‘Big Brother 16’ Diary Room: Judd Daugherty Updates Us On Week 4

Well what can I say this week on Big Brother has been a bit like the others I mean we have the same people basically going on the block every week. I am ready for the twist to end now but I’m sure we have another couple weeks left of it so we will see how it pans out. But before I get too ahead of myself let’s go back to nominees and the Battle of the Block competition.

Judd Daugherty on Big Brother
Judd Daugherty on Big Brother – Source: CBS

Last night on Big Brother 16, we saw Frankie put up Jocasta and Amber and Cody put up Brittany and Victoria (yawn). It looks like Cody and Amber have been getting closer so I am a bit surprised that he didn’t try to keep her off of the block, however I cannot say enough IT’S WAY EASIER PLAYING FROM MY COUCH THAN BEING IN THE BIG BROTHER HOUSE. Who knows. Maybe Cody is afraid that Caleb will come after him soon. I mean, he was freaked out when Amber closed the door but I have to admit that was pretty funny.

Anyways we see the Battle of the Block and Amber won the competition this week which I am glad. Amber has really been growing on me as a player this past week, I mean I’ve always liked her because she is sexy as hell and a really nice person and not to mention she is from my area so all of those are plusses. But now she is really starting to play the game and even though she is making major mistakes (like trusting Christine) at least she is playing. I love how on the Live Feeds the other night she told Derrick that she is just going to keep winning competitions if they are going to put her up every week. I like when a player gets that fire in them like that.

After Amber’s win we hear Jocasta speaking in tongues which may be odd to a lot of people but I grew up in a Pentecostal church so I have heard that before. I have never heard someone speak in tongues outside of church however and definitely not seen someone do that just when they get something they want. I love Jocasta. I think she is hilarious but it always gets on my nerves when the token religious person acts like God cares about Big Brother… Sure he cares about the players as people but there’s way more important things going on in the world than a Big Brother competition!

I am glad that both Jocasta and Amber are safe this week but I really don’t want to see Brittany go this week! I definitely like Caleb better than Devin but it would have been genius to vote him out last week while they had the chance and Devin had NOBODY in the game. I’m sure Caleb is a cool guy but I think that it would be a very good move for Cody to get him out this week even though I would like to see Caleb make it to jury. I am not sure if they are wanting to play the Big Brother Olympics and compete against the biggest physical threats and make things harder on themselves or what! We have to remember that they do not see what we see.

It looks like Victoria won the Veto in the PoV competition so she will be safe this week and I’ve been hearing talks of Donny or Caleb going up as the replacement nominee. I really don’t want Donny on the block against Brittany!! I know that it may be a smart move to get Donny out because he is such a likable guy and is really good at competitions but I wish they would wait a little longer haha. They also have more punishments which always seem to be entertaining. Nicole has ANOTHER costume which must suck given that she was dressed as a frog all of last week. Caleb won $5000, Cody gets kicked in the ass which is a little bizarre, Zach won a trip to Germany (random), and Brittany chose to make all those goals so she can compete in the next veto competition (if she’s still there).

I love that Donny, Derrick, and Frankie are making such easy money but come on they could have literally put up anyone and justified why they were putting them up and passed the task. I wish Donny would speak up a little more and stop letting Frankie and Derrick run the Team America. I really wish that America could have voted for who they wanted them to put on the block or at least push the HOH to put them on the block and pass the task only if the person America wanted on the block went up on the block and I also wish that America could control their vote. I think that would really shake up the game a lot and I know that could mess with their games a bit but I mean it is a Big Brother task, if they think it would hurt them they could always fail it.

Hopefully this twist will be over soon and also I hope team America either goes away or gets a bit more challenging. I am stoked to see how the rest of this Big Brother 16 week pans out and even more excited to see who wins the next HOH.

Be sure to keep up with Judd online:
INSTAGRAM @juddnationbb15
My website is juddnation.com (lots of videos with alumni – more to come)
Find me on Beamly

Also check out www.heartsofreality.com and check out the charity and donate under different reality tv personalities at the bottom of the page. It’s for a great cause which is Give Kids the World which will take place in Orlando at the end of the July.




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  1. Zach won a trip to Germany (random) – perhaps its because Germany won the World Cup. Also why Nicole is wearing a Germatard… as in Germany… not like Germs…

  2. This cast of BB16 are very much predictable, they do whatever Detective Derrick wants them to do, I am beginning to wonder if some of these HGs have cranium disorder, they can’t think for themselves but just follow orders. Why are these people in this game if they can’t make their own decision and stick to it instead of doing whatever it is to please the house, the most ideal thing to do is to either put either Caleb, Derrick or Zach on the block and let them feel the heat of being sent home for a change, yes Caleb and Zach have been in the block once, then why not put Derrick in the block instead they are gunning for Donny or Brittany. Donny and Brittany are no threat to the other HGs, but they don’t see it because they are all afraid of Detective Derrick. I am beginning to hate my summer because of these soft HGs ruining it for me.

      • yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (got an idea how i feel about derrick?)

    • I love it. For once we have a good player. Let not blame him for playing the game right. That’s what BB is all about.

  3. Once you learn that God doesn’t exist and all religions are founded on total bullshit then you can take a step back and have a huge laugh at people like Jacosta, clearly pushed to the brink of insanity through religious brainwashing…

  4. Im pretty sure that Jocasta is pregnant. .and knew it when she came into the BB house. …..

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