. Now read the rest of the Top 10 countdown, but in the meantime debate away on what makes your own top moments from the season.



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  1. I think they should of had the $500k cash in a glass window so all could see and be reminded why they were there.

    Would of been good modivation for the newbies to play a different game in the beginning :)

    • P.S the vets always knew why they were there and did not need the cash visible to know their goals. Just seems the newbies lost focus and did not think they could of made it to the end without the vets.

      I totally agree that the golden key was to prevent if the newbies got their act together it was to save some of the vets :)

      • Golden keys or not, vets won the first three HoH’s. The vets were the ones to really ensure their safety and not getting picked off one by one despite not having the numbers, not golden keys. Golden keys were excuses for people like Porsche to do nothing, and then who knows what her excuse was from day 28-50 to go into a coma.

        Bottom line, the vets play was the biggest reason they stayed, or does anybody think all three of those HoH competitions were “fixed”? Maybe the newbies putters were made of something different so they couldn’t win the golf competition…

      • Oh yea, for sure I can agree with that. Kind of a safety net they put in place but didn’t end up needing as much as they thought.

      • i think the golden keys are the worse idea BB has come up with in all the seasons they have been playing….

    • i dont feel sorry for anyone in the jury house…. they are all getting nice salaries for being there doing nothing…..

  2. I am sure this has to be in the top ten events, but MY favorite moment of the season was when Big Jackass “Got got”. LOVED IT!!!!!

      • Dani always had that evil look on her face while playing the game then when she got evicted it was how dare they do this to me. She was never a good player. Always playing to the cameras.

    • I agree Becky, that was the highlight of the season for me too, when the great mofu was evicted. It was awesome.

      • And all Porsche did was give Jordan that experience too….so whats your point? And Dani gave Brendon the experience of what it was like to be evicted twice. And Lawon channeled his inner Marcellus and gave the viewers a great bonehead experience that we haven’t experienced in a while.

      • dani threw a fit when she was on slop…i was glad to see her go..i thought she felt like she was better than everyone

      • Um yea…I was kidding/being sarcastic, Irony. And I made no mention of Jordan, so sure, she was given a new experience too. What’s your point now? I guess all Jeff comments have to be tied/linked to Jordan and vice versa right…

      • No, Nadine. I believe Jeff is only one in house who really can claim that name. He “brays” like a donkey and it was his dumb butt who actually put himself out of game by throwing his clown shoe out.

      • Look Dani took some risks and like all risks, you can have someone backdoor you and you’re gone. I think Shelly is the biggest A$$ of the season! She flipped and flipped and flipped and was so in awe of the nets. Play to win for yourself. Next season, no vets, just newbies!

      • Becky, it’s pretty odd that you blame the clown shoe incident on dumbness. It was sheer bad luck and nothing more. He had his first clown shoe way ahead of the others, he would’ve smoked that competition if not for the bad luck. I don’t see ‘dive in and throw balls around/out to clear the way to find the shoe’ as a bad strategy. Sometimes things just don’t pan out and bad luck enters the picture.

      • Nothing to do with luck at all, MJ. HE is one who threw the shoe out. The big dummy did it all by himself.

      • What the hell are you talking about…

        Nevermind, this won’t go anywhere. Bottom line that wasn’t dumbness, whatsoever, it was an accident. I guess you’re always perfect.

      • i plan on tweeting jeff for the next few months saying ‘CLOWN SHOE’… it was dumb… he sould have looked when he didnt find it in the box… he should have known it had to be somewhere….

      • I find it funny that when Jeff went out bc he didn’t fine his clown shoe, it was his dumb move who put himself out of the game, however, dani DID PLAY IN A VETO COMP FOR HERSELF AS WELL therefore she was NOT backdoored!! and she too could have saved herself and she is also who put herself out of the game all bc she could not put the zing bots wife back together again…so i guess she should have been smarter and put the puzzle together faster! It is ALL her fault as well! I am just saying it goes both ways, you can’t just say that for jeff and not danielle! is dani’s dumb moves that have both she and jeff in the jury right now, so we can all thank her for the boring three that we have right now minus rachael! Go jeff for America’s favorite player, and Rach for the win!

  3. The Big Brother house is not rehab. Glad ED left – watching him detox on national television would not have been a pretty sight.

    • Sorry the above posting is in the wrong place. This is what I meant to say: Did anyone else hear the rumor that the reason ED left the show was because he was caught smoking an illegal substance in the BB bathroom?

      • Just an educated guess here, but I don’t even think they’d let him enter the house with something like that. I would imagine they check bags, make sure nobody brought their cell phones, etc. So I also find that rumour hard to believe.

      • I don’t know if that is true or not but I think it is completely feasable.
        I never did buy the story about a loved one needing him. If this were true it wouldn’t have taken 7 hours for them to inform the houseguests that he had left. I always thought that something more sinister must have happened.

      • Can you not believe that he had an emergency of a family member that he choose to attend to!!

        Shame on you for trying to make more out of it then what it is without proof. I am sure he was offered $25k along with the other vets and he gave that up to do the right thing when a family member was in dire straits!!!

        Go back to reading tabloids and UFO’s are among us!!!

      • They always check bags. The bags that they take out on eviction night are just a small part of what they take in. The big bags are in the storage room. The HG that doesn’t get evicted gets to take their luggage back and unpack.

        That’s why, after the fast forward comp, you saw Jordan and Rachel packing Jeff’s stuff, since he didn’t have time to pack.

      • ED had a tweet about feeling better after a surgery. Gallbladder if I’m not mistaken. My cousin had a gallbladder surgery that was pretty sudden, put a halt in her travel plans. Maybe this was a cover-up, or there was more reason than just this for his exit, but nobody’s even talking about this being at least part of it.

    • ACTUALLY…..

      – When first inside, he went straight to HOH room
      – Hours went by, before PROD announced he left
      – He stated that everyone was fine – no emergencies

      – I also heard he had a drug-addiction problem
      – There are plenty of places to hide that stuff
      – All is speculation now, the truth loves to hide

      ….and theres no need to hide a health concern :)

      • @mj, the gallbladder surgery was very recent, he has not been doing his dick at nite show bc he had to have the gall bladder removed, still no clear answers as to why he left the who, just wahted to let yu know…

  4. #1 favourite moment of the season…*drum roll*…
    …Kalia gets evicted. That is all.

    What? Sorry, I know that was anti-climactic, but that was the moment I knew I’d be ok with anybody winning, and the moment I knew I could stop flipping the bird to my TV set like I felt compelled to whenever her face was on it. I think that’s pretty priceless.

    • Haha, my favorite moment was when she realized she was going home a few days before and she was a crying, whining, begging, pathetic mess.

      • Lol MJ, yeah, I quit yelling at my tv & having to fast-forward thru bbad. I guess those who thought Rachel was so mean to her missed all the bashfests by K/P/D & K’s remark of no crying in the bb house. Seemed the only thing biiger than her mouth was her head…ie, the black queen remark.

  5. I actually hope that the exit comments of Rachel come back to cost her $500k. It does not appear that it will turn out that way because she will have the vets votes.

    No reason for it and is not smart game play!!

    One thing about BB is that once you become arrogant you get burned. Just look at Jeff :)

    • That…I don’t agree with. I don’t feel Jeff was arrogant, and I say that without bias. I can point out things he didn’t do the greatest, but that’s not one. Everyone seems to share this sentiment and I kind of shake my head at it.

      • he would have had the votes if he hadnt attacked shelly right before the voting…. sooooo….. i agree….once you become arrogant you get burned. Just look at Jeff :)

      • I highly doubt that his confrontation with Shelly is what costed him her vote. She was going to vote against him that night no matter what, because she got it in her dumb head that she had a ‘big move’ up her sleeve. Her delusional mindset ‘got her got’ the very next eviction.

    • I agree….everyone says Rachel is a great competitor but seem to forget that she doesn’t even try to compete in the social aspect of the game…..the part that gets you the 500k….lol.

  6. My funny highlights (off the top of my head) was:

    -Rachel crying in the bushes like an idiot…lol
    -Jeff & Jordan debating and trying to pronoune “mischievous”
    -Lawon thinking he was going to returm to the game with “special powers” wtf
    -Shelly not knowing what avacado, coconut water, or gauca-MOLE is
    -Jordan’s humiltard. It was cute on her, but the “dunce” hat suited her perfectly

    • LOL @Rachel crying in the bushes. I was laughing and at the same time can’t believe she did that. BUT Cowlia topped that with her DR whining/crying…WHYYYY? This is so unfairrr! I am an intelligent and smart woman! (Um, yeah, keep saying that maybe it’ll come true. MAYBE).

  7. Matt(BBN), Thanks for continuing to entertain us with your hilarious blogs especially now that bbad has become a 3hr long rummy game…at least they are awake :). #10 Loved the vets coming back & initial reactions by the newbs. The irony, out of D/D, J/J & B/R, with Dick’s early exit & Dani’s great game move, we’re left muttering “can’t believe I’m rooting for Rachel” lol. Love ya Rach, win this game already! GO R! #9 Glad Adam got to meet TS, great moment! #8 LMAO, he came, he saw , he vanished into DR…can’t help but wonder what a difference ED would have made or if he could have kept Dani from jumping ship too soon (sigh).
    #7 Loved the Regulators, esp C & D…too bad the wrong partners got the keys bc I think these two really wanted to play, not just sit around
    #6 Wish I could have had feeds to see the unedited fights…this one looked like a doozie. Wanted to see more of the JH time, too.
    More than anything I would love to see interviews of hg’s after they’ve gotten to watch this season & see those reactions.
    Can’t wait for finale & truly hope Rachel has this win… she really played hard the entire game & is an incredible competitor.

  8. Matt-
    Great job as always. You make the slow times, and really suspenseful times of the summer much more enjoyable.

    You may have to change your name though, seeing as some people don’t realize that more than one person can have the same name, (and because I don’t think Matt Hoffman would change his!) Looking forward to the last 5 top events tomorrow!

    Speaking of looking forward, what are you hoping for next year? I sort of like the idea of a “loser” season, picking from the first 4 evicted houseguests from previous seasons, but I bet CBS wouldn’t be too excited about that ratings wise.

    All Star seasons are fun, but maybe just a regular new people summer, without any returning visitors (Jesse) would be nice too. What do you think?

      • Matt Hoffman was HILARIOUS this season, and pretty much said the un-politically correct things to say…He said what the majority thinks but are too afraid to say…that in a nut shell is what is wrong with this country as a whole! Everyone is afraid they will “offend” someone. GAG! I’d rather you tell me I’m a fat ass then say oh you have such a pretty face…screw that! (anyone that has some extra pounds has heard this one plenty of times…it’s the polite way of saying go on a diet fatass and you’ll get laid!) I for one LOVE that Matt says exactly what he wants…same reason I adore Rachel. Rachel may not think things completely through before saying them, and even at times seems to get lost in the middle of saying them too :) but no matter what you think about her you have to give her that she is completely 100% true!

        GO RACHEL GO!!!
        Matt Hoffman should return every season to delight us with his on spot play by plays of the houseguests events :) Love ya Matt!

  9. Rachel crying in the bushes was the funniest thing in the whole season, along with jeff getting evicted.

  10. Dani should have just told the vets..Look, you all have a partner but me..I want to take on PT as my partner…all of you have one and my dad left, so it’s only fair….imo it would have made alot of sense.

    • She did. Rachel listened for a little while, but said Dom had to go anyway. (imo Brenda was a little threatened by PT’s good looks and charm….maybe even a little jealous.)

    • That was the plan, and everything was fine until Dani hatched the plan to backdoor Jeff. Then everything just blew up in her face.

  11. I can’t wait for part 2. I’m definitely hoping that Rachel’s crying-in-the-bush antics make the list. That was the singular best moment of the season.

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