‘Big Brother 26’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH? Week 9

Head of Household competition on Big Brother - CBS

Another HG out the door this week on Big Brother 26 but instead of going home, he’s off to the Jury. Now we need a new Head of Household to prepare us for AINSLEY’s protege on his way to shake up the game. And I can only imagine that’ll be the Zingbot, right?

Quinn was evicted 4-2 after Leah and Angela tried their best but it wasn’t enough. He’s the first member of the Jury but the other HGs are all hoping to avoid that same fate. Well then, they better get to winning this next Head of Household competition!

Find out which Houseguest got the HOH win and will be this week’s leader of the Big Brother house. Read on for the spoilers

Big Brother 26 Week 9 HoH Comp:

  • Leah is the new Head of Household
Leah Peters on BB26 - CBS
Leah Peters on BB26 – CBS

After Feeds were down for nearly TWENTY hours things finally returned and it looks like the HGs faced an Endurance Comp to decide the week’s leader. HGs were gathered around Leah as she received her HOH basket outside. So it seems like part of this latest BBAI twist is that the HGs are stuck outside for at least the moment.

Well, a Leah HOH will certainly be different and at least she’s on the outside of either of the two trios. So who will Leah target with her Noms later today? We’ll have to keep watching to find out! Leah did confirm she was told Noms would still be done on Friday, per usual.

Houseguests in the BB26 backyard - CBS
Houseguests in the BB26 backyard – CBS

The next round of spoilers for the week will continue on Friday with the Nominations and then Power of Veto comp results on Saturday. We’ll be watching and reporting as the weekend rolls on so be sure to keep checking back for the latest results.

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