Donny Thompson & Frankie Grande on Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS
It’s possibly Zach Rance’s last week in the house, but he was no where to be seen when it was time for the Big Brother photo booth this week. He was likely still taking his pending renom pretty tough and sleeping away the day on Sunday.
Maybe if Zach wins his way back this week we’ll see him in the next round, but we know there’s no more pink hat photos coming our way after Victoria slashed it to pieces with a knife. Yikes!
Check out the BB16 HGs photos and see who makes the best pose this week.
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wth is christine doing?
Least photogenic houseguest ever.
looking at cody?
what is with all the bowties, Chippendale’s or is Jocasa back?
I think Christine should borrow some of Frankie’s pink hair dye
But don’t give any to Zach. Goodness knows where he’ll put it.
Wait…aren’t the HG’s supposed to do fun, goofy poses in the photo booth? I guess Christine didn’t get the message…she looks like she always does.
wth is christine doing?
Least photogenic houseguest ever.
looking at cody?
what is with all the bowties, Chippendale’s or is Jocasa back?
I think Christine should borrow some of Frankie’s pink hair dye
But don’t give any to Zach. Goodness knows where he’ll put it.
Wait…aren’t the HG’s supposed to do fun, goofy poses in the photo booth? I guess Christine didn’t get the message…she looks like she always does.