Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Weekend Roundup – Week 2

Weekends are a busy time for the Big Brother Houseguests as the major events take place over those few short days. In case you were out enjoying your time and missed any of the news we’ve got a roundup of all latest big results and spoilers from the past few days.

Jessica and Cody on Big Brother 19

The spoilers started off Thursday night when the live eviction show ended with a cliffhanger for the Head of Household competition. Would one of the outsiders pull off the win, maybe Cody’s sole ally, or would the new majority take control? Find out all that and more with our weekend roundup.

Big Brother 19 Spoilers – Week 2 Roundup:

Head of Household: HGs were tasked with earning turns to roll a ball toward a pocket. That approach made it easier for HGs to work together and funnel their opportunities to one player who happened to be Paul. Now remember this is a returning competition from BBOTT and it worked the same way there with HGs able to join forces, so that wasn’t something new to make it easier for the one side. All the same, Paul pulled off the win to become this week’s HoH. Read more >>

Den of Temptation: This week’s power was the Ring of Replacement, letting its holder swap out one of the extra drawn players. Our poll said Christmas would win this one and after a long wait to find out that turned out to be true. She secretly revealed to Paul that she had the new power and was also able to assign the unknown curse punishment to three HGs. That had to be adjusted a bit after she picked Ramses as it seems BB wouldn’t let him be cursed twice in a row. Instead we saw Cody, Jessica, and Jason all turned in to V-Toads. Read more >>

Gallery: Meet The V-Toads

Nominations: Instead of going for a direct attack on Cody Paul decided to try a Backdoor instead. Initially he was going to put up Matthew and Raven then he realized that could too easily backfire leaving both of them on the Block for Thursday. So instead Paul put up Alex and Josh since they were more expendable to his game. These weren’t the only noms though as Ramses applied his curse and joined the Block as the 3rd nom this week. Read more >>

Have-Nots: The process was simple this week for the HN’s. Paul had to pick four of them so he went with the 3 cursed toads plus one volunteer, Matthew. Jason decided to take the gamble and see if he could get out of being a HN for the week. Oops. He chose poorly by going for the purple box. The escape-HN chip was in the orange box. Jason will be a Have-Not for two weeks now. Ouch.

Power of Veto: HGs waited anxiously to see if Cody would get a chance at playing for the Veto or not. Christmas was waiting with her Temptation power to knock him out of the comp if she could, but it wasn’t necessary. Cody didn’t end up getting drawn to play and would have to watch from the sidelines.

After a late competition on Saturday the Feeds returned to reveal Paul had beat out the competition to win the PoV. Apparently Ramses played a little too hard for Paul’s taste, but who could blame him when he’s on the Block. It would have been great drama for Ramses to block Paul’s BD plans, but alas it didn’t happen. Read more >>

Busy few days, huh? Well get ready because there’s more. We’ve got the Veto Ceremony on Monday afternoon and then another build up to this week’s eviction vote on Thursday.

What do you think of this weekend’s Big Brother spoilers? Are you happy with the results or did you want someone else to pull off the wins? If you have our Big Brother App then you received alert notifications as these results arrived. If you don’t have it, then be sure to download our app now!



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  1. Like the set up for this thread, being able to Read More if you missed the action earlier this week. Nicely done

  2. The alliance between Production and Paul: Enter the game, have a fan popularity contest vote, use the fan vote as pretense for three weeks of safety for Paul, thus gauranteeing Paul makes it to jury at least, gauranteeing Paul remaining a ratings-draw for the show until the end of this season. Jessica did well last night to express to Paul that “the deck is stacked in your favor”.

    • Paul was a fan favorite. The first temptation was $25 in exchange for a curse on the house. I’m sure production knew somebody would grab it. So there’s your curse folks, Paul! And a cruse he certainly is. I’m sure Kevin doesn’t mind. He got the $25K.

      • Actually, from the looks of it, people only supported Paul last year because he was tied to Victor. A lot of his so-called “fans” are defecting this year because he’s now the vet.

      • Once Cody and Jessica leaves, who’s next since Paul has promised EVERYONE safety. Next week Paul will be HOH again. And the week after that and the week after that smh.

    • Yup! I completely agree. And they attempted them with $25,000, they knew someone would at least try for it!
      That was definitely a guarantee that they would get Paul back in the house and then knowing America would vote for him to stay safe for three weeks was another guarantee.
      Lame 😒
      Bring back the “organic game”

      • Yes! Did they offer a paltry sum? Hell no. 25 Gs! Damned right a bunch would hit that button, house curse be damned! :oD

  3. Ugh, listening to Cody talk to Alex and Jason about how disloyal the other side of the house is…it’s like he’s describing how he and Jessica have been in he house.

    • Can’t believe this guy is a Marine vet with all his whining and hiding out in the HN room. He needs to man up.

      • Lawdy, don’t bring his service into it. It sets off the snowflakes that can’t discern between the service of the man and the man himself.

      • To be fair, he’s the one who keeps bringing it up. He never shuts up about it.

      • I mean on the boards. We’ve had several people piss and moan about “commenters” not giving him enough credit for being in the service. Being on BB doesn’t have a damn thing to do with being in the service and I don’t have to give anyone, most especially Grody a break in BB because he served our country. They are 2 very separate issues and should be seen as such. I salute him for putting on the uniform, but after that, nah. The BB house is not an official combat zone recognized by the US. This is a game show. Buckle up bitches.

      • I have nothing but respect for veterans. I AM one. But there’s nothing more pathetic than someone who thinks his military service, no matter how honorable, somehow makes him better than everyone else or believes it excuses douchebaggery. Be a better person, Cody. THAT’S how you earn respect.

      • I know Cody was in the military, but do you know if he was ever deployed? I’ve seen it change people. On the other hand, maybe he’s always been like this.

      • I have no idea, but these days, few Marines escape some kind of deployment. My nephew was an Army medic and had 5 or 6 separate tours in Iraq and Afghanistan before he retired.

        But you’re right. It can change people. But I’ve never seen it turn anyone into a narcissist.

      • and your rant has nothing to do with snowflakes. you just wanted to use that word for one purpose.

  4. I am afraid that we are now in for a rerun of BB16 where Paul will control the house just as Derrick did then. I can’t understand why the house guests are so willing to follow him. Did only Cody see how dangerous Paul was? Paul is smart and a good player. I hope there are some surprises coming but I doubt it.

    • The season has just started. Paul is not going to run the house to the end. It took weeks last season before Paul caught on to Paulie and encouraged Victor to put him up and out. As the numbers dwindle, these players will wake up. Alex for one is someone to be reckoned with. Xmas if she stays and can play is not snowed by Paul. Nothing wrong with using him while he uses you.

      • Kevin is on to Paul’s game as well. But I have to admit, I’m loving the control Paul has in the horse. It’s payback for last year.

      • Kevin was a punk already long before Paul was even born. (Me too for that matter. :oD) We know what punks look like. (See mirror) While the house looks like all weak sauce right now, I’m thinking this big suck-up routine will end with Paul’s eviction immunity running out. Nobody in their right mind is going to just lay down for that punk when $500K is on the line.

      • I hated Nicole and I love Paul and thought BB18 sucked big time due to Nicole and her stupid showmance and the many hours we watched her in bed. That’s how.

      • LOL, Hey KSJB!! How many times did people lord it over the Paul fans that Nicole “deserved” to win? Now I’m going to make the most of Paul coming back to BB and and I will love and make the most of every single second !! Hope all is well you with dollface. *mwah

      • Hey, FDD! You’re lighting up the boards. lol It’s funny. I just happened to be reading this thread while I was watching 90 Day Fiance on DVR until my Ambien kicks in, HA, and I saw you posting this. I cracked up laughing and had to let you know. Yep, hopefully, this is payback. I’m not watching much, and read a thread just every now and then. What are the chances that the comment having the little Show Reply prompt was one about Dingus and her undercover work. Payback is due, for sure! See ya on the other site. ;)

      • Even Nicole said Paul played a better game and she didn’t expect to win. She floated the whole way and she knew it. The jury obviously found Paul to be offensive and avoiding that is critical.

      • I saw chumps going for it though. That’s what I thought was funny. Buncha dummies falling for the oldest game in the book. I won’t dump on her, I dump on them suckers. :oD

    • Of course not. He’s not capable of stepping out of his own idiotic logic. He and Cody could have worked together and gotten far. Smh ” i don’t like him” so what! Fool you should like $500,000 more than you dislike him! Cody’s a child!

      • Paul leads the charge (house) up front with a voice.. Derrick lead the charge from the shadows and one by one his housemates kicked each other off…

  5. Guess Jess doesn’t have to hop around anymore? Tho I think Jason is the only one who actually does. Go figure

  6. Cody is a perfect example of how fragile masculinity is. Its kind of sad to see but hopefully he will be gone from my screen soon.

  7. Froggeo and Froggiette…..”starcrossed lovers” lol I’m really interested in how Messica will handle being in the house without her champion. She went up to the HOH late last night to talk to Paul about it and he gave her loads of good advice but it was literally going in one ear and out the other. She is a selfish little bish, it was all about how she has been mistreated and how can she go on in the house with people treating her that way??? Uhmmmm….Messica, you set that little scenario up all by your damn self. GTFOOH

    • What kind of advice? Like how to smooth over her game to get in with the rest of the house? (Requires some semblance of social skills) Nobody has posted copies of BBAD the past couple of days, darn.

      • Messica is under the mistaken impression that people are doing and treating her wrong, because of her association with Grody. Paul was telling her that her isolating herself so early in the game wasn’t a good move and never instills warm and fuzzy feelings in HG’s, it just alienates them. She was having nothing of it. She doesn’t see anything she has done as being wrong and everyone is the enemy and they need to see things from “her shoes”. That has to be her favorite saying, she has said it at last 1000 times so far. How about putting yourself in others shoes for a change and seeing someone else’s perspective, ya know?

      • I see, thnx! Every problem she has in the world is somebody else’s fault, right? Seems like half our country sees thing that way. :oD She learned that self-pity game from somewhere. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. In BB terms, simply not talking to folks and being reclusive is suicide. Some nice folks have been tossed out simply because they didn’t socialize and try to get acquainted with the entire house. It’s really easy too. Just say hello to somebody and ask them about themselves. Get them talking for while. They will like you but never really get any info about you. :oD

      • Special Snowflake syndrome, it’s contagious and only getting worse imo.

      • If she insists on playing a crap social game, she can pay the price. Lots of these “hamster cage” series exist. People who take their eyes off the prize and get stuck in their own head are fairly common. They commonly never win either.

      • She’ll be following her frog out the door soon enough.

      • And they can hop their way into the sunset to a life of true love and devotion. So romantic. Until she finds out that she’s his new punching bag anyway.

      • No how to move past everybody thats treating her badly in the game. That conversation was cut off bbad. It was right at the end. I read Online Big Brother. They have conversations written verbatim. The good parts.

      • Damage control advice. If anyone knows how to do phony damage control, it’s Paul!

      • You don’t understand. She doesn’t think any damage. She asking how to handle being the victim. Yep Paul is the king of damage control. It’s a skill that’s needed in there whether we like it or not.

      • She’s in denial, yeah. Paul offers damage control advice but it bounces off. BB is made of damage control.

      • The thing is, first, you need to have mental capacity to realize damage has been done. extreme narcissist like Cody and Jessica doesn’t have that trait. Ppl like that will always run into a major road block in this game. I hated nicole, but the girl checked her ego at the door and she won. That’s how it works.

      • I watch BB US, CA, UK, and AU, Survivor US, AU, NZ, The Block AU and NZ, House Rules, etc.. All hamster shows. The personality type you describe always has problems and never wins.

        Nicole Franz has to be one of the most level headed players of BB ever. She played with true class and dignity. Not to mention she’s as cute as a bug. She knows she pretty much floated through last season, nobody would have to tell her that. She won because Paul is such a POS punk. I loved watching Franz play both her seasons. She was a delight to watch. God bless her, and good on her!

      • Its funny, I hate Nicole, you love her, i love Paul and you hate him. I’m sure you may only %50 agree withwith this but those two are some of the most mature, wise and smart early 20s I’ve seen on bb. Wise waay beyond their years.

      • They are. But me disliking Paul is because I don’t like dishonest people with bad character that play the rest of the world for a victim. He’s not, and never will be, an asset to any form of civilized society. Nor will anyone like him. If I met him on the street I wouldn’t like him. I simply don’t associate with folks like him.

        Franz is a rare bird these days. I think any young guy that can land her is a lucky guy, with or without the money she won.

      • I feel the same way about nicole. She’s very sneaky and fake. I just prefer to be around ppl i can see all their cards than ppl i cant. She’s a master at her craft, I’m not biased about game play because of my personal opinions of her, i can look pass that. Your either good at big brother or you’re not. Personally I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire. She reminds me of a girl i used to work with that stirred up so much shish and never got caught because she a master at being a snake. Just like Snakole. Both are sweet, pretty, wise ole serpants. I’ll make friends with a hole of an ass before a sneaky bish like her.

      • Ok, so she’s your dream girl? :oD She played BB the same as everyone does. See the list of series I typed? Nobody gets through those being 100% “honest”, and it’s funny to see some of them try!

        Paul is an excellent player for BB. He is well versed in BS and deception. Somebody doesn’t get that way at 24 unless they were taught by pros. He learned well by watching his parents and others in his family. Family of liars and con artists, and well suited for this game, absolutely! Still, he lost for that reason. When he wins, then I’d call it successful.

      • The bigger snake always gobbles the smaller one, akin to the bigger snake always won big brother;-) Paul wasn’t the snake, its why he was on the block multiple times. His cards were always exposed and mouth stayed open. The characteristics of a snake that’s beneficial for its survival is for it to master the skill of invisibility. Your girl is a master…I no idea how she was taught but she learned very well. Keep in mind, the house didn’t have a nickname for Paul, but they had one for ya girl. Sssss. Fortunately for Nichole, a sophisticated level of “snakery” is rewarded and admired on BB and she was the reigning queen of BB18:-)

      • She’s no dummy, there’ no doubt about that. She has an advantage that Paul will never have. She’s female and she’s attractive. Takes two to tango though. If guys are going to be chumps for a few eye bats and pouts, that’s their fault. Do women need to LEARN how to do that? No-no, that’s a natural instinct they all have. Wish I could get away with it. I got a chuckle out how all the guys ate each other and Nicole just skated around the outskirts and watched them all take each other out. Smart! She floated to the end really.

        Paul is and was nothing but a snake. That’s what a street punk is. He’s a good player to get the end for 50 Gs, but he’s still a 450 G loser. Proof positive that his tactics don’t work. He’s a chump too really. He fought to get all those other guys out and helped Nicole. The whole thing is funny as hell.

      • The proof is in the pudding. Name one person in that house that called Paul a snake then name all that called her one. Listen, she’s a snake. Not Paul. You like snakes thats fine. Snakes win big brother. Nicole is a snake, A sneaky lying snake. She snaked her through the game. She’s not that cute. A solid 5 on her best day, terrible style and super annoying voice, she didn’t get by from her looks, she got by on her snakery! All of them said it! Day’s vote was her win because must love snakes, you two have that in common:-) G’nite got to go to work in the morning. Great talkin to ya.

      • :oD!! Yer funny. I can’t add anything. I’m just not part of the street punk scene, that’s all. Neither was last year’s jury.

      • And the jury probably never will. How many times do i have to say it and we talk in circles?? The snake wins big brother! For your viewing pleasure, fortunately this works in your favor:-) maybe things will be different this year, maybe not. We shall see;-)

      • My-my, you seem very passionate about a TV show. Easy dude, it’s only “TV”, no need to start talking down to people here. Nobody on there is our good buddy and friend. In the end, I couldn’t really couldn’t give a rat’s axe who wins or loses. Some seasons, I just stop watching because the HGs are so boring and the show stinks. See my posts about their ratings. Tanking.

      • Huh? Uh ok I’ll smile and nodd. P.s try not to read too deeply into big a brother debate. I have about 50 a week. They consume very little energy from my side. It’s what I do in bordem. Its fun. That’s all to it from my side bud.:)

      • That web site is cool, thnx! OMG, talk about a scream. Josh says, “In the outside world I take shots, I’m the aggressive one … I am the leader”. Huh? Where is this? At a pre-school full of toddlers? :oD

      • You’re welcome. Maybe his strategy was to go in the house the opposite of his real personality. Lol i saw on bbad Matt asked Kevin ( I think him) is Josh, Jason and Cody “playing with a full deck”. Lol he was seriously asking too, it wasn’t a joke. Jason did admit he was stomped on the head by a 1500 pound bull and almost didn’t make it. Yeesh!

      • If Josh is acting, he deserves an award for best actor this year. Jason would have to be an adrenaline junky to be a rodeo clown. And yeah, them big critters are pissed. Getting his head stomped may had knocked (more) screws loose. Some folks are better then others at hiding their true persona in the house. Their true colors will come out when they are drunk or angry. Jason just looks like a good ‘ole boy to me.

    • HA! Omg! Im crying. But yea can you believe that chick? Not one ounce of responsibility she takes. Smh

  8. Mathew Boyer may be on to something here. Are the evictees being secretly held for a battle back comp on the 21st? With all these abusive new twists this season to shake things up, it’s hard to tell what producers are up to. But then, that’s the point, right? It’ll be fun watching fans go batty if Cody gets a chance to get back in. (Assuming he’s evicted this coming Thursday)

    • There usually is a battle back. I hope Cody wins because Paul will be livid.

      • Or if the house is smart, Paul will out there with Cody. :oD If they can pull it off, that is.

      • I can’t see how this can happen unless there’s a double eviction next week. Could that happen?

      • I see what you mean. The 21st is closer than I thought. Ok, I sharpened my calendar skills. :oD Paul is immune the 20th, yes. If there is a re-entry comp, it will be Cameron, Jullian, Cody (assumed), and the evictee from the 20th. That is assuming no eviction twists or surprises of course. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions can hit the BB house. Large flaming cracks in the floor can open up and swallow HGs at any time.

  9. Look for Alex or Kevin to get the coming weeks Temptation …2 best choices.. (MY OPINION) Be interesting to see if or how either would use the power to cancel an eviction…..If the Temptation is that powerful the curse must be a real doozy….interesting..

    • I would like to see that as well, either Kevin or Alex get the temptations.

    • If it’s the power to cancel an eviction wouldn’t someone have to go home that day? So maybe whoever gets the curse will be the one sent packing. I would hope that isn’t the case but who knows with this season haha

      • I don’t know…but that could be the special show event (7/21) and instead of a “BATTLE BACK” the person evicted does not leave the house…or it could be an early double eviction with one staying..

  10. It seems BB has it rigged for Paul to win. I don’t think people who played recently should be able to return so soon

    • since he has the neckless and he is safe for the next 2 weeks he should not be able to play for hoh just my opinion

    • It’s interesting to watch. Fans gave Paul, who was inserted as a CURSE on the house, the immunity. The house is going along because they know they can’t get him out, but know they can be attacked by him. So they like helping Paul attack Cody. Paul was throwing all kinds of baby tantrums crying about how Cody dared to attack him! Give it time. HGs will not be laying down for Paul after his protection is gone.

      There is soooo many people who want to play BB. IMO, it should be all new players every season.

  11. Almost a perfect two weeks for a big brother fans! Let’s just hope once Cody goes home, the entertainment doesn’t stop! And although yes Cody does drive me crazy, I am hoping if a HG gets to come back, it is Cody. Simply for entertainment purposes of course!
    I am not a fan of back during unless I really really really really really don’t like a HG. I always feel it is bigger of the HOH to at least allow their target to try for Veto. (Paul is clearly a coward)
    I also don’t like when HG’s all through it to the HOH because he said so! Stupid! And good for Ramses for trying to win! He doesn’t owe Paul anything!
    I totally understand when some people will individually for their own game throws competitions but, not because someone tells them to.
    Let’s hope Cody going home doesn’t run the entertainment!

  12. Call me crazy 😜 But, Cody was smart to try and put up Paul!! (IMO it is BS with Paul safety!) Look at Paul now, he’s running the show! As soon as Paul enter the house Cody saw the biggest threat and went after him instead of kissing his ass! Sure it backfired

    Yes he didn’t tell his alliance but maybe Cody did NOT tell anyone because he wanted to protect them by saying he did this all on his own, it was his decision and his decision only?!?! (He didn’t even tell Jessica) I think he was just trying to be loyal (for lack of better words) to his alliance by keeping them “safe” from any backfire from Paul?!? If you really think about it, getting rid of Paul what is best for his alliance. Cody’s problem is he’s not good at expressing himself plus…… putting up Christmas……..! That I still don’t get it!!?!?!?!?
    I still think Cody was trying to be loyal to his alliance. I really do! & I truly think he was trying to do what was “best for his alliance.” (Clearly getting rid of Paul would have been good for everyone)
    But yeah, they deserved to know what he was doing, but I just think that’s Cody’s personality, he was trying to protect “his team” from the backlash. Putting it all on himself.
    Does that make any sense? I was kind of talking in circles and was repetitive

    • I agree with Paul. He was thinking the house would immediately try to throw him out. He felt that would be a best move for them. I feel the same way. :oD Fans gave him his protection though, so unfortunately, Paul being tossed out will just have to wait. If he makes it to the end by hook or crook? He’ll get the same thing he got last year.

    • Cody put up Christmas because she wasn’t in a showmance and he didn’t fully trust her. His priority was to the showmances and Dominique. He’d made deals with practically everyone on the other side to protect the showmances and Dom, so that he had no one else to nominate once Paul pulled the Pendant. Paul’s protection, along with Cody’s refusal to communicate strategy, wrecked his plan And make no mistake, Paul was ALWAYS Cody’s target.

  13. I’ll say it. Team #friendship all the way. I love Paul and I’m totally rooting for him!

  14. These idiots are giving the win to Paul. You would think one of them would have a brain to figure it out. What a bunch of morons!

  15. Reading over some posts, most everywhere talk is battle-back with current/prior season 19 BB HGs. Since Paul is the ‘only’ vet (so far), what about they let enter, as a battle-back or curse or temptation, other vets??? Hhmmmmmm? curious and curriouser . . .

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