The latest round of spoilers for Big Brother 19 this week reveal who had taken control, who is on the Block, our latest target for the week, and what went wrong with the Temptation twist. Catch up on what’s been going inside the house since the last episode of Big Brother.
Head of Household:
We didn’t get to see this one start off during Thursday’s episode due to a rain delay, but eventually results came in for who had won. It was disappointing that we didn’t get to watch this on the Feeds since the last time it was an HoH comp we were able to see it play out.
When we saw it was the running, sprinting competition it seemed obvious that Christmas wouldn’t be cleared to participate since she already announced that she was weeks away from being able to put weight on her broken foot. Oh, wait, nevermind. Magically Christmas was cleared to play and that meant everyone could throw the competition to her as planned.
Yes, Christmas won her second HoH comp and for the second time it was given to her by default when everyone else was knocked out or self-eliminated. Yikes. Read More >>
Temptation Twist:
The tree came back to life and still had its four apples remaining after no one touched it last week. However, with all the Houseguests feeling “calm as Hindu cows” thanks to Paul’s manipulation, no one was willing to take the risk of upsetting what they believed to be their clear ride to finale night.
The Tree twist closed for a second week without any takers. That’s the end of that twist. Read More >>
With Paul’s minion in charge of nominations this week he could move forward with the next stage of his plan to split up Alex and Jason. While using a repeat of last week’s premise to nominate two pawns for a Backdoor he had Christmas send Alex and Jason to the Block. Alex had willingly offered to go up, but she thought it would be against Kevin. Instead Jason joined her in the danger zone.
Jason was correct to get worried and feel the panic, but Alex continued to tell Jason it was concern over nothing. She’s completely, horribly wrong, but too late now to start opening her eyes. Off to the slaughter for you two. Read More >>
Power of Veto Competition:
Jason is the top target this week so he had one real shot at safety with the Veto. His backup chance was with Kevin getting to play, win, and then, if he was willing to upset Paul, save Jason. Well neither of those things happened.
Paul won the Veto and immediately promised Alex safety. Kevin is the expected renom. Paul is also planning to vote along with Alex to keep Jason so he can pretend to not be involved in the move to evict Jason. This is of course designed to protect his position with Jason’s Jury vote and Alex’s trust until she’s eliminated next week as well, by someone else’s hand of course. Josh is on to what Paul is doing, but Christmas is talking him down from those concerns. Sheesh. Read More >>
That should catch you up on everything since Thursday’s episode ended. The PoV Ceremony is coming up on Monday and we’ll get the latest results when it’s over.
What do you think of this weekend’s Big Brother spoilers? Are you happy with the results or did you want someone else to pull off the wins? If you have our Big Brother App then you received alert notifications as these results arrived. If you don’t have it, then be sure to download our app now!
The ONLY thing that could add any interest to this season would be if Alex would wake up seeing Jason go out the door, win HOH and put up Paul and Christmas and share information with the others. Not gonna happen. Especially not during DE. Paul is a talented sheepherder but every time I hear him tell them he “can’t win” I want to scream “Who won LAST year????”
Sadly, you are correct. Once Jason is out the door, I expect Alex to run to Paul wailing, “daddy, save me!” The DE could throw an interesting monkey wrench into the works, though. But even so, knowing what Josh knows and suspects, I doubt he’d have the courage to put Paul OTB even if Josh won the DE HOH.
I can’t wait for the DE!
Paul pulled Alex in to a secret alliance a long time ago. I am sure clipping Jason was planned way back then. Paul has been covering all bases all season long.
I’m sure that’s true. Picture BB as a baseball game, and Paul is all the players. He’s said he’s exhausted, and no wonder. We’re in the 9th inning; the game’s almost over.
Alex will never go against Paul. Even if Paul screws her over really bad… Alex is dumb as it can get
It appears that way. I think we all overestimated her abilities.
Her ability is not in question.. great at comps….dumb at the game itself…
Not true, she’s only won a few comps. As I have stated in other threads, I think her mental toughness is her asset.
Too trusting.
Wayyyyyyyyyy too trusting. Not enough street sense or common sense in that girl. She needs to get out of her mother’s basement more often.
When you’re in an alliance you trust them. Not her fault Paul is a scumbag. JMO
Trust your alliance but always keep your eyes open and your ears a listenin.
Anybody who blindly trusts anyone else – especially someone they met 10 weeks ago in a game and whose infamy preceded them – isn’t all that much in touch with reality.
Technically Paul didn’t win but yeah I agree with you there
The point being made was that last year the returning player won. Paul claiming he can’t win doesn’t make sense based on last year’s winner.
Plus, why would someone as ambitious as Paul give up 3 months of his life to play a game that he knows from the outset he can not win?
He’s been telling the sheeple that they will not consider him a threat…and they keep believing him. The only person who saw through Paul from the start was was Cody. Everybody else bought into the idea that Paul would be their friend and could be trusted.
He didn’t win last year…
The point was last year the returning player won. Paul claiming he can’t win doesn’t make sense based on last year’s winner.
Ahh.. Good point.
He should have won last year, he shouldn’t be here this year, lol
Nicole played better than Paul and deserved the win
I agree. These people crack me up. If Paul deserved to win he would of. But he didn’t. Even Da said in jury you’ve got to give it to Nicole she’s playing the best game. Target on her back since week one and if she’s F2 I probably will vote for her.
Nicole won last year, but I also wonder about those “can’t win” comments he makes. Could that be something other than game strategy BS? What if Paul is actually a temptation himself and really CAN’T win?
That would be a nice twist but the judges say no
Well, then (shrugging shoulders), Paul’s just full of BS. Well … um … duh.
Do you know anyone that isn’t ? I’d so like to meet them, maybe the Dalai Lama ?
Well, I was trying to limit it to people playing the game, but since you mention it, I’m not 100% sure about the Dalai, either.
He said he can go through a whole day without hating someone, if it is true that is better than I can do for sure
Nah, hate is a pretty strong word. Having negative feelings toward people or things doesn’t equate to hate.
No hate is the right word, you are just kidding yourself. Sprinkling a tiny amount of grief into someone’s life is like sprinkling a little crappe on their pancakes
The de is next week
It’s Thursday.
four days ‘this week’
Josh’s theme (courtesy of Johnny Mathis)
Guess it’s over, call it a day, Sorry that it had to end this way
No reason to pretend, We knew it had to end some day, this way
Yes, it’s over, houseguests are gone, What’s the use of tryin’ to hang on?
Somewhere we lost the key, So little left for you and me and it’s clear to see
Too much, too little, Too late to ever try again
Too much, too little, Too late, let’s end it being friends
Too much, too little, Too late, we knew it had to end
Ah, it’s over
[I shall now stop singing.]
Absolutely LOVED IT!!!!!!!
Its been a totally disgusting season and there is nothing that Production can do at this late date to bring back Big Brother as the fans know it…The stupidity of these HGs are over the top…its unreal.. And to expect the viewers to accept that a one legged HG won a Sprint comp is asking way to much….unbelievable …18 more days of the farce…Hope for better next season…
They can evict Paul before finale night. That would be great for me at least.
Christmas Josh and Paul in the finale. Christmas wins and evicts Paul or will she pull a Cody/Derrick? Take Paul to the end and lose out on 500,000?
Not if Alex, Raven, or Kevin wins HOH in the DE (or even before F3)?
Would love to see Kevin make it.
would be great if Kevin made his own decision as to who to nom….Paul will not let him do that…..simple as that..
He may not have to, especially if it’s F4. Then, Paul would have to go up by default if one of the noms takes themselves down with veto. Plus, if Kevin, Alex, or Raven wins HOH during F4, then Paul’s dream F3 would be tarnished.
Nah I think Christmas has other plans.
Plus Josh may want to take Christmas to the end and NOT Paul
I think if Christmas and Josh get to the end they take each other and not Paul.
Based on past seasons, Labor Day can not win F3 because she will not be medically cleared. BB said comps will not be changed for Easter, but who knows if they are honest (not me).
She probably will be able to walk on her foot by then. It’s been over a week since she left the house again and went to the doctor and they said two weeks before she can walk on it.
As there are no actual deserving winners in the house at this point I would like to see that happen..Maybe Josh can get it done during the DE if he wins HOH…
Exactly. The only way for this season to be redeemed is for Paul to be cut short of Final 3. The HG who engineers that will never have to pay for beers again.
Like the guy who grabbed Taylor Swifts booty, he should be able to make up for his fines in free beer, not condoning his actions just making an observation
We’ll, miracles do happen … Vanessa got her butt kicked out.
The only thing that makes any sense to me is if these particular houseguests were selected BECAUSE of their utter lack of capacity to play the game as we know and love it. This may very well have been set up for Paul to win because production feels he should have beat Nicole last season. Nothing else make sense.
No it has not made sense…It went off the norm as we know it when Christmas was allowed to stay in the game with a broken foot…She has been carried the entire game and her only wins consist of 2 HOH’s that were handed to her…Its pointless to go on and on and on about it.. Production is at fault for a more than bad season….
I agree. It’s just way off the walls this season. First Paul comes into the game with friendship bracelets and four weeks of safety, then Christmas stays with a broken foot, then Matt is allowed to go to jury after violating every HN rule in existence – I bet AG is laughing her butt off at the way this season has been frustrating the fans. Silly us … we should have known all along.
Well when you sum it up that way, I think we the fans are maybe dumber than those hg’s for faithfully watching, lol
LOL.. Sad, isn’t it.
I have only heard whispers and rumors. Did Paul threaten to sue CBS for losing out last year?
I think production did not bring Paul back in to win it. They brought him back thinking Paul would be the villain and everyone would be gunning for him and that`s why they gave him 3 weeks safety. But things went totally the opposite way, but Production was fine with it as Jody turned into the “enemy ” instead of Paul.
ooooooooo I like your ‘set up’ reasoning. :-)
“Paul..” “he could move forward with the next stage of his plan to split up Alex and Jason..”
Really sad to see Jason go but its the best move for Pauls game. Alex has no allies left except Paul so is forced to stay close. Kevin is a man on an island with no one. The only threat to Pauls game is Josh. Time to break up Christmas and Josh next week?
I think you’re right that Josh might be the only one to be in Paul’s way which is why I’m surprised to hear Paul camtalk about wanting him in his F3.
Josh & Christmas are about to be the last pair in the game so why would he want to go with the riskiest options at the end? I’d guess Paul has spent so much time making sure Josh is disliked for his behavior that he thinks that’s worth the risk of getting to the end with him.
Makes sense. Get Christmas out and as you mentioned ” Paul has spent so much time making sure Josh is disliked.” Would be better to keep Josh but all his talking back might be alarming Paul. Has Christmas questioned him at all?
Paul does not know it yet…Christmas has not told Paul for fear of him turning on Josh….at least to my knowledge Paul does not know..
That is really interesting. Gotta love Christmas loyalty to Josh. Looking forward to seeing how the week unfolds with that info.
Christmas could actually test paul’s loyalty by telling him and seeing if he tries to get her to turn on Josh, which we all know he would. Of all people to figure out Paul I would not have expected it to be Josh. Maybe he is playing the game!
Some posters suggest that the DR ‘voice from above’ is trying to ‘hint’ to Josh about things to think about regarding paul’a actions and talks. But seems Josh is not getting the ‘hints.’
Right, because people in the jury house aren’t privy to the buddy system Josh, Paul and Christmas have set up now. They still think Josh is a loose cannon PITA.
Paul’s arrogance is starting to blind him. He’s either not seeing how close Josh and Christmas are or he really believes they will both take him to F2. Like Jason said to him yesterday when people think they’re smarter than you that will be their down fall. Hope it’s Paul’s down fall.
From your keyboard, LG. I hope we have a Steve/Vanessa move in the works.
Paul still running the show and anyone catching him doing so gets talked down. What else is new?
“What else is new?”
Gina Marie from S15 may try and scale the wall to go after Raven.
Haha now that I would pay money to see.
So, if Paul takes Alex down and Kevin goes up AND Paul and Alex VTE Kevin, then we’re back to a tie vote (Josh & Raven VTE Jason). Xmas has been having a fit with Paul telling him she does NOT want this to be a tiebreaker! It seems she talked him out of it a couple times, but Paul is going to do what he wants. And in the end, Xmas will say TY, Paul; I have some extra Charmin. May I wipe your arse for you? … shrug.
If Paul forces a tie breaker, Christmas should vote to evict Kevin (or Raven – whoever is in the other chair) – just to thank Paul for his cooperation.
It would be so easy for her to evict Kevin, saying she doesn’t know who to vote butt because the whole house has been mad at Kevin , she will pick him. Then Paul would be pissed but what can he do, take revenge on Xmas? And leave alex and Jason in the game. Paul would have 3 target he wants out and a few people possibly coming for him.
“Xmas has been having a fit with Paul telling him she does NOT want this to be a tiebreaker! It seems she talked him out of it a couple times….” The first part doesn’t make sense (did you mean her instead of him) and the second part is flat out not true (Josh has actually taken this opinion, but Labor Day keeps shooting it down wanting to protect Paul).
A tiebreaker means Christmas has to take the heat for the evict and potentially become the bigger target, an out and out vote leaves her hands clean
And Paul wants her to take the heat so his hands can appear to be clean.
Bingo give that man a cigar, that is why it is called pulling strings, because no one can see what you are doing
Well Josh saw for a while what he is doing….question is if he can convince Santa of that hahhaa
No cuz Santa gotta be a good girl otherwise she`s not getting anything for xmas from daddy Paul
When did Christmas tell him she didn’t want a tie? When I was watching she agreed with him. She said I don’t mind taking the heat. Unless she changed her mind.
I’ve read over the early morning entries 3 times, and can’t find the exact statement about her distress over breaking a tie. The next best entry I could find was this – which infers the tie Vote was talked about previously: 12:28 Christmas: lets walk through two scenerios. Paul asks are you comfortable pulling Alex in. C: IDK yet. she says it is not a -good idea to make her break a tie. Too much chaos. Alex will think Josh. Paul we have to plan where our votes sit. Paul tells Raven she has to vote Jason out. Christmas: walk me through the understanding Alex will have with a split vote. At that point would she not trust you Paul would she know where it came from. Christmas says that will split her with Josh and Paul says we are to the nitty gritty we have to draw line. She will need votes if Paul says F^ all of your and its us two against everyone in the club.
I know Xmas has said she’ll take the heat multiple times … so, probably what you saw is more recent? Yet, who knows what will go down?
Listening to the house guests on after hours talk about the visitor ( Urkel actor ? ) telling them that they were the best season and that Jason was well liked in Fandom ? WTF !! These guys are so delusional and are going to have such a rude awakening when the season ends and rightfully sinks into BB history as the worst season ever.
Not many commentators so I may repost this totally fake Raven mugshot, can just see the COPS episode with mama screaming off camera and Raven pleading ‘ don’t taze me I have a pacemaker ‘
Don’t you think Mama would be arrested right along with her? lol
Like Tyler Perry’s mother daughter under under team. Baby was always underage and mama was always under arrest
Mama is invulnerable to tasers, she’s been hit by lightning.
Oh right, I’m having a hard time Kevin keeping track of those ‘truths’ of hers
Sorry, was thinking of Kevin when I wrote the post below.
Don’t ask me to figure out the law, that is why I stay out of courthouses
Well that’s a good thing to know about you, not on the right side or wrong side of the law.
The law is exactly what it us supposed to be at that moment, and I have a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time
While I don’t like Raven the photo appears to be photo shopped…Something about it is just not a true mug shot…
Duh I said totally fake !!! Maybe I’ll make one with runny mascara
Or with her finger up her nose? Then we know it is real.
Up her NOSE … wrong end bucko
That would be Jessica! She loved that.
No they said Raven picked her butt and ate it, you cannot make this stuff up
Good Lord. That girl ain’t right at all!
Maybe something in the water
Nooo its the lines running through her face from the board behind her…That would not happen in a true mug shot…Not to say that she has not been arrested and there is a real mug shot somewhere..
Her shoulder is blurred, left that in to make it obvious, I know for certain it us fake as I made it, it is a joke, why don’ t you get it ?
I get it…great job of editing the photo…
Thanks mister man
Did you see the one for non-runny mascara on GoFundMe? It’s asking for $4 and I think they raised $5.
How about a gofundme for toothbrushes for Kevin, it is as unnerving to see someone else’s peccadillos as it sounds
Sounds like a most worthy cause. They can be manual TBs. can’t they? I mean, they don’t have to be powered …
Don’t mention TB, that will be Raven’s next illness. Shhh!
Might already be on the list … there’s 87 of them there. I just sort of scrolled through.
Wow, that’s like 37 more than when I read it a few weeks ago.
Some of them come on quickly, you know.
and without doctor appointments and diagnosises.
At least we know it won’t be an STD since there were a lot of used condoms.
Yeah, but other people touched them.
Maybe a middle school hygiene slide show, beep, this brush is for your hair, beep, this brush is for your mouth
He rinsed it.
If you pee in the shower you might as well wash in the toilet, nuff said
Lol. I pee in the shower and it goes down the drain. I wash right after so it is not the same. You Sh** in the toilet so the water is not sanitary.
lol. Urine is good to prevent athletes foot. Always urinate on your feet in the shower.
They used to urinate on cuts, anything the body produces is sterile, but no we have to try to find new ways to elevate ourselves above the animals, so I am not going to ask you to use my shower lol not that you would hahha that being said I am a gambler so many things are negotiable
I never said that there is a Boston mob and I would like to find out whoever said that I said there is Boston mob because they are a liar, so to make it clear I never said that there is a Boston mob
First time I saw this I laughed for ten minutes, for true
And his hair was probably clean.
Damn, you mean I only had to give $4? Damn I do need to wear my glasses. :P
It says fake above, and that’s how she looked on last night’s veto comp.
I cant believe how Matt would have sex with her…. She smells like hoarder.
I can’t believe Raven would have sex with him… He is a 33-year old Peter Pan.
Matt is dumb, but he is really really HOT… He`s a handsome hunk.
I like hot too, but what makes a man hot is his brain. Smarts is a turn on, and a fit body. To me, Matt doesn’t fill the bill. He has sex with young girl 10 years younger… that don’t impress me much.
Watch it Lanza, you’re drooling, lol
I would give anything to be in Elena`s place ….Matt,Cody and Mark ,omg I honestly can`t even process right now being in the same house with them
Hope there is enough milk to go around and that Matt doesn’t use it all up on his cereal lol
if I was there I can guarantee that the boys would be eating more than just cereal LOL
the silver fox
Do you mean like a room full of wet, damp, moldy newspapers ?
I think what’s best for Christmas’s game is to pull a Steve on Paul. Take the strongest player to final 3 and cut them at the last moment.
I know people like Steve or Jon (BBCAN 2) are guilty of “robbing the good players of their money”, however how do you think they won? The evicted the stronger players (Vanessa and Neda) and went to the end with more unlikeable people (Liz and Sabrina)
Considering Josh irritates people and is a kissass, taking him to the end ensures a half mill in your bank account.
Honestly, that is the best strategy for both Josh and Christmas (or anyone ) at this point. Take him to Final 3 (or 4 at worst) then cut him. Unlike last season, Paul should win the Final Vote easy. Nicole actually played her own game last season (even if at times they worked together) which is why it was a close vote and she ende dup squeaking the victory. but, the HGs this year? They have been playing Paul’s game 9thoguh Paul’s game has helped others too most noteably Josh and Christmas).
I think that is what Christmas has planned…
Wouldn’t one of them have to miraculously win 2 comps at F3 to be in the position to make that choice? Given their comp history, doesn’t look promising. Would love to see it happen but they really need to make their move sooner.
Not alot to look forward to this week as everything is going according to the Paul plan set forth weeks ago…maybe Alex will start trashing the kitchen. 3 off duty police detectives will have to tase and take her out of the house in handcuffs and on national tv?
And as they escort her out, they’ll look over to Kevin and say as per your orders Chief and she’ll go even crazier, lol
That is so good. You’re a genius!
ty, sir.
Now that’s good tv
nope. I predict that Alex thinks friendship will take her to F2. I posted it before. Alex thinks that she is Victor this season and Paul’s best friend.
Great minds think alike.
No one is guilty of “robbing the good players of their money”; that’s the nature and point of the game. I’m just not sure either Christmas or Josh has the chutzpah somewhere inside to even think of cutting Paul at F4 or F3. I’m afraid they’ll all be like Cody – take Derrick over Victoria “because I never thought of anything else and Derrick deserved to win.” Can’t you just hear either Christmas or Josh saying that now?
Josh may choose Christmas over Paul, but unfortunately for the two followers, Paul wants them at the end because he will beat them and be the one to choose.
“No one is guilty of “robbing the good players of their money”
Tell that to people who say Steve “ruined Season 17”. No I’m dead serious people still think Vanessa was robbed.
Josh would beat Christmas at the end. I think the only ones who can beat Josh are Kevin and Paul. Alex can’t and of course not Raven.
Kevin has not even come close to winning one thing ( not sure about the 10th week POV ) , do not see how he can win without winning a competition, is there a precedent from previous shows ?
I think if anybody takes Kevin to the end he may win it. Maybe not Paul, but the others. I want a bitter jury. He socialized with every single person in the house in a nice way.
When Kevin and Jason collide you will be able to see how much is contrived, for myself I am expecting fireworks, have you ever seen ‘ Kill Smoochy ‘
Dr. Will won Season 2 without winning a single competition.
was he a floater as Kevin is?
I don’t think so, but the game was different then (no POV, for example, and Dr. Will threw every single HOH). Check over on Reddit – “Has anyone ever won BB without winning a single competition?”
Here’s two more comments from there:
– Season 2 is a relic but it is amazing to watch. Especially if you’re a fan of the mastermind/puppet master type BB players, he’s where it all started. and
– Dr. Will threw pretty much every competition ever and he’s considered one of the greats. He proves that if you have to rely on winning comps that you’re not playing a good game.
Will is one of the best players ever. When he came out and told them all he was going to lie and cheat to all of them it was hilarious. But they still kept him.
Thanks for the info, so it is possible but I think still unlikely without Jury support if I am correct
There were six jury votes in Season 2 – Will Kirby received five of them. (Check out more at “Fandom – The Big Brother Wiki – Will Kirby.”)
How would Josh beat Christmas?
He played a better game since he was the one who got his hands dirty for all of them.
Bored? Check this out: “The Complete List of Raven Walton’s Illnesses And Wild Claims” on Tamara’s Tattles. Good frickin’ grief! 87 of ’em!
No relevance. Just an awesome gif to go along with your hilarious link.
Oh, is that Raven as a baby? You know she has Flapping Arms and Nodding Head Syndrome, right?
Oh, you mean the baby! I guess I was looking at the wrong one. Heh.
2 of the 87 syndromes? ?
Do you mean the pink one or the green and yellow striped ?
Well, the green and yellow striped one was her mentor, that’s where she got her makeup tips
The unibrow must be the class raven fell asleep in. hasn’t perfected that yet.
Yup, she’s still working on getting those lips right. She hasn’t been able to steal, er find the right shade yet.
She so does overdo it with way too bright lipstick but she is pretty and does have some fashion sense, hate me if you have to I so don’t care. She is what is called high- maintenance, when everything is smooth it is golden, but get off track and disaster strikes, I’ve known girls like that, it is amazing what guys will do for a teaspoon of kindness
She could be very attractive if she toned down the makeup, got rid of the ridiculous buns on her head and had a complete personality transplant.
I like then buns and ribbons .. Now Josh was kind of a shmuck for tossing her hair extensions, thought that was a violation, -1 for Josh
So, I bet you liked Princess Leia with her buns and that gold bikini
Still dream about her when I am lucky, Princess Leia was also in chains, now we have the complete look for Rave, love you Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds wherever you are
Did you ever see the episode of Friends where Rachel dressed up as Leia and got into bed with Ross and she morphed into his mother? Hilarious.
Amen, brother. …
Changed my handle now you can be convinced that I am Alison lol uploaded tin man and Chopin’s nocturne to utube ( disqus URL ) if you still do not believe me
Here is a sneek peek of Jessica appearing with Rena Sofer on the Bold and the Beautiful
Also do not know who did this one but I let it loop 100 times, sometimes O.C.D. is wonderful !
See, you didn’t fool me ‘Arthur’ LOL.
Would never try, I’ m a front stabber like ‘ the mooch ‘, don’ t you love people that refer to themselves in the third person
She is pretty and seems to look her best on the primetime shows when she knows she will be on television. Now those cinnamon buns, I think the late Carrie Fisher would say that’s a “hair-don’t” for a hairdo.
Is that Lucy?
Yes. Who every red head should espouse to become!
I still will watch any episode of I Love Lucy if I come across it and I think I have seen every one 6 or 7 times. Her timing was flawless and had the best supporting cast. She was very attractive wasn’t she.
Beautiful. Her and Raven have more than red hair in common. Both have pretend characters. Wonder who the real Raven is?
Raven is not a natural redhead, she dyed her hair and it’s been growing out since the show started.
lol so even her hair is fake! Not sure if I want to know the real Raven then!
Ha Ha! And she does look good as a redhead, she chose a great color. A lot of people dye their hair red and it is not flattering at all.
And they’re not allowed to change their “look” once they’re inside the BB house, so no hair coloring, Paul couldn’t shave off his beard – none of that. I think that rule came out a few seasons back when Liz and Julia were trying to change things for their twin switching.
The difference is that Lucy KNEW she was playing a character, Raven is just delusional
“I Love Lucy” is on the regular Hallmark channel from 4 am to 7 am weekday mornings. (not the Hallmark Mysteries and Movies channel)
“I.L.L.” was also on MeTV but their schedule changed this weekend.
I am a fair-skinned redhead! Redheads rule!
Hope you have a great day and please…..stay out of the sun!
Always! I wear hats and sunblock.
Lucille Ball was actually a brunette.
TY Kelly. Didn’t know that! Hard to tell!
Ball, a natural brunette, went blonde when she was a model before settling on her iconic apricot-colored ‘do. Hairdresser Sydney Guilaroff reportedly recommended the switch, saying: “The hair is brown, but the soul is on fire.” Ball’s closely guarded hair dye was kept in a garage safe.
In the 1950s, after the House of Un-American Activities Committee investigated Ball’s alleged ties with communism, Desi Arnaz said: “The only thing red about Lucy is her hair, and even that is not legitimate.”
LOLOLOL! Thanks for the laugh. Now I have gained the necessary strength to keep myself from putting my fist through the TV during the show tonight.
Glad it lowered your blood pressure!
Well, that and a glass of Pinot Noir.
When you get frustrated, just do what the baby is doing. Shake it off.
But then I could wind up with Flapping Arms and Nodding Head Syndrome – you know, Raven’s Disease.
Ok, then just do 3 spins and jump 3 times in place and you’re cured. Think I heard Raven’s dr. say that was the cure
That’s a lot to ask someone who has been drinking! She may fall down and end up with raven syndrome 46!
Is that the rough knee syndrome or the “i’ve fallen and can’t get up syndrome’?
Oh, no, not 46!!! This is too much (even for me)!
46) When she was 8 a serial killer knocked on her door, but she didn’t answer it. (Shucks.) The previous night a neighbor claimed to have seen a masked man peeping through her bedroom window, but neglected to call the police (probably thought it was one of her brothers), and didn’t tell Mama Munch about it for several days.
LOL, glad you’re still with us
“… a serial killer knocked on her door, but she didn’t answer it. (Shucks.)” OMG – I almost wet myself. Thank you! You made my day!
Thanks, I tried that and it seems to have worked. (Haven’t had the wine yet.) Raven’s doctor must know what he’s talking about. ;~)
Does that make it Raven’s disease # 88
Could be. There is no #88 yet.
What do they call scab eating and butt crack morsels eating? Maybe scabulitis and single berry syndrome.
Disgusting comes to mind
dingle berry
Auto correct! I guess auto spelling doesn’t know what a dngle berry is.
lol. So cute.
Ok, Raven now has hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism (wouldn’t that balance out to normal?). Are those #88 and 89 or already on the list?
I think Flapping Arms and Nodding Head Syndrome is the new #88, and that could explain so many things – like why she wears those extra-terrestrial buns on her head. She could have beaten herself silly with her hair extensions – and that’s why she screams so loud when it’s not called for.
#91. Beating self with hair extensions. is that even listed in the DSM disorder manual? She may have found the rarest of the rare disorders!
Sounds as if you are correct and 88 and 89 balance each other out,
I hope she can avoid #90. Hungry, Hungry Hippo syndrome!
Both? Lmao I really think that’s impossible.
It definitely is, but this is Raven we’re talking about so……
Plus she now claims her relatives were on the Titanic when it sunk! What about the Hindenburg and the Lusitania? Oops she forgot them lol!
My TV says that the next Friday show is on the 15th. There won’t be a double this week.
Isn’t there a double on Thursday? I read it on one of these sites.
Of course none of the things we hoped for happened. BB had a good run, but it is time to close the production team.
You’re right but I hope they come back next season! Thank God Julie Chens husband runs CBS or we may have to watch it on the TV Guide channel after this season.
I prefer BBOTT since I can see all their rigging better.
It’s been renewed for Season 20:
“CBS is giving Big Brother fans a steady stream of the good stuff.
The voyeuristic reality addiction has been renewed for a 19th and 20th season, the network announced Wednesday [Aug. 10, 2016] at the Television Critics Association summer press tour. Season 19 will air in the summer of 2017 and Season 20 will air in the summer of 2018.”
Man they must be gluttons for punishment, since I am watching BB19 I know I am
What really made the difference this year (aside from all the crazy characters this season), was I taped the BB After Dark shows and indulged to the point where I could no longer think straight. By watching, I delved into the BB psyches and saw the interaction behind the scenes, which was a mix of shock, boredom and sheer craziness. I had to stop watching, it was consuming too much of my time but I admit I loved watching all the drama. I can’t wait for next year’s 20th anniversary season!
It not only consumes too much time, it can also take a toll on who you are, if you let it. I’ve had to turn off BBAD quite a few times before the program was over because of the way the behavior of the HGs was making me feel. I really enjoy BB (it’s my favorite reality show by far), but there’s something off with this seasons HGs, their interaction with each other, and the way they are(n’t) playing the game that is disturbing.
I agree, there is such an element of negativity and cruelty to this season, that I also have watched less. It does affect you and not in a good way
And when you go to bed after watching BBAD and wind up dreaming about these people, you know it’s gone too far.
I know what you mean! Dreams … more like nightmares!
the answer to the source of negativity and cruelty is –
Alex is much worse than Paul. Paul is playing the game and the majority of what he speaks about if game related. Not so with Alex, all she talks about is Kevin, negatively and there’s no need for it. It isn’t game related in anyway, it’s just her being a total bitch, to be a bitch.
STFU Josh…nobody wants to hear ur song anymore….
Dick Donato is constantly tweeting about Raven. I admit I never laughed so hard in my life.
When Raven gets out she will be so excited to see how many youtube videos of her have been made.
And she won’t “get” a single one.
OK done up voting my replies
Do not miss coming next year Survivor 2018, power of the badger, with big brother 19 houseguest Matthew Cline. At least we shouldn’t hear any complaints from him about the living conditions, just kidding buddy, I am not the one saying Raven is foul hahaha
I’m happy Paul won now pull Alex off n put the snake called Kevin up then either Jason r Kevin goes then Alex and hoh n puts maybe Kevin n Josh r Raven
At this point in the game, by bother and try to play. Too little too late.
I don’t understand why everyone gets so mad about Paul. He was able to come in as a vet and last this long so far. Good job Paul! He deserves to win. He is right when he calls himself the puppet master. When the houseguests watch these shows back they will see how blind they were. Go Paul!
What do I think of this weekend in the BB house? I think it’s getting more and more pathetic each and every day is what I think.
How or why these HGs are allowing Paul to control them is bizarre! Scripted? Highly likely!
I honestly don’t like to think that, but these people can’t possibly be as stupid as they are “acting!!!”
Josh of all people is the only one to take notice of Paul’s game play!? Seriously! JOSH!! Maybe if Josh wasn’t so blinded with hatred all season and didn’t make an a$$ out of himself all season, maybe he could’ve been a fan favorite! A good player! BUT instead he listened to Paul and acted upon Paul’s call for “psychological warfare!” & Josh ended up being the bully, crybaby, loser!
Josh brings his “valid concerns” to Christmas and she shuts it down! Unreal! She doesn’t even want Josh to “speak negatively at all about Pau!” Is she for real!?!
Alex to Jason all season – “shut up, let me tell you how to play this game…… “Jason has had LOTS of good ideas but his ‘ride or die’ shut him down but listens to Paul’s every word!
Now Josh to Christmas – is taking notice of how Paul is aligned with the entire house and working on jury votes, making everyone take the fall for his actual actions & Josh sees that Paul is making them do his dirty work! BUT OF COURSE his “ride or die” Christmas shuts him down yet she listens to Paul’s every word!
What is up with Paul’s influence on the entire house? But especially the women in these “ride or die” alliances!?! What has he promised them? Does he possess some secret power we do not see!? Why do these “seemingly intelligent women” (Alex & Christmas) play like “mindless morons?!”
Why is BB becoming a highly scripted reality TV show when it was better before?! Why? Why?
I really don’t want to turn off BB! Hence why I haven’t this season. For some reason I’m still holding on to help! Why? LOL
AND…….that’s how I feel about this weekend Matthew Boyer. It was a repeat of last weekend sadly!
Love a good rant, you go girl 🌹🌸🌼🌻🌺🌻🌼🌸🌹🌷🌼🌻🌸🌹
What is your speech to talk software or system, it seems easier than typing ???
It’s 100% easier using the talk to type. It’s just a little microphone on my keyboard that I click and then I talk and as I’m talking the words come up. It makes mistakes/misunderstands me or writes down the words it thinks I said so I do have to go back and correct or my comments with sound super funny. I don’t always catch them either so sometimes the wrong word will slip through but all in all it’s so much easier hence why my comments are so long LOL
This just took me 10 seconds.
Nice, thank you for that info, I do not like the idea of Alexa and microphones listening in on me , usually it would probably pick up loud music and grumbling but still ??? 😸
Autocorrect messes me up all the time, it turns for into four and said I wrote ‘ Cody is a dink ! ‘ 😸😸😸
Who is alexa? LOL yeah talk to type misunderstands me or of course uses the wrong word from time to time, just like you said four instead of number for etc. (See, it just did it backwards LOL)
I never said talk to type is very intelligent, but it’s very helpful LOL
Alexa? And microphones? You crack me up! You are a very interesting person AG! LOL so, you think someone’s listening to you if you use talk to type?
Big Brother is always watching, and yes it is an open microphone, if they want to they can listen in easily, same thing with the cameras on your phone and computer, they can easily be operated remotely
I put stickers over the camera lenses … I am not joking 😾😾😾😾😾
Thank you for your compliments, they are nectar to me 😸 and also
You are not so bad yourself TinaLee you have a good attitude 😸
Did you know the original definition of nectar was the healing potion of the Gods 😸