Diary Room: Judd Daugherty Wraps Up Week 7 Of Big Brother 16
I’m back again to give you my random thoughts on what has been happening in the BB house and what we have watched on the show. I have to admit that after the episode ended […]
I’m back again to give you my random thoughts on what has been happening in the BB house and what we have watched on the show. I have to admit that after the episode ended […]
Finally Big Brother 16 is getting interesting! I think this is around the time every season when I really decide who I want to root for. Unfortunately everyone I root for gets evicted so should […]
Where do I even begin with this! Wow this is when things get real in the Big Brother house. I have to start by saying that I was very upset that Amber was evicted last […]
Well I have been finally catching up on Big Brother after not watching the feeds or ‘After Dark’ for a bit. I thought I knew immediately who Frankie and Zach would put up as soon […]
Well what can I say this week on Big Brother has been a bit like the others I mean we have the same people basically going on the block every week. I am ready for […]
It sure has been another crazy week in the Big Brother house! I feel like I watch it different this year than I did before. I get nervous, excited, anxious, annoyed with the players like […]
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