Big Brother twists have a knack for imploding like an unprepared Houseguest in the first week of the game. So when Big Brother 16 set up “Team America” with a three-week slow boil I started to wonder what would happen if its members start getting evicted before they’re even gathered together for the first time. Cue Joey’s first week in the house. Guess what’s likely to happen?
While I questioned the choice of a complete Big Brother novice as the top pick as America’s ally other’s pointed out that most of these votes are a popularity contest and Joey came off as very popular. They’re right. Joey was very friendly and I liked her a lot as a person during our interview, but I wouldn’t want to rely on her inside the house. I don’t wanna say I was told ya so, but…
As of Saturday night, in spectacular fashion, Joey cemented her position as the then upcoming Veto Ceremony renom and was working hard to make sure she’d be the person to go home first. With that now seeming like a forgone conclusion this week we’re left to ask, what will become of Team America?
At this point the only HG to know about Team America is Joey. Production could just restart the process of getting three HGs and make Round 2’s pick the new “first” pick. No one inside the house would ever know. We’d obviously know, but would it really matter?
Or Grodner (Big Brother executive producer) could admit defeat in Round 1 and roll with the punches. Winners of Team America’s second and third votes could be a duo instead of trio. Of course that assumes we don’t also lose said HGs to the Saboteur Curse.
Background: Saboteur was BB12’s season twist & failed miserably week one with Annie, the secret Saboteur, was voted out unanimously. Oops.
There are probably even more options and scenarios I haven’t considered and we could end up surprised. Or we could end up really surprised and see Paola go home on Thursday negating this entire issue. What do you think Big Brother might do should Joey, leader of Team America, be voted out this week?
For the record, I”ll point out that I raised this possibility before the Feeds even turned on way back on Thursday night. Just another reason to follow me on Twitter & Facebook!
twitter-tweet" lang="en">So on Team America, it'll take weeks to assemble all 3. What if Joey gets voted out before that? Do we vote a new member in? Dunno. #BB16
— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) June 27, 2014
I’ll close with the same joke as I did on that night. Was this just a risk they were willing to take?
this team america fail is almost as bad as production misspelling Jocasta’s (as Jacosta) name in the intro
That WAS bad. Goodness. How silly of them.
All good possibilities. I think maybe they may take “2nd Place” from the week one vote and the winner of this week’s. I don’t think they’d want to “start over” and delay it a week.
That’d work as long as Week 1’s #2 isn’t Week 2’s #1. Though I guess they could just take #2 from this week.
Heck, just take #’s 1, 2, & 3 this week & get this show on the road before it’s Week 7 and we’re still trying to get 3 HGs together.
There could be one other problem with this twist. What if after several evictions they decide to vote someone back into the house? If a TA member is voted back in do they automatically become a team member again? Or is their membership revoked due to the first eviction? Their inability to get this twist off the ground makes me think they haven’t thought the whole thing through to every possible scenario.
Ohh, I didn’t even thinking about if someone came back. That could really mess things up. Another good reason to keep these things simple & fluid. I said it before and I’ll say it again: follow BBCAN’s lead on this type of tasking & just make them easy & funny. This is way too complicated.
I think that might have been built in the process from the start. Lets put 3 member on the team and if we loose one early, we still have 2.
It’s kind of quiet until Thursday, they should use Joey this week. Give her a task to do this week before she leave and make her earn her $5000.
I’m with you, just take #1,2 and 3 of this weeks vote and get on with it. That way we could see what they have in mind. I just hope they don’t have them doing things that WILL turn the house against them if caught.
I agree with chris diorio take the 2nd place from week 1.
why are we voting over the next 2 or 3 weeks, they needed for us to vote all three at once then the missions/task could be in play now. This isn’t turning out how they planned I am sure but how they are having us vote doesn’t seems very well thought out.
I imagine you’re right. This can’t be what they hoped for. Also part of the problem is that they didn’t reveal what we were voting for in the first place and it was only open to us for less than 24 hours that first night, but days the second round. Very strange.
I am probably in the minority, but I still like Joey. And if you think about it, her not knowing how to play the game could be a plus to someone who has patience to teach her and control her. If it were me, I would tell her just stay low and quiet. If she has a question, ask me NDC then tell her how to vote.
Well I won`t like this Twist knowing that Donny and Frankie will be the 2 choosen.
THose two are are fake and are not there for the game but only to show off.
No Team America… or… take ALL 3 from this week’s vote. Many of us never knew to vote the 1st time anyway!
Like I said before… cancel it or elect all 3 from this weeks vote.