Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Weekend Roundup – Week 9

Jankies World on BB26 - CBS

We’ve got your latest Big Brother spoilers from this weekend with everything that has happened since Thursday’s live show ended with guest host Jerry O’Connell signing off. The big wrench in the week has definitely been this JANKIE’s World twist that sent all the HGs to the backyard for a week of sleeping under the stars and all the pizza & ice cream you could ever want. Ugh.

Let’s get you caught up and ready for Sunday’s episode and everything ahead in Week 9 of Big Brother 26!

Head of Household:
Feeds were down for about twenty hours thanks to the live show and then an overnight endurance competition that we did not get to watch. Sigh. But considering how long it went, well maybe that’s not such a bad thing.

We will get to see it play out on Sunday’s show but sounds like it was something similar to what we’ve seen before with HGs holding a long pole and having to keep it in position the longest. Something along the lines of a smores’ stick. Sounds like it came down to Cam and Leah with Leah taking the win as the new HOH, her first this season.

Houseguests and Jankie on BB26 - CBS
Houseguests and Jankie on BB26 – CBS

The interesting thing about Leah winning HOH is that there are currently two trios in the game and two “outsiders” with Leah being one of those along with Angela. With Leah taking control she’d have the chance to split one of those up by picking one from each group to pit them against one another, but that didn’t happen.

Instead, Leah decided to nominate Kimo (this guy has become the new Angela of noms) and Rubina. Perhaps her past closeness to Makensy kept Leah from targeting the Chelsie-Cam-Makensy side of things. But here comes a chance for someone to undo those targets.

Veto Competition:
Now here’s something a little different. Not one, but TWO medallions were up for grabs and we’ll see how that all happened on Wednesday’s episode. JANKIE introduced his own Veto in this week’s PoV competition and that went to Leah while Angela took the Golden (original flavor) PoV.

Oh the irony that after being nominated so many times and holding the record now for THREE Veto saves, all by other HGs, Angela has won herself some safety in a week where she doesn’t need anymore safety than Leah being HOH. Ah well.

Veto Meeting:
Well, we had a good run. Eight straight weeks of Veto use is pretty great but I think we’re going to see that streak come to an end this week. Of course, I did say that last week too and Makensy surprised me when she saved Angela. So anything is possible, but at this point I’m not anticipating a big move here from Leah & Angela with their two vetoes that could do a full refresh on the Block.

If they do decide to play them, what we’ve heard so far is that Angela would go second since she has the true Golden PoV and Leah’s JANKIE Veto has to go first (so the real winner could react to the twist Veto). I hate to see a twist go to waste, but that’s my expectation for Monday’s Veto meeting.

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