Tonight On Big Brother 26: HOH Comp & Noms Episode

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There’s more Big Brother tonight on CBS but at a special time for this Sunday’s episode. Adjust your schedule and be ready at 9:30/8:30c when the remaining Big Brother 26 Houseguests compete for the next HOH to avoid following Quinn to the Jury House. And remember AINSLEY’s promise to send her junior assistant? Well JANKIE is here and his idea of a good idea might not be so good.

Houseguests have been trapped in the backyard for a weeklong carnival and after just two days so far they’re all ready to get outta here. Well settle in, because Thursday won’t be here for a while. In the meantime though the HGs will be competing for he next Head of Household and Nominations will be revealed ahead in this week’s Sunday show.

There’s no HOH room and limited options for food (pizza and ice cream all week), but hey, at least there are no Have-Nots. Well, it’s something. I guess. But with just the one space there won’t be much for the HGs to do for game talk or conspiring since everything is out in the open and there’s no place to hide. Yep, that squashes most the strategy of the game for an entire week. Good luck with that, production!

Can’t wait? Get ahead on the spoilers for Week 9 with who won HOH, who is on the Block, and the next Veto comp result.

We’ll be back here in this spot for the HOH & Noms episode so join us starting at 9:30PM ET and we’ll see what Big Brother has in store for us!

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