Tonight On Big Brother 23: Power of Veto Events

Wednesday night on Big Brother

Tonight on Big Brother (8/7c) we’re down to the Final Six with the Cookout and a Double Eviction ahead on Thursday’s two-hour episode, but first, we need to knock out this Power of Veto competition and meeting to see who our final noms of the week will be on Big Brother 23.

Tiffany and Hannah were sent to the Block in this week’s noms ceremony after Kyland took control. They’re the first pair of Cookout members to be on the Block together this season and now that we’re down to just the Six there’s no room for fodder on the couch. So one of them will go, but with the Veto coming up there’s a chance one of these noms could escape.

It’s a big week and it’s just warming up as Thursday will bring yet another Double Eviction show and it’s a two-hour event which means something different is happening. Can’t wait to see what it brings and perhaps we’ll get some sort of surprise twisty twist for the night, but no promises on that!

If you can’t wait for all of these spoilers and results in tonight’s Big Brother episode then check out the Veto Comp and Veto Ceremony results to find out who will be our final noms of the week. Then on Thursday, we’ll get the vote and the next eviction of the season.

Join us back here on this post tonight at 8 PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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