Settle in for what might be the most infuriating episode to date of Big Brother 19. We’ve got a Head of Household competition ahead featuring a physical, sprinting competition and yet all six eligible Houseguests will be competing. Not only that, but we’re likely about to watch some of the worst dives taken in Big Brother history.
Paul spent the days leading up to this competition convincing the entire house to throw the next HoH comp to his preferred pets and even after watching the last couple get hoodwinked in to falling for his tricks they’re all about to line up and do as he says again. It hurts my brain to watch these people try so hard to play so poorly.
Gallery: Week 10 HoH Competition
Once we get through this disastrous HoH competition it’ll be on to the next flop for the night with the Tree of Temptation twist. Remember last week when Paul convinced everyone they were so safe that no one should touch the tree? Well don’t let me ruin tonight’s surprise then.
Thankfully the episode will eventually end with the next round of nominations and since everyone is playing for Paul this season the result will be what’s best for his game. Sigh. It’s embarrassing. Truly embarrassing to see so many people willingly dismiss their game for a stranger. Good for Paul, but shame on the rest of these fools.
Don’t forget you can live stream CBS TV on All Access to catch tonight’s Big Brother 19 episode even if you’re on the go. Get your Free Trial now and watch all the episodes and Live Feeds too.
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So we’ve seen fauxmances, tonight we get the faux rain delay. Interested to see how they edit this running ‘comp’ that Xmas with the broken foot won. The ‘comp’ that they didn’t want to show us live cos they knew everyone was going to throw so they delayed it due to non-existent rain in order to try to edit it to make it seem less pathetic. Another low for a season of lows. SMH
I would just like them to explain what kind of doctor would clear X-mas to participate in this comp…still PISSED they did not air it on live feeds…can’t wait to see the editing on this.
Well that’s the other part that is suspect.
Why was there even a rain delay when they use fake rain in certain endurance comps. Also, not trying to make excuses, but maybe the boot (No cast to get wet) was a factor in Xmas being cleared to play? I’m not a dr, so I have no idea….just a thought. Definitely shady that they didn’t show it on the feeds, though.
SO TRUE…how about that competition , i forgot what is called, but the Rainy Reporter – something like that. Oh well Production=Manipulation.
Even with the boot, Christmas wasn’t to have any weight on her foot.
She’s still not allowed to walk on her foot. Never been cleared for a physical comp until this one that production knew Paul was controlling. Guess they felt it was safe.
Pathetic is right. Anything to help their favorite.
I agree with other commentators that CBS made some kind of deal with Christmas to keep a injury lawsuit at bay. She gets to stay in the game, plays favorable matchups and even gets thrown comps to become a final 3 with Paul.
Congrats to Paul for winning this season…….can you say sheep…
I hate to admit it but your right.
baaa baaa
I do want to chime in on what’s being called fake rain delay. While I have no doubt that this competition was thrown and CBS scrambled to slap together an edit, it did actually rain here on Thursday and Friday. LA is a big place and while it didn’t rain in some areas, Studio City and North Hollywood (BB territory) got a thunderstorm on Thursday. That being said, I’m disgusted that a) Christmas was cleared to play this obviously physical activity and b) that an entire group of houseguests would throw an HOH this late in the game!
I guess it just looks suspect because BB did not show it on live feeds … that plus the fact X-mas was cleared for this comp makes it seem very questionable.
They never show comps on live feeds or the backyard until after it is done.
Yes they do. I’ve watched several HOH comps. On the feeds after the show ends. They just showed the hot dog bun endurance HOH comp on the feeds when the show ended.
Ok, yes a couple, but what I meant for this comp it wasn’t announced that they were going to show it live on the feeds.
They do too, all the time.
Well posters who live extremely close said it wasn’t raining nor had it and the picture they showed of the backyard during the broadcast looked dry.
“Miss Cleo” lives nearby there & said it had rained but that it stopped long before the end of the show. Dunno. But you can see the water on the tarps in the shot of the backyard.
The picture is a little blurry but I will take your word for it. After living in SoCAL, I know all too well that it does in fact rain there in the Summer.
SoCal really, was going to ask where the house was . If I lived in California Love I would so be waving my Medical card in their face, Doctors orders and all
The house is well kind of hard to explain. If you have GoogleEarth, type in BB house LA.
Not much if it’s there Matt. Are you not suspicious? They knew they were going to throw it, doesn’t look too wet to let people stand around to me.
It is too wet dude and is the photo time-stamped ? They are a sly bunch
Okay Alison
¿????? Does not compute. Please re-enter request .
Also, too = many or very
Just confirmed, you’re AG
Guess I am haha but it means Alabama Georgia, get to swagger this week, my discus link is my utube page in case you think I am Alison in disguise.
Oh come on, you’ve hidden your identity under layers of social media, not fooling me there ‘Arthur’ LOL
Maybe you are Alison lol
Please one of her is enough!
Would not know, jumping to the new board
Matt is not allowed to speculate or theorize. He works for them. I don’t care about the rain delay, I care about the throwing comps and rigging. If it is a real game, they should not allow people to throw comps.
CBS hosed it!!! LOL
I believe it rained. But when they played it just an hour later my question is why wouldn’t they leave the feeds on.
The only reason I’m still watching tonight is to see how they edit this fiasco. CBS has gone too far now with this show. It would serve them right if the jury once again votes for whomever is sitting next to Paul. This has always been one of my favorite shows but not anymore. Another season like this and I won’t be watching. They need to get rid of EP Goodner.
Just curious, if they do in fact get rid of her, who is to say the next one will be any better?
No one knows. If they wanted a soap opera though their are several of them out of work since they cancelled so many.
There’s no guarantee but AG is so ingrained in her ways and thinks BB can only be presented in a certain formula. We need new blood to come in and shake it up, bring some new energy into the game. Not the same ole same ole. Same cast, same games, season after season. Kevin is the first person that is different from whom they normally cast and it has been more than refreshing.
Protect your TV screens tonight, everyone. The temptation to put your foot (or fist) through the screen will become overwhelmingly strong. Matt is right: “It hurts my brain to watch these people try so hard to play so poorly.”
They used to have a Styrofoam brick you could throw at the telly, nowadays if you take it out on the tv you don’t have as much chance of zapping yourself as you used to with tube sets. So to me that means television hasn’t gotten better, just different
I think when they said go only Christmas went and the rest stood there watching. Everyone was on board to throw the comp to her even the dumnominees.
They all false started.
In my opinion BB has as much control over this show as a conductor on a runaway train, they can pull levers and turn wheels like mad but they are still headed for a crash
Production lost control weeks ago on BB 19. its too late to correct “their” errors…..Same as in BB15…they let the situation get completely out of hand before stepping in to try and correct the mess…
Why are the others allowering Paul to take the game, I hope he looses. He seems to be a 1st class munipulater, the others are pathetic. Funny thing half of America Is just like those housemates, followers and easily lead delusionist.
There is one good thing that will come out of this mess….Any HG that played or was evicted after Cody will have to live with the fact that AMERICA sees them all as the dumbest bunch ever to enter the door of the BB house…I would not ever admit that I was on the show if I was one of these idiots…After realizing that people thought I was dumber than rocks I would find the smallest hole to crawl in and hide…What a joke BB 19 has been…
And Paul’s claim to fame would be that he won in a house full of dummies. His 2nd place last year is more brag worthy.
At this point, I think money is money to him. Having to live with these dopes had to have been utter torture, he deserve’s being paid $500,000 for putting up with them. LOL
With $270,000 his total after taxes, he might be able to afford to move out of his parent’s bedroom into their Pool house. lol
That is why they hire people who don’t know the show well or have never watched. We know better. I would trust no one, but playing alone doesn’t take you far. Look at Cody and Jess and they had each other.
Very true and it will be this way from here on out, however long BB lasts, unfortunately.
This meme was made for Paul’s Stooges.
This season is absolutely aweful..I am watching only hoping the game is gonna change..Boy when these houseguests look back on their season they are gonna feel about 2 feet tall. I thought these people.k we how to play before they got there..if they continue to be so ignorant to Paul’s shenanigans, by all means he deserves the money..oh and by the way, stop the bullying!!!!!!
Yep this is going to be one disappointing episode. Christmas shouldn’t of even been cleared to play. After all it is a physical comp and she still can’t walk on her foot. Never been cleared before. Guess they knew Paul’s plan so they let her play. Anything to help their little pet.
So psyched, just got my first Survivor email. Can’t wait!
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Survivor Season 35.
Yup. I’m more than ready for it
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She still your girl, Capt? I think if she went to the end with anyone but Paul, she could win.
Worst big brother ever! I’ll never watch again. Letting Paul have 4 weeks free riggged the game from the start. Letting past contestants return ruins the show.
THis is a mockery of the game, The man who took the golden egg in the first week does not want to win A HOH, Raven does not want it, So all these people do not care about an important HOH, They could have ran circles around her, even if it did rain who cares it would have made it fun to watch, they had to change it so Christmas could play, OR pretend to play, IT seems this whole season is all pretend ,
I think people are catching on,
IF christmas gets voted out , which she will , more than likely, the exit interview , they will say , look even on crutches you made it this far you are by far one of the best players ever,
I wonder how some of the past players are thinking about this season.
These little tid bits such and such may have figured it out, That is hype , this way on the exit interviews they will bring it up and Julie will say you figured it out late, even it they decide to allow Paul to be voted out it will be a little too late, they have scripted it like he is a wonder wizard and has control over everyone ,their minds their actions and the whole works,
Not one other person should win , no one , they have done nothing, Except Jason but he has to go , this way it looks like Paul has gotten rid of all the competition, so the last night he should win hands down. IF they allow Paul to go, who ever does it will win. If kevin survives he could be the one, that would be one of the biggest moves this year,
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this season is the pity win for Paul!!
Is this where we’re supposed to be for the show?
Yes, Jack Torrence.
I guess, where is everyone?
Capn is here!
Hello? Anybody home?
I’m here.
Good, I was lost.
I found you!
Can’t hide from anyone. Lol
it may be the neon sign your carrying.
Too much glare, eh?
Look like the show in on time.
Yup, I can’t wait to see how CBS spins this “win” for Christmas.
Should be one for file 13.
I hope they just say everyone decided to throw it to Christmas. Otherwise, it just insults our intelligence.
And my app is deciding to mess up on me so I can’t see the live show yet on my tablet.
Working now…but I get delayed live t.v. You guys see it 20 secs before me.
Paul just got evicted! Wait for it.
ROFL! I wish!
Hahaha yay
Can’t you watch on cbs
I could, but then couldn’t be here to type! LOL
Oh I watch on TV and here on my iPad.
I don’t have a keyboard on my tablet…only my desktop…but glad I can watch the show on my tablet! LOL
If christmas makes it to the final 3, I guess they won’t have an endurance comp as one or the 3 comps to get the final 2
I wonder if Josh will be pissed after he sees how he was edited in comparison to Christmas or Paul
In a way, Matt is right, they are all punk b**ches, lol
This should be exciting. Not!!!
Josh is starting to get some guts but made the wrong movie.
From Jokers: Josh comes into ASPR room where Paul is. He asks him to hear him out but has Paul considered not using the veto
Josh is a producer now?
It took a full 5 minutes for this page to load.
The forum is filled with excited fans. We have no idea what might happen and are overloading the servers!
So they all really DID throw this comp…
Had to have. I know Raven and Alex did.
That was the plan, but the plan was also if the comp was physical and Christmas couldn’t play, they had to throw it to Josh. #Oops.
Riiight? I bet docs didn’t clear her for this comp!
They left out the part where Paul threatened Kevin if he didn’t throw the comp. Hmmm, wonder why.
Paul gets a good edit? have they given him a bad edit at all this season?
Not really!
Nope. He’s their favorite.
No, just Josh
Raven’s was good? Or just funny?
During the Josh going after Jody moment. You know, “take it up to 30.” Otherwise, they’ve been pretty kind to him.
Just trust Paul and obey!, and you’ll be a Jury..It’s not complicated…geesh..
I don’t know if it’s even worth it to watch the finale. At this point I’m not mad at Paul. They were all awestruck by “friendship” and didn’t worry about the game.
Another wasted season. And I thought last season was bad.
I want to get hold of that Trejo and shove it up that guy’s azz, maybe fun last year, this year tired.
Sing it sista!
I’m with you. Let’s do it.
But we wouldn’t recognize him if he didn’t do that again!
Why torture the poor floatie? What’s Trejo ever done to us besides be thrown into a house it probably wanted no part of?
It’s gotta take one for the team, sorry
Where did he get it? Production give it to him, or did he bring it back?
Part of the Run and Hide comp, I think, similar to Pablo last year.
Oh, ty.
It’s different kind of bird.
Yea, was part of last week veto comp.
Thanks, Captain. :)
thx Phil!
Maybe just maybe, Jessica will have something more substantial to shove up Paul’s azz than her fingers.
Alright Christmas Joy!..impressive, She just learned that from Paul..ha!
Both Raven and Christmas just regurgitate what Paul tells them.
One legged Christmas got this!
She’s gonna win this I bet!
lol Kevin: ‘I can’t let a girl on crutches beat me’..great line for Kevin.
Well, can you imagine telling people about your time in the house and you say the girl on crutches beat all of us in the running comp?
Between that line and his “a shoe can beat Alex” line. he has become my favorite.
I’m still laughing..haha It’s so real and funny.
LOL! GREAT line!
So, here’s a thought. What if they hadn’t had this plan in place and Christmas actually had to participate? Only to then further do damage to her foot? Who would have taken the blame in that scenario, production, Christmas herself, or just the idiotic doctor who cleared her?
Don’t believe any dr cleared her
She wasn’t cleared I’ll bet. They probably didn’t even ask. They knew Paul’s plan and love him so went along with it. Have to protect Paul you know.
No way the doc cleared her. She found out what kind of comp it was and took a chance…that’s why we didn’t get to watch the comp on live feeds…in case she got hurt….again.
This is sad to watch!!
Poor Kevin
I wonder if Paul just came out and flat out asked “Will you guys let me win BB?”, would they say “yeah sure”
Haven’t Alex and Jason already pretty much said they wanted to come in second to Paul?
And the others just want to get to jury, SMH
Yup! Looks like Jason won’t though.
Yes, I believe they would. After all, t would be an honor to lose to Paul.
The season would’ve more interesting watching the puppies all summer
No, kittens!
I could understand if Raven asked… a last dying wish.
At this point it wouldn’t hurt to ask. He could have a house meeting with everybody and tell them kinda like the brigade did with Britney. They would feel so honored.
This makes me sick
Alex, WTH, you are doing the same thing as Kevin. SMH
Wow. What a good. Actor. Alex?
Oh Alex. At least kevin made look good.
She doesn’t care.
Didn’t look like it.
At least not this week! Wait til Paul doesn’t use the veto though!
Wow, Alex. Wow. You didn’t even TRY to make it look like you threw it.
So if everyone false started…why did take so long for the feeds to come back smh
Raven really fooled me. She has practice faking things
SMDH nobody even has to run.
Why did it take so long for the feeds take forever to come.back then smh
Had to make it seem like it was a really long comp! Geesh!
OMG! I just can’t. This is pathetic.
This is NOT Big Brother! This is Calamity Jane show.
oh no…please stop! Please don’t try and run Christmas. NOOOOO….this just can’t happen
oh my god…I wanted to see her hop
They should make Xmas run to win
This is usually a fun comp, but…
Crowley says it all right there!
Yes it usually is, and don’t they usually have to press 3 buttons: 2 with their hands, and one with their foot? Obviously Halloween couldn’t press one with her foot.
Shhhh, you’re not allowed to be logical this season. Just drink the Kool Aid. It will only hurt for a second.
Wow Christmas won. She’s such a comp beast!
omg! Their scheme is so stupid….It’s hilarious..i like it.
It’s absolutely hilarious. Bunch of clown.
Homie the Clown should be at the finish line bopping them all over the head.
I like the idea of “Twisty the Clown” to take all of those goofus grins off of Paul & his Stooges faces.
Who wears more makeup, Raven or……?
Hard to say anymore!
I’m cracking up with the whole scene…comedy!
Like Paul said, not even need to make a joke.
He’s right, he knows. That’s memorable/ was funny.
Ya gotta give the guy credit!
You’re funny!
Doesn’t it make you sick? I respect the game and I just can’t.
You gotta laugh at how pathetic this is. Just this once at least.
I laughed a few weeks ago, then I cried, then I got pissed now I’m just going to get drunk. Lol.
I’ve been having flare ups like that quite often too! I’m not turning into Raven am I? :-O
Wait until they find out that everyone thinks they are fools and pathetic.
Even when they see it they probably wont believe it. They are clueless
They’ll probably blame it on editing. Saying CBS made them look baaaaaad! :-)
I hope the DE blows up in Paul’s face Thursday.
That’s what I’m dreaming of too!
Wipe that smirk off his nasty face
THat’s probably the only way it’s going to happen. They need for him to not have the time to talk his way out of it.
From the looks of it, Josh would have to win that AND be able to get in just enough people’s ears.
I am with u on that….totally…
ok, do I need to grab you by the ear and have a talk,Cy?
Throwing comps should have some kind of penalty. Yeah, I know it’s nit a rule, But it SHOULD be. It’s disgusting.
Everyone eats slop and has to stay in the have not room for a week?
I’m with you sister!
Me too
There aren’t enough bribes, threats or promise of safety that would make me throw a comp. EVER!!
Definitely not at that stage
Me neither.
I agree. I don’t even know why they were acting. The whole house was throwing it.
Too bad she didn’t fall.
A new low.
HAHAHAHAHA! Thanks, need this tonight.
The dog would have won the big brother race.
Can’t wait for Branden’s recap of this comp tonight.
Paul has a point. We’ve ALL been cracking enough jokes about the BB equivalent of Newsies’ Crutchie winning a running comp.
Josh is so funny.
I have watched every season and some are really good and some not so much. I will say I think this season is worse than season 15 and that’s pretty bad. At least that season they competed. Nobody is competing, it’s all one sided, you know exactly what’s going to happen, it’s not even fun it’s pretty disgusting. I agree there should be penalties if they throw comps.
It’s not fun. I have waste my money on the feeds this season. After I see who’s HOH I don’t watch again til the next comp. Between everyone allowing Paul to determine their next move and the bullying, I could not watch.
How were we to know, though?
We didn’t. We can only hope that if someone beat out thousands of other contestants for a once in a lifetime chance to be on BB, that you would give it your all.
I will if I’m casted! :-)
I hope we are casted together lol. Every year I say I’m wont apply and I still do lol
They need to do and over 60 cast or senior citizen cast. I’m in. Lol.
CBS needs to be ashamed to even cleared xmas for this comp. Paul had to ensure production that all had agree it is so sad to see Paul running production. I wonder if his name on the assistant producers credits
I really believe production sees something in Christmas. Maybe her fame in the fitness world and use that to bring in viewers for the Amazing Race later?
I think it was CBS who have manipulated Christmas and the game to allow her to stay & play and to prevent an all most certain personal injury lawsuit against BB/CBS.
It was a waste of time to build the comp set….this entire season has actually been a waste of time…Another season like this one and Julie will be able to focus her attention on the “Talk” full time….such a load of crap…
Looks like Raven’s already forgotten about Matt. At least Mark, Cody, and Jess were legit upset when their showmance partner left.
Elena must be thrilled with all her new houseguests?
That’s what I’m looking forward to on Thursday – to see how they reacted to Matt.
Ignored him?
Who’s Elena?
She’s pretty.
Yeah, they’ve had some very good-looking HGs this season (guys and girls). Just a shame they’ve all been either bad players or super petty.
Kind of a trend the last two years…
She’s a radio personnality.
She should be on TV.
She was! On Big Brother!
Pretty sad to watch her adjusting her boobs, flashing her azz, listening to her talk about bleaching her butt, it goes on and on
I bet she goes on to….making a name for herself by getting her G-spot botoxed like Jessica did!
WHY would she do that? That flat out doesn’t make sense.
It does if it suffers from over use, lol
Jessica told her it makes sex better and last longer. I would think it would make sex hurt a lot!
She doesn’t know wtf she’s talking about. It wouldn’t make it more pleasurable or make it hurt more. Botox works to REDUCE muscle contractions. The G-spot is a pleasure center. You wouldn’t want that paralyzed…it might make sex better for the MAN; but, definitely not better for the woman. She’s totally mistaken…and an idiot. And most likely, unsatisfied. Lol!
You and I know this, but she actually was the one to confess differently to its effects! LOL
We need to teach her a thing or ten. ;)
Oh, SHE’s the butt-bleacher.
She and Jess, Kevin was flabbergasted when he heard them talking
Her and Jessica.
Huh…how about that. ????
I’ll send you a pic.
saturn already did.
I’m sure Cap has a better photo, though. That’s just the promo shot.
Yea, it’s one I can’t put here.
She thinks so too!
Oh, I see. Well, if I looked like that….nah, I still wouldn’t act that way. Low self esteem. HA!
2nd victim of Paul’s to go to jury!
Thanks Joni. :)
Matt’s going to be sad to see Jason before Raven! hahahahahahahaha
Matt likes cereal but likes cereal and raven at the same time much better.
Raven and cereal and scabs taste even better.
Raven & cereal & scabs & butt picking & picking BOOGERS!!!!
ARGH!!! You HAD to remind me about the butt picking and boogers (giggle) didn’t you Kevin?!
Hahaha Hi Sharona :-) Sorry, had to mention it!!! :-)
New avatar?
Lol…yeah. I told Alf I’d post one of me, if he’d post one of him. This is is pic from about 20 years ago. Publicity photo for a show I was in called, “Catch Me If You Can.” No, not that one…I’ll go back to Muh, muh, muh, My Sharona soon.
You really do resemble Lauren Bacall!
Thank you, Joni!
No he won’t. He truly believes Raven is going to win this because she is such an awesome player.
Pfffft! Yup, delusional!
Wait until she sees how they all talk about her and Paul was the instigator behind Matts eviction.
When I see Christmas in DR, I see and hear Paul talking. lol
Oh, Alex. You have absolutely no idea how to play this game, do you?
Did Raven just say her and Paul are the only two who know how to play
Matt said the same thing
Yeah she’s pretty delusional.
Whispering to her dolls and telling them that the cat is out to get them kind of delusion?
Ha! You’re kind of twisted…I like that.
He loves torturing cats too! Not real ones, though…haha
She really did! OMG
Lol. I hate her, but heard that. Laughable. Not enough space for my lol’s.
Trusts her alliance like I’ve said. She doesn’t know the dictator, tree and Josh are scumbagging her.
Even if you trust your alliance, you don’t trust a 2nd runner up vet.
If they’re in your alliance. She doesn’t see what we do and so far she hasn’t had any reason not to trust him. Even after this week Paul will cover his butt and she’ll still trust him.
But this is BB – you don’t volunteer to be a pawn. Ever. It’s BB 101 – pawns (almost) always go home.
So Paul knew ahead of time this was an HOH that could be easily thrown.
He is the assistant producer so yes lol
Really good point and who would have bet the farm on Christmas unless he knew the setup.
Here we go….
OMG the hypochondriac
Sweetheart, I have GNE Myopathy. I have NO sympathy for anyone who claims to have issues with their legs.
Also, my kitten just paused her again, lmao!
Hahaha your kitten has more brains than her.
LOL, yep. Every time she starts, my sweetie shuts her up.
Rough kneecap syndrome! hahahahahahahahahahahaha….let’s do that again….hahahahahahahahahahahaha
I actually googled it lol
No such thing, huh? I didn’t even have to google it to know that!
I liked it better when they weren’t showing her too much.
That’s what happens when they run out of people in the house.
Finale night should just be them reading mean (truthful) tweets and comments from fans. Jimmy Kimmel could host instead of Julie
I wonder if Jeff will host the Backyard interviews this year??? He may be ashamed to say that he is associated with CBS and BB….
Can’t wait to see the dollar store gift he gives everyone. Especially Raven. Lol.
It is a good thing BB has created a big following prior to this season otherwise it would be cancelled midway through this crapfest.
Considering that BB Gossip on Twitter keeps talking about losing their usual followers this season, I’d say you’re probably right.
I don’t doubt that this site has lost a few followers this season…I know the updates at Jokers have been really lax in being posted…Its just a bad ass season…Really bad and people are disgusted with it…
Thank goodness Julie Chens husband runs CBS
They’re making a laughingstock out of him right now.
I have NEVER seen such a Pathetic Competition than the HoH; Never!
And, again, the “Big Brother Paul Show” is a disgrace to the “Game” itself. How ANYONE can be rooting for Paul has to be somewhat Crazy; or a Relative OF Paul’s.
I cannot comprehend what CBS and Big Brother thought when casting this treain-wreck… It’s making THIS game a complete JOKE!!
Even though I already knew what was going to happen tonight due to feeds…tonight’s episode being broadcast TV is BB’s most embarrassing episode ever. I am ashamed to be a fan right now. I thought BB was a “competition”.
Do we really need another segment of Alex pretending to be James?
HA!! Now, that is funny, Oh-Ringed-One!
She will come back for a second season and spend all her time 1. hiding in trash cans 2. trying to find a showmance?
She’ll be looking for the brain that she lost in the house at about the 3rd week
This season is so boring and predictable that there’s nothing else to show
She’s much better at it.
poor Kevin, he can’t win a comp and is bossed around by little napoleon
Geesh, after awhile, I (Kevin) think I’d be damned to do what the little guy wants and not be told anything, even after “BEGGING” for anything bout why I have to do this against my better judgement and not be told if I’m safe or not.
Christmas and her “competitive spirit”? I didn’t know competitive spirit meant having the competition thrown to you twice. Laughable.
its soooo sad to watch what this show has come too….
Production has had absolutely no control over the house guests between the constant bullying they did nothing about and Matt just getting a penalty vote after deliberately violating the have-not rules over and over and over again. Nobody will get booed when their evicted because CBS will tell the audience to cheer
Oh, look, the Tree of Temptation twist that’s a complete and utter dud.
And do we really need it explained to us AGAIN?
Oh Alex..she should win something next week. her ‘blinside, She’ll be crushed.
Not as much as your baby is going to be. Lol.
..but she has to win right? She’s next inline.
Win HOH or POV.
Or trust Paul! LOL
I. Hope. So.
She is going to truly regret bad mouthing Kevin when she is alone in the house.
Yeah…so why was that tree of temptation a bust? I thought there would be some kind of rewards or something possible with it…
Paul told them two weeks ago when the Tree became active that no one should take anything because it could mess up with their plans to evict Mark (if the second Veto is unleashed, for example). It’s basically been the edict ever since.
Ooooooooohhhh. Does he or doesn’t he? With so much social media I think even the TV viewers who don’t watch feeds know that is all BS.
No caps.
Not to worry, they’re on my teeth now!
Xmas is so cocky when a HoH is given to her
Just how Paul wants her to be til he takes her out.
Wow, Christmas is being a real beyotch.
christmas scrooge
Really, and those two HOHs were thrown to her.
Christmas..great body.
Photoshop, lol
hey you noticed, Meatball lost some weight?
Actually he has, you can see it in his face especially. Feed your baby
Pot’s and pans, that’s the reason. he got read of it.
Where’s my tshirt? still waiting
ha..back order.
Most of it’s probably in his diaper! LOL
I see in chat rms, they talk about his weight loss. Was he on slop for a while?..oh and he does excercise.
And he dances
He was tired of being called “fat. He couldn’t handle to insults but he has no problem giving it.
He was even zingggged by Zingbot about his weight!!!!
Two weeks in a row.
Didn’t he do the morning walk with the guys once in a while?
Too bad she’s such a biatch.
Has there been anything worthwhile to watch tonight?
Nooo! Daggone it.
yes, a woman with one working leg winning a sprinting competition
Or not…she didn’t even have to hop!
Ahahahahaha! Ya’ll are more entertaining tonight than the show was!
Lol. I only watch for comps and DR. Everything else is a waste of my time.
The comps are even getting to be a waste of time.
ESPECIALLY the one that should have ben shown last Thursday night, the FOOT RACE won by a one-footed leg.
I didn’t think the show was supposed to get this boring until F4…
Did Alex forget she’s not in charge?
Thought so.
How will she forget, when her tiny brain believes that’s the case.
I’d like that little girl to go home soon.
We all would.
Hey leave her alone. Lol
Hey, Missy! You better not start with me! Lol! Talk to you soon.
File that under Things you say and will later regret,LOL
Well Christmas you really haven’t played any game.
Looks like Christmas is going to make another one of her big moves
You mean “big moves.”
More like tiny big waves! Oxymoron!
This is the first time I’ve ever seen Christmas. Is this a pretty honest edit?
None of it is an honest edit. Alex the wannabee James is a bitc* and so is Christmas with her fake witch laugh.
Let’s not forget Raven the wannabee Dr. Will!
Don’t speak her name in the same sentence as the great Dr. Will Kirby.
I tried not to..but she said it first! :-)
Raven knows 13 doctor Wills. urgent care doc, heart technician….
There’s that rapier wit of yours!
Not that bright. had to google rapier.
Did I use it correctly?
a biting thrusting sword. Sounds about right!
Ok. That’s what I meant.
You did…it means sharp!
Are you a teacher Ms. Joni?
No, but have been told I should have been!!! LOL It’s just I wouldn’t want to do that on a regular basis for the kind of kids of today. More often than not, there is no respect at all anymore.
Yes, she says to all of her drs ‘will you give me a fake diagnosis’
Don’t forget the bullies Paul and Josh. And the psycho Raven.
Not really, she’s been apart of all the harassment that’s gone down this season
Christmas has had an… interesting run in the game, breaking her foot Week 1 and yet surviving as long as she has.
She literally started a fight with Kevin because he asked her if she was going swimming
Actually she asked him first if he was going swimming
She’s a mean girl.
Christmas is a warrior. She has no tact nor social graces but if healthy…could do a handstand across the yard.
Chris is a complete Paul follower and has been gifted two HOH by Paul, and truly believes she is making big moves by nominating Paul’s targets.
Christmas: In order to get my number one target Jason out of the house, I’ll need everyone to throw the veto comp to me.
They should hid that squeaky scooter on her.
Her crutches too! I wanna see her crawl!
loosen the wheel…..lmao…
Would that give her rough kneecap syndrome?
And rough elbow syndrome! :-)
I guess dumb and dumber thought that speech was fake.
I mean, WOW! This level of stupidity is off the charts
Not for much longer, Paul. You’re gonna have to get a little blood on your hands if you’re trying to beat Derrick’s nomination record.
True. Don’t remember Derrick even breaking a sweat. The man was in control every second.
Made it look so easy whereas Paul is running around frantically.
And he did it by letting comps play out. He didn’t go around telling everyone to throw it. People actually competed and he played his game from there.
I’m going in to GoT withdawl tonite, excuse me if I get jumpy
Wanna borrow my tourette’s syndrome?
Is tourette’s on Raven list? If so, you can’t have it.
Not yet! Would take too much energy to muster I bet! She’d really have to demonstrate it daily. The other stuff she can hide! LOL
I went right to HBO and soon remembered that the best show on TV only had 7 episodes when I really wanted 22.
I know and it’s going to be a long wait for next season
I want to know how the Brienne of Tarth and Tomund romance turns out!
The looks he gives her and the looks she gives him in return, priceless. :-))
Survivor in 24 days.
See you all later! Have a great night, my friends. :)
Night sweetie
‘night, my dear Daisy Face, :)
Night sweets!
‘night, my beautiful, laughing Joni! I’m glad you’re not Shrek tonight. :)
Teehee! I’d rather be laughing anyway! :-)
Goodnight. Hope the week is a great one.
You as well, my twisted friend! I mean that in the best possible way. ;)
The players volunteer to be nom. Pawn or not, they don’t really feel nervous…’easy-peasy..amazing! lol ..another good episode of the Paul Show.
He’s the best!
Some of them go to the extent of protecting him.. lol They treat him like their ‘spiritual leader from Armenia. ..the supreme
It’s a cult I tell ya! How does one person have that much control over this many?
I believe there’s Psychology behind it. Boston Rob’s close alliance explained that part during their reunion. They were zombies. lol It’s weird. Nobody turned on him.
You have to wonder if Cody hadn’t tried to nom him that first week and got them so enraged on his behalf, if they would have been so attached to him?
They’d be bumpin into each other all the time…like robots! LOL
Cody was right along.
Scary isn’t it?
Still an emotional player…Horrible to align with..I mean I wont..those player don’t last.
He didn’t, te he
Would’ve been a much better season I’m sure
I’m glad I don’t rely much on the outside world to entertain or condition me to be someone other than I am…I’m a simple girl for the most part that doesn’t need a lot of luxuries! Can’t take it with you when you die and my kids would hate to have to sift through everything they don’t wish to own. LOL Heck, my hubby may just have a bon fire, if he’s still around that is.
Would upvote this more if allowed.
What happened to the HOH room reveal with the coded letter from her friend? They didn’t bother to show that part.
Here’s what I am dying to see:
Kevin tell Alex to STFU
All of them tell Raven to STFU
Kevin tell Paul to f off
Josh tell Xmas to f off
All of them wave goodbye to Paul as he goes out to talk to Julie
I don’t wanna die to see that…just hoping the gods above rain down on those creatures and wake them UP now!
We need another Evel Dick and Jen or Jerry and Dan from s10 fued. Shame that no one in the house smokes.
That’s not the plan.
Waited until after program to log in here.
Figured another reason, am sure some listed before this, why cbs/prod/bb did not play/show HOH comp on Thursday night live.
Since all the players were directed to throw the comps, they (cbs) would have still had time left over to fill out with other stuff as the comp would have been over before allotted time slot was finished. This way they (cbs/prod/bb) also had time to fill in the time with DR tidbits and ‘supposed’ worried of the HGs, and other fluff talk to take up time during tonight’s episode.
The HOH comp would have been over and done and already shown on TV and cbs would not have had anything to show for Sunday night besides the noms reveal of 2 minutes.
What a FARCE !!!
They needed a filler 4 tonight. That is one of the reasons. They should’ve shown Matt entering the
Also, where are any other ‘home family visits’ like Jason’s? Would like to see what Josh’s mom thinks of her crybaby, Raven’s doctors on her numerous ‘diagnosises,’ paul’s parents on their golden little man’s take-over of BB house, etc.
Did Jason faint for real or just as a joke?
They let the slowest kid in class win and no one even got a trophy.
The outfit all the U.S. track athletes will be wearing at the next Olympics cos apparently it makes you a winner. :P
Ask Raven, she trained or is training 4 the Olympics!!!! LOL
Too bad she’s not going to the Winter Olympics, we could give her the wrong directions and she’d end up in North Korea. Let them have her.
They’d give her as a gift to South Korea.
They’d just keep sending her back and forth lol
Did you notice how production put Paul right next to Kevin in that comp. so he could get in Kevins ear.
I’m not on social media…has Derrick- made any other comments about this season?
I’m sure he’s disappointed like the rest of us
Well ….
How will he be if Paul is copying all of his moves. He is a proud daddy.
Not disappointed in Paul but disappointed with the other houseguest. No one is playing the game.
Derrick didn’t instigate though. That is all Paul. Paul did pickup the manipulation well.
Too many
Too embarrassed to tell the real truth though.
Have a good week folks. 4 days till Jalex is no more.
Night Alf, pleasant dreams of Raven, lol
18 more days till BB season 19 is no more…
BB finale or Suvivor?
HEY West Coast and CANADA!!!! . . . & Tinalee – – –
DON’T bother to watch the absurd mockery of Big Brother on CBS tonight. If you read or follow these threads or have seen any feeds, you have already see MORE than will be on the ‘show.’
and Canada? You do know we have all the same time zones as the U.S. right?
Well Fiddle I just have to SMH
The west coast and Canada were locations that I designated, not time zones. of course, I don’t know where in Canada Tinalee is, just knew she was in CA as are others and it has sounded like a later time that she usually watches BB.
Haven’t see any of her postings so she might be out and about, in the rain. hee hee
I think she said that she is in Vancouver.
Thank You Thank You Thank You Kevin K
Had to look up where it is. I was at the Seattle’s World Fair many decades ago. Elvis made a movie there :-)
Well Canada is a country just like the U.S. so has many time zones. Much of Canada gets the broadcast when it is originally broadcast so it doesn’t make sense to say ‘hey west coast and Canada”
These comments are too GOOD to pass up, I guess it was OK for Jason to put up Matt and Raven, when nether One really was harmful, but putting up Alex and Jason, oh NO, not GOOD, to Bad it took Paul 2 seasons to figure out Big Brother, but He’s playing the Game pretty good, it’s funny that the smart and strong ones are still in the game?? To Bad Cody made it to Jury and has the benefit of staying in the luxurious Big Brother House, I hear and see it’s Pretty Nice and if He is still going to marry Jessica, She Better get a pre-nup to protect Herself and Good Luck!!! And like the One said, the House Guests should of realized what they where signing up for, Big Brother is a real personal game, some of them should leave like Megan did????
Soooo……. I just started tonight/Sunday nights episode and I have a question.
When Christmas is in the DR room talking about the HOH comp, she says “how obvious it was everyone purposely defaulted” and then she says “Paul, you got out on a ……….buddy???”
Paragraph? What did she say? Was it paragraph?
We (my husband and I, then we asked our daughters to come listen to what they heard Christmas say) we ALL heard “paragraph!?!” Is that what she actually said? And if so, what does that mean? LOL 🤔 🤷♀️ 🤔
Raven was talking on the live feeds about the “Wrap up party” & other stuff to do with BB and then Raven and Matt are “going to see her doctor in Switzerland!!” LMAO
DO ANY OF YOU think Raven will be able to show her face at the wrapup party? Or any other events?
Or do you think the entire cast (along with previous HGs) will laugh at her? call her out on her BS?
Do you think HGs etc. will be SUPER PISSED at Raven? & tell her to NEVER show her face around a BB events, ever??
Do you think anyone will ever forgive her or anyone will have her back? (I don’t mean her family etc)
Will Raven get her 15 minutes of fame? OR will she have to go in hiding?? (so to speak)
I TRULY HOPE I never see this girl again! I PRAY she doesn’t hire a (GOOD) publicist and play the “my mom has Munchhausen syndrome & I have been abused by her my entire life card?” Sympathy! Card, She’s not getting any from me!
Curious what you all think will happen? Oh & will Matt stand by her side or kick her to the curb?