Tonight On ‘Big Brother 19’: HoH Competition, Nominations, & Den Of Temptation

Tonight on Big Brother 19 on CBS at 8/7c it’s time to watch the rest of the Head of Household competition play out after its lead in on Thursday night. From there we’re off to the Den of Temptation for one more viewer voted power and then we’ll wrap up the night with nominations.

Jessica Graf competes on Big Brother 19

Last week was a roller coaster ride and that’ll set the bar high for this round. With Cody as the outgoing HoH and the target for the bulk of the house we’re going to get ready to see a lot of attention aimed his way tonight.

From what we first saw of the HoH competition on Thursday’s show and then as the rest of it played out on the Feeds, the HGs were gathering giant pieces of candy to find tickets. Those tickets would be turned in for balls to roll down a ramp to make it in a hole in the center. First Houseguest to land a ball in the pocket would win HoH this week.

As for the majority’s plans, are you ready for Cody to head out the door or has our fun with him just getting started? The house is dividing in to three sides and it’s only the second week of Big Brother. Time to watch the next round of events play out as the HGs have been hard at work in their battle for control.

Don’t forget you can live stream CBS TV on All Access to catch tonight’s Big Brother 19 episode even if you’re on the go. Get your Free Trial now and watch all the episodes and Live Feeds too.

Can’t wait to find out who won HoH, who was nominated, and won the Den of Temptation vote? Check our spoilers board for all the latest results and updates for the season so far.

Join us back here at 8/7c and chat live with other fans throughout the show. Want even more Big Brother? Download our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates.



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  1. ok come back at me if u will….But I understand PAUL and his pushy (what some call bullying) attitude.. Paul is a vet and the cards were stacked against him from the get go.. Safety or no Paul has to fight/plot/ plan everyday to figure out a way to stay in the it this week or 2 months from now if he is still in the house he will have to fight till the end.. Paul cannot slip slide or float his way through the game like other HGs .. Despite what people say about Paul getting preferred treatment “America” voted to give Paul 3 weeks of safety Seems the same people that voted for him to have safety are bitching cause he has it…It was not Paul alone that voted out Cameron the house was involved the house knew that Paul would stay when they voted Cameron out. ..I don’t like some of Pauls actions either but I can see his side.. Paul is even expecting there to be a “Battle Back” which means Cody could return and Paul is already preparing his strategy/game moves if it happens..Is anybody else in the house thinking along those lines??? Nope not as I know about.. And Codys best explanation as to why he nominated Paul “You did not give me a friendship bracelet” seriously?? That coming from a 27 yr old male/ marine??? And please note that Ramses is not a child.. He is 21 yrs old (3 yrs younger than Paul) and if he is a “superfan” of the show then he knows for a fact that sometimes u gotta roll with the house to stay in the game (like Alex & Kevin are doing)… While Ramses immaturity clearly shows his actions have consequences especially in the BB house…Sooooo in having said all of the above I will get off my soap box and yall can start throwing rocks tomatoes etc etc at me…If u wanna throw money that would be great…lol..yall have a good day..

    • Yeah, a lot of people don’t understand that its probably a lot harder to play this game as a returning player. I’m sure its probably even harder when you’re the only returning player. Paul came to BB last season as someone that didn’t know much about the game and yet made it to the final two (in spite of being a major target pretty much each week).

      Sure, Paul’s personality is a little pushy or maybe over the top, but he’s fun and entertaining. He’s not bullying anyone and I think that’s a bit unfair. He talks about intimidating Ramses, but he does it by ignoring him not by physically intimidating him. This isn’t the game of Rainbows, Sparkles, and Butterflies….

      Last time I checked, they are playing Big Brother. More people could stand to play the game like Paul!

    • Actually, I have no disagreement with anything you said. However, Paul does tend to go overboard with his mouth and his ‘pushiness’, he could tone it down a little and it wouldn’t hurt him at this point.
      You know littlefly, Paul reminds me of a little fly that buzzes around your head and you just can’t get rid of him ;-)

      • He does go overboard sometimes but I think when he does he is going into “survival ” mode status…Flies can be extremely hard to get rid of

    • VERY well said, littlefly. I feel exactly the same way as you. You summed up everything perfectly! Thank you.

    • Screw Paul, he got on my last nerve last year and is on it this season as well. When will this group of people realize Paul is playing them like a fine fiddle.

      • I agree but who says they don’t already know that? They, his alliance is smart to keep Paul around for a little bit because he would be a bigger target then the other members of his alliance. They just have to be careful they don’t keep them too long!

    • I love Paul so it all works for me. He had such a rough run of it last year, I honestly don’t care if production is setting it all up for him to win, play on Paul and good luck!

      • I do also like Paul. Sure he gets on my nerves sometimes, but sodas pretty much everyone else in the house. Vet or no Vet, they all know the game. Well most of them do …..
        Although I don’t agree with production manipulation. I miss the more organic games. I’m not a big fan of these twist and temptations, at all! Especially when they totally screw someone’s game. Cody’s for example. It’s just not a fair game in my opinion but, I know….Who said big brother is fair!? I do, at least it used to be when it was more organic/no twists, temptations……

    • I totally agree with everything you said. I was not a Paul fan last year although he did start growing any towards the end.

    • You are good!!!! Everything you said I agree with. You said it much better than I could. Thank You!!

    • Unfortunately for you I will not be throwing tomatoes, stones or money because I do in fact agree with a lot of what you said. However, yes Paul needs to fight fight fight! But he’s just fight fight fighting a little too hard now. Take it down or not dude unfortunately for you I will not be throwing tomatoes, stones or money because I do in fact agree with a lot of what you said. However, yes Paul needs to fight fight fight! But he’s just fight fight fighting a little too hard now. Take it down A notch dude! & also, as a vet Paul said no you can go from the top to the bottom and a matter of seconds hence Cody already so Paul has to stop being so aggressive, bossy to some and just chill out a little bit…
      He is over playing IMO which can also get him into trouble. But, I think he is in a good place to go far. I think he is aligned with some straight shooters who know keeping Paul around for as long as possible is good for their games. Bigger target!
      But, who knows! Big brother houseguests flip-flops so much, come Thursday we could have brand-new alliances and targets
      Sorry, I just couldn’t throw money at you because I agreed LOL 😂

    • No rotten tomatoes from me littlefly and if I had some spare money I would gladly throw some your way. Great post and I agree with everything you wrote. Paul is the one I am rooting for. Not only do I like the way he plays, but he entertains me as well. I remember last season and the way he did the Secret Service Agent punishment I have never laughed so hard and have never seen anyone take one of those punishments and really make it fun. Usually all you get is someone puts the costume on and just wears it until they have the take it off ceremony. Case in point Cody who had the worst look on his face when he got the frog costume. I don’t know where they got Cody, but he never has any fun whatsoever he just looks mad all the time. I think of all the people who want to play BB and they waste a spot on him.

  2. Does anyone in the house know another word besides the F word. It is getting so disgusting to listen to, I watch a few minutes of after dark and turn it off. Paul grow up, if you were my son or in my case grandson I would kick you in the butt

  3. And, because I’m watching with my mother tonight, I’ve gotta wait. Because, hey, she’s on the freakin’ phone when she knows what time the damn show starts! Ugh! This is why I hate watching this with people other than my BB friends who, like me, prefer to watch it when it’s freaking on. And, of course, I gotta deal with her wanting to back up the DVR because she’s losing her hearing and blaming it on the fact that they’re talking too fast.

    • You wouldn’t like watching it with me then! Close captioning on, wait we have to turn it off because they’re whispering and we need to read the words, close captioning off rewind, OK no more whispering, close captioning back on rewind and repeat throughout the episode…… Close captioning on but, what did they say? Rewind! …….Then
      “Hey babe, what do you think about blah blah blah ” pause, “I don’t know, let’s just watch and see” rewind, unpause and repeat……
      Dog interrupts pause, deal with dog, rewind and play.…… cat knocks over something pause, clean up or just pick up what fell… rewind……un pause!!! Daughter one… ” mom do you have any blah blah blah??” Pause, quickly answer because she’s a big girl & can figure it out herself. She’s an adult! Don’t call during big brother rewind, un pause….. Daughter #2 ” can you pick me up please?” Pause for 20 minutes, rewind. Play….
      Daughter #3 ” mommy I’m hungry what can I eat?” Pause, help our daughter find a snack, then brush teeth, then put her to bed. Rewind, Play…… Repeat. A cat barfs… pause, cleaning up barf, wash floor, start laundry, do a few more tasks….Rewind, Play….and repeat… “Can we rewind it a little farther, I forgot what happened/I want the full effect…..
      Yes, I do drive my husband crazy but he loves me 💜
      Big brother is usually on three nights a week for at least two hours Per episode lol 😂 . And don’t get me started if we try and watch a movie LMAO 😆

      • LOL, I don’t have kids (yet – totally planning on it one day), but I do have 2 (soon to be 3) cats and a dog, so I get the pet interruptions.

  4. If they really created a sound effect for her broken bone that is not cool.

    • That’s exactly what my husband and I were thinking! It sounded super real and bad! Really really bad! But we wondered if perhaps BB made the sound effect. Not cool at all! That made us cringe eek 😬

  5. She (Jess) should have maintained that attitude..maybe I would root for her. lol

    • I thought that girl was going to go so far! Boy was I wrong. She hooked up with the wrong dude

  6. As I watch it. Paul’s over the top character works for ‘tv viewers, he could be annoying on feeds.

  7. Every time Jessica starts complaining about friends bailing on her, I’m reminded of how she refused to go downstairs to see Christmas when everyone else did. She specifically said she didn’t want to go down there or be seen trying to look.

  8. Lmao, Jessica and Cody really may be the two most disrespectful people in BB History

    • Depends on the kind of disrespectful, I guess – towards property or towards people. BB15 was full of racists, Chima probably busted that microphone in BB11. But, yeah, Jess and Cody do make the cut to get on at least one of those lists.

  9. Jessica – “Nobody is my friend!”
    Also Jessica – *Secludes herself from everyone in the house*

  10. Someone needs to put Cody and Jessica in their place. The biggest jerks on the planet. I am trying not to cuss. :)

  11. Nothing against Josh, but he’s more needy on ‘feeds’and can be irritating.

      • All she has to do then is tell Paul she got to curse them and they are not allowed to play for veto.

      • She did tell only Paul. But the way it works is that after the veto players are chosen, she can use the ring to replace one of the player that was chosen by draw.

      • Then what was the point of cursing the three and putting them in the cauldron. I though that meant that they could not play in the veto comp. Unless I am just totally confused.

      • I have not been keeping up with the spoilers or feeds this year. I need to catch up. :)

      • Lol you’ll eventually see it played out on tv if you don’t catch up.

      • No, that part was to give an extra curse, which ended up been the frog costume.

  12. I’m hoping the reason Alex or Kevin didn’t get the temptation is because everyone is waiting for something better for them.

  13. Does Christmas have to play in the veto if she pulls someone off, or can she pick someone else?

  14. Is Kevin eligible for a second temptation since he already took the 1st one?

  15. Halting Hex is next tempation. But doesn’t end voting until 7/19 – a week from Wednesday. So, really no den this week – and it is just before the 7/21 special episode

      • Next sunday is the 16th – 3 days before voting ends. This next den cannot be next sunday

      • I wonder if they have the dates wrong for voting? Or if like you said no temptation next Sunday.

      • That’s a mistake, should be the 12th. Unless there is no den next week and the next one is in 2 weeks.

      • Could be – but I was very surprised to see that on the show. Which is why I commented

    • The consequence has to be the battle back I would think. It is a temptation nobody would ever turn down.

      • Could be a battle back. Could also be some other form of returning HG. Can you imagine if the returning HG is chosen, by the saved HG, for example. If Alex gets the Hex – would she bring back Cody?

      • And if someone doesn’t accept it? What does Friday’s episode mean then?

      • Don’t be so sure. Say if Alex does get it, she may decide she doesn’t need it

      • To stop an eviction for 4 weeks are you crazy. That means she’s safe for sure if she goes up. Like I said it will get taken.

  16. Cody is going insane. Sitting their scowling at everyone. He just seethes way to much hate.

  17. They should have ‘Back Door’ flashing sign for the’s so obvious.

  18. So, did they edit the Den of Temptation to make it seem like Christmas picked Jason instead of Ramses since he couldn’t get the punishment twice in a row? And if yes, did she have to refilm the cursing part or did they just have her record over her original line in the DR?

  19. OK, I had no idea that pretty much every HG gave Paul their tickets to go on and win HOH. I thought he did it himself with a little bit of help! But I had no idea It was that much help! SMH! Not cool! In my opinion……
    Sure, it was good for some players game not to win the HOH because it was very clear who the target is but come on people, play the freaking game! Stop being a bunch of followers. Winning an HOH because everyone pretty much gave you their tickets is not a win in my opinion!
    Paul has nothing to be proud of. Well I guess he does, he got at least 3/4 of the house to give him tickets so I guess good for him!?
    They do realize that as soon as Cody is gone, Jessica is probably not going to be the target. Things change so quickly! These people have to start thinking for themselves! Although this is very entertaining and I hope it stays this way even when Cody leaves, I still don’t like many of the HGs gameplay! Cowards

  20. & Matt, you mentioned in this post the HG’s are splitting into three groups. Really!? So what are the groups now? As far as I know….
    This is the house divided (someone)

    Paul has – Christmas, Josh, Kevin, Matt, Elena, Raven, Mark & Dominique

    Cody has Jessica & sort of has Alex, Jason & Ramses (although it’s pretty clear Alex, Jason & Ramses are not going to go out of their way to try and save Cody! He’s done, at least for now!

    How is the house divided now? What alliances are there now?
    TIA XO 😘

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