Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 8 Power of Veto Episode – Return of the Zingbot

Tonight on CBS Big Brother Season 16 is back with the Power of Veto episode starting at 8PM ET/PT and here comes the Return of the Zingbot!

Big Brother 16 - Return of Zingbot - Source: CBS
Big Brother 16 – Return of Zingbot – Source: CBS

After Sunday’s Battle of the Block debacle we saw the HGs spinning to set a new target following Donny’s escape from danger. Now Caleb and Cody are on the block heading toward Thursday’s eviction with just the Power of Veto in there way.

With Donny safe and his options dwindling he turns to Zach with an offer to help protect him, but he’ll need to win that Veto yet again to make that happen. This won’t be just any Veto though as the HGs are about to get a visitor or two when the Zingbot arrives along with a special guest: Kathy Griffin. Cody was pretty excited to meet Kathy Lee Gifford, so just let him have that one.

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  1. I am so ready to see if they show Cody’s zing about messing with a married woman or if CBS doesn’t show it.

  2. Hi everyone. I am ready for Zingbot. So far unhappy with this episode. The feeds are everyone saying negative stuff about Donny. So, I was distracted, but here I am. Sorry, so late.

  3. Where the hell did they come up with “buy back”. They don’t buy their way in they WIN it.

    • Thanks somehow I missed it first time. I tape it so don’t know how that happened.

  4. LOL Donny I wan to win this veto so I can choose a colored coated candy, and MAYBE use the veto or not. ZIng!

  5. I love it when Donny says..”Nobody tells me anything, but this is what I thought” haha..talking about “sharp-eyed”

  6. Wth they skipped the best ones. Probably because Christine cried about it in the DR.

  7. On the feeds, Donny and Caleb spell Bye Frankie in Jenga blocks. Donny has to help Caleb spell bye.

  8. I hate Derrick and Frankie blaming Zach. That wasn’t part of the mission. Notice Donny stayed out of it.

      • Yep I fast-forwarded thru half of BBAD because it was either Frankie showing out or the 2 lovebirds.

      • He was performing big time last night. And he always looks to see if the cameras are on him.

      • Drama queen…boo hoo. I really want him gone. Frankie is my Amanda this year! He make me yell at the TV. I hate that CBS is basically broadcasting the Frankie show to the world…I am so mad.

      • I yell too Emma. Lol. Sometimes I forget my windows are open and I think if someone here’s me they’re going to think I’m crazy.

      • Same here. Well, let me just throw Frankie under the bus. It is all his fault I am a crazy woman yelling at the TV. Oh, and CBS editing it to be the Frankie show, not BB. There. Commence yelling…

    • Cra cra Stupidity Rap..Frankie really fell flat. Not only is he in his sister shadow, he is in Zack’s shadow. Zack’s speeches’, poems and raps are smoken!

  9. I’m flying a banner over the BB house tomorrow that says Frankie is the biggest liar in the house and Derricks a cop.

      • Causing fish? Sorry I am new to most of this first full season I have watched. I caught last half of last season but never went online. So please forgive my ignorance

      • That’s okay. There’s live feeds that you pay for at the beginning of the season and you can watch on your computer 24/7. But when they talk about production or start singing they cut the feeds out and show fish. Production scolds the house guests and tells them to stop then they will put the live feeds back on.

      • They were boring last night. Probably tonight also since Zach knows he’s going. I can’t wait until tomorrow. I’m sure the feeds will be good to watch.

    • Donny and Caleb spelled bye Frankie with jenga blocks. Frankie viewed on spy cam an was in a tizzy. Came down stairs. Then Caleb and Donny were just spelling the first initial of everybody’s name. Now it is thought to be Caleb and Donny military code. Basically, everyone, except Zack and Victoria saying sh#t about Donny. Derrick is cussing mad cause Donny called him the mastermind earlier.

      • Derrick is such a baby when everything doesn’t go his way. Well I think I’m going to get off and watch the feeds for awhile. See all you guys tomorrow. Going to be a fun show.

      • It is busy in there. if you can go back to Christine and Donny taking in BY. Then Christine running to tell Cody, then Derrick. Then almost everyone to the HOH room. All talking about Donny. He comes in and they scatter like roaches. Cody is too wimpy to call out Donny. But, like to say Donny is schemer.

      • I have been distracted today watching all this. I would like CBS to show all this on the live show. Come on. Especially, Derrick today and Frankie. They are not TA. They are like to rabbi dogs waiting to bite Donny.

  10. Well, less than 24 hours from now, until we find out who reenters the house. Say what you will about Zach, whether you love him or hate him, surely everybody can agree that out of him, Jocasta, Hayden, and Nicole, that Zach is the only person that deserves another chance in the house. Here are my reasons. 1. He has been the only one actually playing the game since day one. 2. Yes, he can be loud and obnoxious, but isn’t that part of PLAYING the game? 3. Yes, he can be in your face, yelling at you, but again, isn’t that part of PLAYING the game? And if not for those reasons, just the fact it’s going to be boring as HELL if Zach is not there. Oh yea, my particular reason, he’s HOT as hell. Also, just for the fact, that all the HG’s blamed him for being the saboteur, which was totally unfair. I sooo hope its an endurance comp, and it will probably come down between Zach and Hayden. And Zach pulls it off. I sooooo hope that the other HG’s won’t be able to watch the comp, they are stuck inside, and have to wait to see who walks in that front door, and its Zach and he is back, he is the new HOH and he will be better stronger, louder, and he will be picking off his enemies one by one. I hope beginning with Derrick. Good luck, Zach, .

  11. Ohhhhhhh that Zingbot. I’m not a big Kathy Griffin fan, but I have to admit those zingers were pretty funny. Especially, Zach’s and Cody’s. LOL.

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  1. Sneak Peek: Zingbot Returns And Causes Tears Tonight On Big Brother 16 – Update: Zing Video Added | Big Brother 16

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