Tonight On Big Brother 23: Special Time – Power of Veto Competition

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 23

Heads up on tonight’s schedule change for the latest episode of Big Brother 23 as the usual Veto competition show slips back to 10/9c as Survivor 41 takes over Big Brother’s usual 8PM slot. Once the Survivor two-hour premiere is over we’ll be jumping back into the BB23 house for the latest on the F4.

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At the end of Friday’s episode (the usual Sunday spot was also moved) we had Xavier in control as the new Head of Household and he had just sent Azah and Kyland to the Block. Of course, nominations are largely irrelevant at this round because it all comes down to the Power of Veto. So let’s get to it.

Now with just one vote the holder of the Veto will either be casting that vote or will have that role assigned by the HOH in the case of Xavier winning it. Not many options remain at this point but after Kyland missed his chance at HOH this will be his backup shot at safety for a spot in F3.

If you can’t wait for all of these spoilers and results in tonight’s Big Brother episode then check out the Veto Comp results to see who holds the power and what it means for the final regular vote of Big Brother 23.

Join us back here on this post tonight at 10 PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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