Well I have been finally catching up on Big Brother after not watching the feeds or ‘After Dark’ for a bit. I thought I knew immediately who Frankie and Zach would put up as soon as they won a HOH. I just knew it would be Victoria Amber Jocasta and Donny I actually had tweeted that I think. Leave it to Zach to surprise me!

I was so glad that Zach mixed things up for Big Brother 16 and put Christine and Nicole on the block. Nothing against either lady, it’s just that I have been ready for things to be shook up a bit. Nicole and Christine won battle of the block which dethroned Zach.
Amber is from my area and I love her so much on the Live Feeds and show and just when I feel like she is showing who she is on the show they want rid of her… I was really hoping during the POV competition that someone would win who would keep the nominations the same and we would hopefully see Victoria leave this week or ever better yet someone use the veto and send that beast mode CRAZY (Caleb) out the back door this week. Unfortunately when it comes to Big Brother my favorites always get screwed and Hayden used the veto on Victoria.
I love how Amber told Frankie that she was sure his decision was already planned but I didn’t love how Zach attacked her, is he that smart or is Team America that smart? I think that Frankie has such a hold on Zach he can control him… To an EXTENT cause Zach is sooooo unpredictable you never know what the guy is going to do and I love it.
I don’t like some of the things that Zach says and does but at the same time I was really getting bored with the season I guess because it’s getting midway through the season and things are usually a lil’ predictable at this point of the game. Zach has gotten me interested again and I’m always wondering what that crazy (crazy in a different way than Caleb) guy is going to do next!!
I also like Hayden, Nicole, Donny, and Cody right now. I really hope that a showmance doesn’t screw up Hayden and Nicole’s games! People may say it worked for Rachel… But they don’t know what they are talking about. Rachel was the first juror on season 12 and was a huge target on season 13 and went to the end by winning things, had nothing to do with a showmance.
Cody is in a very good spot right now I just hope that not getting rid of Caleb doesn’t bite him in the ass. I also hope that he doesn’t let Derrick dictate him too much. Donny just needs to keep doing what he is doing and hopefully make a new stronger alliance as the weeks progress. I would say I wish Zach would calm his ass down but he’s very entertaining and that’s what I love to see in a Big Brother player as a fan.
I am really going to miss seeing Amber on the show and on the Feeds but the game will just have to go on. I can’t wait to see what the hell happens next. I pray this twist will be over next week!!
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Completely agree with your take on Zach. Even though it is cringe worthy to watch him go off sometimes, the show would be painfully boring without him.
I really want to see Donny step up, get an alliance together and play the game. I almost hate the fact that he’s basically the third wheel in Team America. They don’t even include Donny in any kind of alliance. They just tell him what the mission is and how they’re going to do it.
This season is painfully boring anyway. No one is really playing the game. No one taking chances. Everyone doing what everyone else is doing. Everyone voting the same way. No real game play like in seasons past. Bunch of robotic bobble heads. Show has drastically gone down hill this season.
Always look forward to Ju-DoubleD. I really hope he’s in the next all-stars. I’m so ready for dble HOH and TA to be done. I want Frankie gone next week! Donny has got to get in a strong alliance. I wish him or Jocasta would tell her something to test her. Then he can tell Hayden what he they did and form an alliance with him. Hayden and Nicole are smart and they could win the memory board challenge.