Big Brother 17 returns tonight on CBS with the next round of nominations and another Battle of the Block with more familiar faces and methods.
Shelli and Liz face off to remain HoH, but only one of them wants that responsibility. Will their plans work out and their targets stay on the Block? Well, this is Big Brother after all.
Jeff is gone and the weekly cycle of pressure mounting to target Audrey is back again. Shelli has told us time and time again that she won’t be the one to send Audrey out the door, but maybe this week is different. There are plenty of alternatives out there though if she can’t won’t make that happen.
Liz has her own plans with the help of Austin, but she’ll have to do it before her sister arrives back in the house. Once they swap out between tonight’s major events we’ll be able to see what they think of the other’s choices. Plus, maybe we’ll hear more on Liz’s decision to vote to keep Jeff.
Can’t wait for all the spoilers? We’ve got the results for nominations, Battle of the Block, and even the Power of Veto competition! So much has been going on that you won’t want to miss our Big Brother updates on Facebook and Twitter.
Join us back here at 8/7c for the Big Brother 17 episode and chat with us and other fans throughout the show before we race back to see what’s going on the Big Brother Feeds.
No golf on CBS. Look good for the show been on time.
Let us take a quick look at who has not been on the block yet this season. Audrey, Clay, Shelli?, Vanessa, Austin and Liz. Have I got it right? I put a question mark beside Shelli because I am not 100% sure she hasn’t been on the block yet.
At the top this site, click on “spoilers” and then click on “BB Spoilers board”. It’s all listed there.
Here ya go. Scoreboard for the season:
I found it earlier after Captain told me where to find it. As usual I was off a little LOL.
How I dislike Shelli. I wish these idiots had some sense and notice how she is taking over the house. Vanessa is equally as annoying. Jason please win something.
Wouldn’t a John/Jason/Steve HOH be refreshing? We can always dream…
No Steve needs to go.
You said it sister. Yes he does
I don’t like Steve because he is fully paranoid, but if he won it would be as you say refreshing.
This should be the show thread.
It’s getting closer to FOOTBALL favorite time of year.
Hope so.
Let get this show on the road.
Weeee! Here we go. Such a great afternoon of Feeds, but I’m ready to see what CBS has for us.
I just wanna know what todays fight was for1!
Lots of details on that:
I made it!..yes
me too! :D
Ahh, you missed Shelli calling Clay a poopy head.
you’re here? lol..great!
Hey, we have a crowd tonight.
i hate watching the hoh rooms and the overly sappy letters
Oh I always hate that part.
Leave it to JMac to make that interesting tonight. Lol
OMG..this is so stupid!
Just thinking that. WTH was that?
And what was the point of wasting precious airtime on it?
I know.
Like Frankie’s play.
Well, that was totally random.
What the heck was just on my tv? You can’t tell me there wasn’t any game talk or something dramatic to fill that 30 seconds.
I know it. My ears were bleeding. Gross.
I don’t think Hollywood will be calling them anytime soon.
Austin already had his shot in WWE.
There has been so much drama on the feeds why don’t they air some of that instead of that stupid whatever it was.
I found Steve trying to fold the ironing board riveting.
It has to be put in sequence. Stuff that happened today cannot be put on the until after the BoB, which mean wednesday.
Really, ironing board drama? :(
blah blah blah. wheres the drama??
Perhaps Jackie can fill Judas empty heart.
She’s already taken. Her and David are a couple.
Who’s David?? Is he in the house?? lol
No he’s in sequester.
Hey Lav, what show are you watching??
I thought they got divorced?
Oh did they? Probably because he’s been in sequester for 2 yrs.
Now I’m totally confused.
i just want Clay out. Can that happen next week? Pretty please??
YEAH!!! JMack!! should!
So funny how they always think of him as a pawn.
Poor JMac
No but really, did anyone else laugh out loud when Shelli said she’s worried about Liz being left as HOH because Austin is running her game? I can’t stop laughing about that. She’s such an idiot.
I cant stand her or her boy toy. I would love for them to go during a double eviction. A guy can dream… The idiots are running the asylum though.
She rather let Clay run her game.
Why is Clay asking JMac? Yes, that is a rhetorical question.
Because Shelli asked him. But you don’t want to know that.
She needs to own it if she tries to win it.
Clay is the biggest fish to fry far as I’m concern…always in the game mode. He’s kinda good though, I must say.
EMMA!!! Need the bucket!!
LOL I’m controlling myself Karen…I wanna be objective this season………I’m gonna pop up if he does JMac
Oh, I always take a side with BB and I often find myself changing my opinion. I’m still not real sure about who I want to win. I just know for sure who I don’t.
What do you think of their game play both Clay/Shellie…good and dangerous right?..Likable like Jeff/Jordan?..That was the topic in the BB Podcast, that they seemed to be creating another “fan fav BB couple”..They’re saying way to repeat it. lol interesting.
I’ve said before I don’t enjoy the showmances. A person has to alter their personal gameplay and I don’t respect that. I like Jeff and Jordan a lot, but I can’t say the same for Clay and Shelli. If they are a couple outside of BB, I will be very surprised.
It’s not a likable strategy..Fan’s hate it..I don’t like it.
He sure will be a target when somebody from the other side take HoH.
why is it the same people up on the block? Even better, why can’t we have a power shift already?!
We’re due for one next week.
I LOVE JMAC!! Yes, I’m screaming! :O
JMac cracks me up. I love seeing his DR sessions.
i want there to be a twist that if you’ve won hoh (and kept the hoh post botb), then you can’t participate in the next hoh comp.
They already can’t compete in the next HOH.
nonono like all 4 former hohs wouldnt be able o compete
There’s 2 HoHs and 4 nominees
Think they mean from week 1.
That wouldn’t be fair for everyone.
maybe its just my dislike of Clay and Shelly :P
It’s been in place since time immemorial.
I know this is petty but Shelli needs to fix those hair extensions. Either that or don’t wear them.
I like this comp. something new for a change.
How did Jmac and Austin loose this comp. They are so much ahead.
Me and Jackie found a key among the smashed pumpkin first. That alone was a dealbreaker.
So James, did they let you out for good behavior?
They know I have world domination in mind and I can only accomplish that by winning Big Brother so nope, not yet. But they will. :D
LOL ~ you’re so cute!
Production. Lol
LOL Conspiracy, that must be it. Jmac threw it.
I’m more of an Eraserheads fan. Sorry, BB.
OK, I swear to God, I thought they were saying,’butt-honey’…and I’m like WHAAAT?!!
I think I’m losin’ it. :(
JMac makes this worth watching!
Now if he had put on the show in the HOH, that would have been entertainment!
hey! business woman.
HeyCyril! Nice to see you!
Question…do you talk like Liz? haha their OMG is a good ring tone.
How did they loose that ?
Luck, I guess. One of their first pumpkins they smashed. I like that it was so close to the end. No one gave up or threw it.
Yeap, codu to James and Jackie.
Yep. Never stopped.
I still would have had a buzzer to hit just in case they were neck in neck.
James DR..that was obviously dubbed.
What? BB can dub the DR??? Say it ain’t so…
Why didn’t they pick up the pumpkins and shake them first so see if it was empty?
Look pretty light, might not have made any noise.
I think you would have been able to tell the if they were empty. Maybe they were told they couldn’t shake them
On to True Detective. :)
See you.