Two will go. Five will stay. Tonight on Big Brother 25 the game moves to just two weeks from finale night on November 9th as the field tightens down to the Final 5 remaining in the House with a chance at the $750K prize.
Of course the big event of the night is the Double Eviction which features a full week’s worth of competitions, events, and drama crammed into the sixty-minute episode. These usually never disappoint to disappoint, if that makes any sense. It’s one of those things where fans can see the perfect way to play it out and the Houseguests see the perfect way to tank the opportunity. Will that happen again tonight? Well, probably!
Big Brother 25 – Vote Flip In Week 12?
It’s always worth a check in this season to see if there’s a last minute flip planned with these odd balls, but no, not this time. Everyone is well settled on sending Blue Kim out over America Lopez. Blue is only slightly suspicious and nervous while she should instead be very worried.
At one point last night we saw Blue start to question why America was studying with Bowie and feeling calm. Instead of taking that opportunity to warn her Matt and Jag doubled down on the “everything is going to be just fine!” Yep, they’re planning to Blue in the dark on this one.
BB25 – Who Will Be Voted Out First?
I don’t see this changing for Blue at this late stage in the process. The uncertainty is there though on what may be the final vote count. Felicia went to Jag yesterday and told him to either tell Blue the truth or she’d vote to keep her. That’s gutsy for someone with no leverage in the game.
Jag accepted Felicia’s proposal and said to go ahead and vote how she wanted. Matt liked the idea thinking Blue might consider it was him that wanted to keep her. Well that little mystery is more likely to be solved prior to the Jury’s decision so I don’t see the value there like Matt does.
Watch for Blue Kim to be evicted 3-1, or 4-0 if Felicia falls back in line. I don’t expect Cirie to play the split vote game anymore after all the drama that came up this week between her and Felicia.
Double Eviction – Second HG Voted Out:
So who will follow Blue out the Big Brother door? There aren’t many options left but a few have floated to the top of that list.
America is a popular choice for Matt & Jag’s hopes as they want to see their second target out the door in round two of the Double. Meanwhile Felicia’s antics have made her an easy target for the second eviction as well.
Who should go in the Double? Jag! These HGs are nuts not to take the shot at the biggest competitor and it’s driving me crazy. They are all anticipating a Double Eviction tonight but so much of this House wants to just hunker down and pray that the mighty Jag decides to bestow upon them a seat at finale night that none of them seem truly willing to do what needs to be done.
Before this whole Cirie Vs. Felicia debacle I might have expected one of them to be willing to make the move, but now neither seems ready to do that. Cirie would be happy to see Felicia go and Felicia thinks she’s in a prime position with the power duo.
Most Likely second elimination in tonight’s Double Eviction: America or Felicia.
Who should be the second eviction: Jag.
Vote For Your Eviction Prediction:
Who do you think will be evicted from Big Brother 25 tonight? Cast your vote in our poll below! Then share your pick for the new Head of Household.
Who goes home second in the Double? Vote below: