Tonight On Big Brother 25: Double Eviction

Julie Chen and Big Brother 25
Julie Chen and Big Brother 25

Tonight on Big Brother, it’s time for another Double Eviction with two more Houseguests out the door and off to the Jury House. By the end of the night we’ll be facing the Final 5 HGs this season with just two weeks left in the season.

The Double kicks off at 9/8c and we’ll be here covering it all live starting at 9PM ET so be sure to join us back then for our live coverage with all the results and spoilers to get us through the night.

First Round Target & Voting:

First up tonight on Big Brother 25 we’ll have Blue and America facing off for a mere four votes and the chance of a tiebreaker. Jag had welcomed the idea of breaking the vote against Jag, which was a terrible idea for his game but something he seemed to want to do.

Houseguests America Lopez and Blue Kim on BB25 - CBS
Houseguests America Lopez and Blue Kim on BB25 – CBS

As of last night though it sounds like that plan is off and there won’t be a tiebreaker. Instead Blue should be off to Jury and she’s just starting to notice that America seems way too comfy as the intended-target-but-not-really.

Second Round In The Double Eviction:

So with Jag finally not able to compete for HOH and with Blue expected to be out the door that’ll leave America, Bowie Jane, Cirie, Felicia, and Matt competing for the first HOH of the night. If America doesn’t secure that win then it’s quite possible she’ll be back on the Block.

Of course, the HGs would be foolish to do anything but nom and target Jag + Matt, but we see it happen all the time with opportunities like this being passed up. If Jag survives the night then he’ll remain in a strong position to push ahead to the finale as the remaining HGs all seem to want to hitch their ride to his wagon.

Tensions Continue To Boil:

The big stressor in the house right now seems to be the Felicia vs Cirie which is moving along as a bit of a cold war between the two. Cirie knows that Felicia has turned on her (Felicia seems to have turned on EVERYONE) but Cirie is keeping her biting comments to a whisper for now.

Houseguest Cirie Fields - CBS
Houseguest Cirie Fields – CBS

I can’t imagine Cirie would target Felicia over Jag, given the chance, and the same in reverse but I’m also expecting neither will be put in the position to make that decision tonight. Cirie has stayed below the radar all season and she’ll more likely sit back and let Felicia paint a target on herself for now.

Who do you want to win the next HOH and take control of Big Brother 25 in Week 13? Share your picks! We’ll be watching for the Feeds to return after the show for any fallout reactions and will post any spoilers on the site. Stick around with us for all the details!

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What do you hope to see happen on tonight’s Big Brother episode? Who would make the best new HOH? We’ll soon see who wins this next big competition with our spoilers to follow!

Join us back here on the site tonight at 9PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App and join us on Facebook & Twitter!



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