Tonight On Big Brother 24: Week 2 Eviction Episode Delayed

Julie Chen on Big Brother 24

Important schedule reminder for Big Brother 24 Week 2’s eviction episode. Normally we would see the Thursday eviction event on, well, Thursday, but this time around CBS has bumped Big Brother from its primetime slot to accommodate the congressional hearings being aired tonight instead.

Initially, the schedule was taking just a one-day hit over to Friday night but that was soon changed again as CBS announced the usual Thursday Big Brother live show would be rescheduled out to the next usual night, Sunday, and it would then be an oversized two-hour episode starting at 8/7c.

What does that mean for the BB24 Houseguests? The Noms’ luggage still arrived in the storage room for the week so it looks like everything is on schedule there. HGs will hold their usual vote and eviction later today but we just won’t see it until Sunday night.

That brings up the bigger question of what happens with the Live Feeds. It seemed like a real possibility that the Feeds would go down on Thursday afternoon ahead of the eviction, just as it usually does, but then we might not see Feeds again until after the eviction airs on Sunday. Yikes! It seemed just like something CBS might do as they like to hide the results and Feeds in situations like this. But oh my, what’s this? The Feeds are coming back tonight!


🚨Mark your calendars!🚨 We will see you Sunday, July 24th at 8/7c on @CBS! #BB24

— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) July 21, 2022

CBS announced last night the Live Feeds would return after the eviction took place. Phew! So when that happens we’ll get the eviction vote spoilers and be ready to await the HOH comp results probably later in the night. It’d be amazing if there was an endurance comp to watch, but we haven’t heard anything about that. But the good news is we won’t be losing our Feeds for four days. We’ll still get our results tonight and we’ll soon get the HOH spoilers, Noms spoilers, and even Saturday’s Veto spoilers. Phew!

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