Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 12: Wednesday Night Highlights

Jag Bains and Cirie Fields - CBS
Jag Bains and Cirie Fields – CBS

Most of the remaining Big Brother 25 houseguests spent Wednesday night mentally preparing for the double eviction. But Felicia continued to Felicia and Blue started to get suspicious about the vote.

Blue told Matt and Jag that she keeps seeing people talking to America and then when she walks in the room things get quiet. Any anyone who knows this show, knows that’s the first sign you’re getting blindsided eviction night. But Blue still seems to trust Matt and Jag and is only worried that Bowie, Felicia and Cirie might be up to something. Read on to get all the details from everything that went down last night.

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Back up and read Wednesday’s Daytime Highlights Report before the overnight events.

Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, October 25, 2023:

3:30 PM BBT – Most houseguests are playing a guessing game. Cirie is in the bedroom by herself reading The Bible.

4:01 PM BBT – Jag tells Bowie Jane that Felicia says she feels bad about lying to Blue so she’s either going to tell her she doesn’t have the votes or she will just vote to keep Blue. She ask Jag which she prefers. Jag says he told Felicia to vote how she wants, but he wouldn’t tell Blue she doesn’t have the votes.

4:02 PM BBT – Jag says so now Felicia is going to vote for Blue to stay, so he tells Bowie that she and Matt have to vote out Blue along with Cirie so the vote will be 3-1 with Felicia being the odd vote.

4:03 PM BBT – Jag was about to share the Felicia and Blue story with Matt but Blue comes to the room and Jag leaves to grab some gnocchi. Blue ask Matt how his day has been and he says boring. Blue says she got a little paranoid today because she saw America and Bowie Jane talking a lot and every time she’d walk in the talking would stop.

4:05 PM BBT – Blue says she got really nervous because America and Bowie were quizzing each other (like they were practicing for competitions). Matt says everyone has been quizzing each other. Blue says but she also heard that America hasn’t campaigned to Felicia so she finds that to be weird.

4:07 PM BBT – Blue tells Matt she was wondering if Felicia, Bowie and Cirie are planning to keep America so that they can take a shot at Matt and Jag by voting Blue out.

4:13 PM BBT – Matt and Jag tell Blue she is probably just reading too much into everything. They tell her not to sweat the vote.

4:27 PM BBT – Blue finally leaves the HOH room so Jag tells Matt about his conversation with Felicia. He tells Matt that Felicia is probably voting Blue to stay and the vote will be 3-1. Matt says Felicia just wants to make everyone else look bad. He says she’s playing too much.

4:29 PM BBT – Jag says that if Cirie pulls something and makes the vote 2-2 and makes him break the tie he’s going to be pissed. Jag says Felicia said she doesn’t want to keep Blue for a jury vote. Matt says Felicia didn’t care about lying to people about the vote before jury started.

4:30 PM BBT – Matt and Jag agree they will both talk to Cirie to make sure she doesn’t make the vote 2-2.

4:33 PM BBT – Bowie tells Matt and Jag that Felicia told her that she feels so bad lying to Blue. Matt says why does she feel bad now when she’s been lying the whole game. Bowie says Felicia told her that Jag said it was OK to vote for Blue to stay. Jag says yeah, because Felicia gave him an ultimatum. Jag says he told her not to tell Blue, so the other option is to vote to keep her.

4:36 PM BBT – Matt is now enticed by Felicia voting to keep Blue because Blue might think that it was Matt who voted to keep her.

4:37 PM BBT – Bowie says that America heard Felicia talking about voting to keep Blue. Jag and Matt are very happy America heard that. Bowie, Mat and Jag agree to still not confirm to Blue that she’s going even if Felicia tells her. They plan to just blindside her.

4:38 PM BBT – Bowie says Felicia might vote with the house since she realized that Blue might think the vote to keep her was Matt.

4:40 PM BBT – Jag says 3-1 or 4-0 is good, but 2-2 is bad. Jag says 2-2 with him breaking the tie will show Blue that Matt, Bowie and Jag were all in the vote together.

4:49 PM BBT – Jag lets America know about all the mess Felicia has been doing. Jag promises America again that no matter what she is fine.

5:16 PM BBT – Cirie and Jag talking about all the stuff Felicia has been saying. Cirie says she doesn’t understand why Felicia was panicking. Jag says he didn’t believe any of the stuff she told him about Matt and Cirie coming after him.

5:30 PM BBT – Everyone is hanging out in the HOH room together. Random conversations and topics are being covered, but nothing about the game.

6:30 PM BBT – An hour later and everyone is still just hanging out in the HOH room. Most everyone has actually fallen asleep. Cameras are zoomed in on sleeping Jag and Matt.

6:40 PM BBT – Everyone is finally up. Bowie Jane tells America if Blue asks her about her vote she will say she’s not allowed to stay. Bowie says her voting for America to stay wouldn’t be shocking since they’ve been close.

7:38 PM BBT – Felicia tells Cirie that Blue is getting nervous because she sees everyone chummy with America. Felicia says no matter how hard people try, they can’t hide what they’re doing.

7:39 PM BBT – Felicia says that if America doesn’t end up on the block after all this she’s going to be mad. Cirie says she will be mad also. They agree everyone is playing so stupidly.

8:43 PM BBT – Matt and Cirie agree they’re sick of Felicia. Cirie tells Matt to go to bed early so he’s rested for the double eviction.

8:44 PM BBT – Cirie and Matt wonder if they’ll get family messages at Final 5.

8:50 PM BBT – America talking with Bowie Jane about her attire for Thursday night. America thinks she’ll wear a dress but Bowie asks what about the comps.

10:10 PM BBT – Felicia showing off her double jointed arms.

10:15 PM BBT – Matt and Jag talking that for Thursday night they just need to beat America.

10:30 PM BBT – HGs already winding down for the night and planning getting ready for bed.

10:35 PM BBT – Matt and Jag upstairs talking about the next HOH comp. They’re hoping Cirie will throw it. If America manages to win HOH then they want Felicia to go, otherwise they’re targeting America. They’re confident Bowie will target America for them.

10:40 PM BBT – Jag and Matt continue to plan for the anticipated Double Eviction and beyond. They want America out then Felicia out, leaving their F4 with them, Bowie Jane, and Cirie. They’re even suspecting they could trust Cirie to get the second HOH in the DE and she would not target them.

11:10 PM BBT – Bowie joins Matt and Jag upstairs to plan for the DE comps. Bowie is feeling good that Felicia wouldn’t target the guys if she gets HOH in the DE. They’re planning to target America if it’s a knock-out comp.

11:15 PM BBT – Matt thinks America is strongly against Felicia right now because she overheard her talking. Matt heads downstairs.

11:30 PM BBT – HGs all settling into bed for the night.

Everyone has a plan heading into the Double and then when the Double arrives, just watch for all those plans to go out the window. Blue is still set to be evicted and she’s finally feeling nervous about things. Way too little too late on this one.

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