Diary Room: Judd Daugherty Discusses Week 7 Of Big Brother 16

Finally Big Brother 16 is getting interesting! I think this is around the time every season when I really decide who I want to root for. Unfortunately everyone I root for gets evicted so should I say I’m rooting for Caleb, Frankie, and Christine? I don’t think I can go that far…

Judd Daugherty on Big Brother
Judd Daugherty on Big Brother – Source: CBS

In all seriousness out of the people left I. The house I think I am rooting for Donny, Cody, Nicole, and Zach and I’m even starting to like Derrick again. I love Cody and Derricks alliance and I really hope that they stick together. I think that Cody can kind of hide behind Derrick’s big moves and stay in the game a little longer by not looking like a big threat to anyone’s game. I think that would be a really smart move for him at this point in the game and I have to admit I feel that Cody is a little underestimated.

So the other night I was watching the feeds with my boy @spencerbclawson and we happened to watch at the perfect time. Frankie had told the house about his sister being a big pop star and I have to admit I was a little disgusted by most of the houses reaction as far as them being kiss ass. I think that Frankie felt like the most famous person in the world…. Sorry I just threw up…

I love the game of Big Brother, I hate fame being thrown into the game, but at the same time I guess that’s what makes it a unique social game because they have people from all walks of life. Maybe that was even a smart move by Frankie because everyone was turning against him. I swear it was less than 30 minutes before the biggest one upper of the season started name dropping famous athletes he knows ( it was beast mode cowboy for anyone still wondering.

A lot of ass kissing was going on with Frankie and he was loving every minute of it dancing around the house singing his sisters song around the house. Zach however was not kissing any ass, he was mad as hell and I have to admit I to have tried to not like Zach. All these Twitter profiles with his picture as theirs has made me feel like I’m in teeny-bopper hell… Haha but I really like Zach more and more each week.

I honestly feel like Zach has been playing for the 25k Americas Favorite and now he knows that he has absolutely no shot at winning that over an international pop stars brother. I would hate to play Big Brother with Zach because he is such a loose cannon but I absolutely love watching him on this season. I think it’s safe to say that 90% of the entertainment has been by Zach. And Zach is so lucky! Not only has he won the veto but he also got saved last week while he was asleep haha.

I’m now hearing that Christine wants to put up Nicole and have her evicted this week? I honestly thought that Christine was a smarter player than that but maybe I’m missing something. She has so many bigger fish to back door right now and I hope that she makes a smart move this week.

Wait! I have to backtrack a little and also say that I thought Caleb was hilarious during the BOB competition this week. I guess you have to sit for something or you’ll fall for anything! I thought it was brilliant and I even said “that’s how you throw a competition!” Then I seen that it was actually easier for one person to do the competition alone and I was yelling at the tv for Caleb to grab a chain and mess everything up.

Hope you all have enjoyed reading my random thoughts about Big Brother and I also hope that y’all are still enjoying this crazy season. It will get better and better each week now. Hopefully Hayden and one of my other favorites will return in a few weeks! (Fingers crossed for Haydenator!)


Be sure to keep up with Judd online:
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  1. Tennessee obviously lacks a proper educational system. Judd writes at a 3rd grade level. Incredibly sad. :(

  2. No need to diss Judd directly, but you guys need some copy-editing on this website. Many posts, not just Judd’s, have errors that make it difficult to read. Read the first sentence of this one…

    • Now that I will agree on seeing as that’s what I do for a living! BB…want to hire me???

  3. I agree with Judd. I really like the Donny, NIcole, and Hayden combination. Cody just doesn’t have a back bone of his own.

  4. Cody needs to go up instead of Victoria so all will vote to keep Donny (without anyone knowing he’s on TA). Cody will not see that coming and it will ruin his Final 2 with Derrick too. Derrick really wants Victoria with him in Final 2 to cash in his winnings…sad, but there it is. No one in jury will vote for her to win.

    • I think they may once they find out that he’s been lying to them the whole game, especially after he made a big deal about how he is who he says he is when Frankie revealed his secrets.

      • Exactly! He probably won’t reveal that one until he’s either sent to jury or has won!

      • That will be something Julie reveals on finale night and they all laugh about. Then everyone will claim that they knew, but noone does or suspects.

      • I don’t know that she’ll reveal that before it goes to a vote (if Derrick should be in F2) until after he wins, if he hasn’t told them before. She only reveals secrets to members who didn’t make it to jury!

    • putting Cody up would not save Donny, the alliance would not vote to evict him! Donny and Nicole did say the other night that IF Frankie and Victoria were the final 2 they would give the money to Victoria.

    • No, not the worse, but it is a little dull. You would thing with a famous media mogul it would be interesting, but its not. Again, I would not say this is the worst season, the worst had to be 9 IMO, only because I don’t remember it and it was on like during the Spring instead of summer time.

    • That’s silly…
      BB11, BB13 and BB15 are both far and away the worst seasons. This season is actually pretty good so far.

      • I liked 11, it was not terrible, 13 they just wanted Rachael to win, that season I will give you as boring, not good. 15 was meh. The bad thing every year, is you will get that big 8 person alliance that will last for the first half. Then it will start to break, but it does not give the others in the house any shot. Until someone breaks off and makes other deals in the big alliance it gets boring when you know “the weak” will go up.

      • there are ‘weak’ players in every season, so every year has their off weeks. This season’s just getting them all out of the way early.

        If this season continues the way it is, we’re going to have a final 5 consisting of the best competitors/strategists of the season. It’s going to rule

    • So many people complained about the BB15 cast they tried to get better cast. What they got was a boring cast. They really need to give them cards or something to play when they are locked in. At least when they are outside they are doing something most of the time.

    • It’s not the worst (I’d say last year’s wins that vote), but it is pretty boring. They tried to make stuff interesting this year so I congratulate them for doing better, but when one part of the house controls everything and everyone else is too chicken/dumb to do anything about it, things do get boring pretty quickly.

      I feel like pretty much everyone who could have made the game interesting is already long gone.

      • Considering the game is very boring, why don’t production put a Pandora’s box and Diamond Power of Veto into the game. That is the time to use it!

  5. “You got to sit for something or you’ll fall for any thing.” – Awesome Aaron Tippin paraphrase, Judd! Lol. “Now that’s how you throw a competition!” Ha ha ha ha.

  6. Judd, your assessment is one hundred percent on course! I’m with you, I’d like to see Hayden come back in the house. The DE is always a raw deal.

  7. Judd another good report. People who have never been in think they know how it is. You know because you’ve been there. If Nicole goes I will be pulling big time for Donny to win HOH. He has already said he will put up Christine. Want her gone next. Hope you’re in the next All-star show Judd.

  8. I agree with all your assessments and I didn’t think I would! LOL…when you mentioned Frankie on your list of faves I was momentarily horrified. Glad it was a joke!

  9. Love ya judd! I agree totally. I’m really tired of this stupid guys alliance running the entire season. For a good season of big brother, no matter what side of the house you root for, the power needs to shift back and forth to keep it interesting. And in this season we have seen floaters picked off one by one every week. Nicole needs to rally Christine, Donny, Victoria, and get some of the ‘guys’ out. If they don’t, they too will be picked off one by one unless the dissension in the boys alliance causes them to implode.

  10. I feel dumb because you’re right, Judd! I never even thought that Caleb should have jumped in and messed up Frankie if he wanted him to lose! Why in the hell didn’t he?! BTW — Judd was my man last season.

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