Steve Moses hung around late in to the morning as Sunday arrived letting Feedsters know where his game was and what he hoped to do next if he could pull it off.
After spending most of the first three weeks in the background it looks like Steve might be ready to try and make a move that would keep Audrey in the house this week, but I’m not so sure this is one he wants to try.
Watching Steve this morning on the Live Feeds, Flashback to 6:30AM BBT 7/19, he began to detail how he wants to shift the target from Audrey to Meg. Yes, Meg. Steve says that it’s not that he wants to protect Audrey but rather out of selfish motives.
Steve says he wants to be the one to evict Audrey and get that feather in his cap. He regrets not winning HoH this week and wonders if he can manipulate Vanessa to make this happen.
I do not see Vanessa shifting her target to Meg over Audrey. I can’t think of a “why” that would justify giving up an opportunity to endanger someone (Audrey) who she believes is making trouble for her game. But Steve believes he’s in tight with Vanessa and we may see him give this a go today.
Steve has another target as well. His three top picks for elimination: Audrey, James, and Meg. Now James nominated Steve in Week 1 and Becky put him up the next week, but Becky isn’t as high on his hit list more than “sooner than later.” For a moment Steve even contemplates trying to BD James, “that’s not a bad plan!”
Steve considers Audrey as his Plan A and James as Plan B should he win the upcoming HoH. Of course that plan requires him to keep Audrey this week and to win the next HoH before someone else gets her. On the plus side, Steve realizes “I don’t have enough people coming after me.” Enjoy it while it lasts, cause things are just going to get tougher!
Finally after enough swinging and contemplating Steve gets up and marches inside declaring, “I want Meg gone this week! Done. I want Meg gone this week.” Let’s see what you can do, Steve.
lol at steve thinking he has any pull in this game
Yeah, I don’t think he’s going to get as much (or any at all) traction on this as he thinks can.
Someone’s delusional. I keep forgetting he’s even there.
Steve better just shut it and let things happen instead, if he tries to sell to Vanessa to backdoor Meg, he could be in big trouble… Not only does Shelli not want to put up Meg, but Steve is already a target for them…if he tries to make his case for Audrey against Meg…Vanessa is going to run right back to Shelli, Jason and Meg to rat him out and the “backdoor Steve” campaign will start…this guy is the least likely to convince anyone of anything….
Totally agree! This could inadvertently turn around and bite him in the rear end should his plan backfires. He should just lay low because if this plan fails he might just be walking out that door instead of Audrey
And if that happens, not exactly a tragedy.
since when did he get so comfortable in his skin that he could speak up and get someone to back door anybody what a joke
He just doesn’t have the social “cred” to pull this off….besides Meg is evidently way more likeable than he is.
He might as well make some moves, or at least try. He’s low on the totem pole….so expendable.
Now is not the time to make moves. He’s not HOH, he’s not the target and it’s not his call this week. I think he should just stay cool and wait.
I agree. If he follows through on this he might be walking out the door.
It both funny and absurd for Steve to think he has any pull right now, let alone with a person who is NOT the HOH this week. Now if it worked, them maybe Vanessa could convince Shelli to BD Meg but I highly doubt it.
But Shelli will never put Meg up. The kids high.
What about Steve and Audrey, F2? No?…………Yes? lol
Bite your tongue…lol
I’m not sure Rainman has the social acumen to make that happen.
I can’t decide if Steve is more nerdy than weird or vice versa, but today, I’m leaning towards weird.
I was thinking nerdy before but this is just weird.
I like most people who have a nerdy tendancy, but Steve is beginning to set off my creepy guy radar.
I do too and I found the socially awkward thing endearing. I couldn’t figure out why the cast felt him creepy but now I am seeing it a little.
I think it all comes down to social game. Steve is socially awkward and not in on the discussions and plotting going on I guess. And he is seemingly unaware that people find him odd and that they like Meg. If he doesn’t get a clue soon and realize who is in an alliance with whom and that he’s not really a part of it all but more a possible target, he will make his target bigger. The idea that he can talk them into doing what he wants from the far outside of the social pecking order is pretty funny. He needs to just stay quiet for the week.
I agree totally, bratty. I’m wondering if the fact that Vanessa has an “alliance” with him and he perceives her as a power HG has made him fell a little more empowered or if we are seeing the real Steve come out of hiding. Hope he rethinks his plans. I thought he was smarter than that.
I thought he was smarter than that too. If he truly feels like Vanessa will listen and they target him for it, I will fell bad for him.
What is Steve smoking? Does he not realize he is not included in whatever Shelli decides to do. I felt bad for him in the beginning but not anymore. He needs to quit creeping around. He’s acting like another Andy. He goes in the SR and talks out loud about plan A, B, C. Well guess what Steve you need to win something before you can follow through on a plan. Two days ago he’s talking out loud about making sure Audrey goes, now it’s Meg. I think he needs to go. And soon!
I like Andy.
I like Jerryatric.
I like David.
I like JohnneyMac
I like whats-her-name. And how come you’re picking men? What’s wrong with picking a sweet young lady? hmmmm
They already find him odd, if they find him talking to himself it will just confirm it.
Now wait a minute, I talk to myself and usually give myself some pretty good advice LOL.
But you named yourself wrongway? J/K
Yeah, I drive on the wrong side of the road LOL.
So that was you!! LOL
So do I but we are the rare exceptions lol
I usually root for the geeks, but Steve is beyond geeksterhood, he’s, well, kinda like David! LOL!
Haha. All I wanted to do in the beginning was hug him. But not now. He’s acting very strange.
After Jace’s bullying of Steve, I took him under my arm and comforted him, as any Grandma would. Now, he’s on his own ~ what a disappointment.
I adore Steve but why in the world would he want Meg gone? She hasn’t won anything and she hasn’t been close to winning anything. She has no pull in the house and she isn’t targeting him if she does get any pull. This move makes absolutely no sense!! Steve should be thinking about getting rid of power duos aka Clay/Shelli and Vanessa/Austin who aren’t as loyal to him as he may think. Sigh!
Well, in a way, she has won something. It might not have been related to the game, but she did win that trip. She also was part of the win for the BotB
I’m more so talking about things that would credit her as a threat. Chugging beer out of a cup to see if the bottom of her cup said winner or not is nothing and that BOTB is nothing like BB usually has as HOH or veto comps which actually matter after BOTB. She hasn’t shown much strategy at all so Meg over Audrey makes no sense.
I am not saying it has, and I don’t want Meg to go…but Meg has actually got some stuff over Audrey is all I am saying. What has Audrey done except lie, lie, lie
That’s the point. A target is better to keep in the game over someone extremely likeable at least when you’re sitting on the block with them you know you’re safe.
This plan of Steve is just dumb…Meg has done nothing to Steve to show her as a target, and I doubt very much that he will ever be HOH to bd Audrey
When did Steve get in the game? Put a lid on it while you still can. What an ass.
This is one move he would be smart not to make. Steve is in a good spot right now but that can change if he tries to make this move.
This is what happens when you live your life in videos games. God complex, false sense of self importance, and clueless.
This is cute.
Keep dreaming Steve!!
I just want audrey to stay and anything that can be done would be alright. On last nights bbad it showed audrey and shelli in the hoh room and audrey was clearly mending fences and shelli giving her wisdom to audrey should she get hoh.
Audrey obviously only cares about saving her ass. Everytime someone tells audrey she goes back and tells someone else. She has shown numerous times she can’t be trusted.
I meant everytime somebody tells audrey something she goes back and tells somebody else.
that may be but she doesn’t have anybody she needs to stay and let audrey get rid of jason even though audrey and da did strike a deal but i don’t see that happening with jason
Dear Steve,
Sometimes people forget you are even in the house. You cannot make big moves if you have no allies to back you up; especially when you are not in power. As a superfan you should realize the mistake you are making.
Why would a person(Audrey) trying to convince another person(Shelli) of her loyalty, make such statements as(according to Joker’s) “I haven’t gone out of my way to sabotage you and Clay”, and ” I have not gone out of my way to genuinely betray you”. Shelli, your cat was in the middle of the road. I yelled and told it to move, but I didn’t go out of my way to miss it. Uhhh, OK.
I’m glad it was Shelli’s cat and not my Spooky.
What does Steve have against barrel of fun, queen of the prom Meg???
Who does Vanessa think she is asking Meg to go babysit the convo between Audrey and Shelli? I’m happy that Meg told V that she didn’t want to. She gets some bacon for that. Someone needs to stuff Vanessa’s mouth with tofu. :(
If Steve could pull that off without getting a huge target on his back, or everyone even knowing he did it, it would certainly be the most impressive game move so far this season.
Time to get rid of Steve. After Audrey goes
Steve is being dumb ! There is no way they will send sweet Meg home. Audrey is the main target because of her little blowup with Clay and many other reasons.
Steve should focus on cultivating alliances with those at the bottom of the heap including him. That means John, Meg, Jackie, Becky. He does not have very many options without any alliance other than the one with Vanessa. Do not unnecessarily create waves. Wait atleast, when you are HOH before making a move and not before.
These players are just lining themselves up to be the next target for the main alliance. Instead of fighting among themselves the should be plotting how to break up the alliance that is taking them out one by one. This is shaping up to be just like last year.
Maybe BB should just start with 6 players who want to win instead of 16 with 10 just happy to make it to jury.
Indeed, it is feeling familiar, Prince. Hope something changes the outlook soon.
too familiar.
okay, is it just me or is big brother pretty boring this season?! Well at least the episodes aired on TV! the stuff on here is good :-) but I just feel like every episode is like the episode before it! clay, Liz, Shellie and so on in the HOH room and Jason, James, Meg and so on in the gray room! and the whereabouts of the Vanessa & Jackie & Becky generally unknown when viewing the episodes lol I sometimes forget some of the houseguests or even there lol I am a fan of Vanessa through poker but everything about her on the show ends up on the editing. they (BB Production) need to do a lot better job at making the episodes more exciting and show more drama because I read about it but I never see it! sorry, this is long lol…. I just find the season to be so far very boring and I had high hopes mainly because of the Vanessa but also because of the fact the house guests we’re not afraid to make big moves fast! but the same side of the house is always in charge, and the other side of the house isn’t fighting back! in my humble opinion