Tonight On Big Brother 22: TRIPLE Eviction Two-Hour Event

Triple Eviction on Big Brother 22

Tonight on Big Brother 22 (8/7c) we’ll see the first ever TRIPLE eviction for Big Brother US with a two-hour event (8/7c – 10/9c) running on CBS and All Access. Things are going to get nuts and we’re here for it after a slow, slow lag in the season for far too long now.

We’ve been waiting for the DE and now CBS is upping that move with a bonus third eviction and with this crowd of HGs our only regret is that we can’t send more of them out the door! Three is a good start though and it’ll be fun to see how it all plays out. We know how they handle the regular DE on BBUS and how BBCAN does its Triple, but we’re waiting to see how it plays out over a two-hour show.

You may have noticed last night’s episode ended without the promise of a Live Eviction show and Live Feeds have already gone down this morning at least for the time being. It’s possible much or all of tonight’s episode will be taped in advance and played back as we saw in the first few evictions of the season.

We’ll be anxiously awaiting the show tonight and seeing which HGs survive the night and which of them are in the most danger. Watch out Dani, Christmas, and a few others who have risen to the top of the closed-door murmurings! Share your own predictions below.

What do you hope to see happen on tonight’s Big Brother show? Who do you want to see out the door? We’ll soon see who heads out and who wins this week with our spoilers to follow!

Join us back here on the site tonight at 8PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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