Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 7 Power of Veto Episode

Tonight on CBS Big Brother Season 16 is back with the Power of Veto episode starting at 8PM ET/PT and it’s about to be the Frankie Show.

Big Brother 16 on CBS
Big Brother 16 episodes – Source: CBS

After Sunday’s Battle of the Block episode where Frankie pulled out the win on that comp, which was a solo player comp from past seasons if you’re keeping track, tonight’s show will pick up with Frankie’s big reveal.

Once the BotB wrapped up in the house Frankie was ready to share some “exciting” news that he had been hyping all day. First up he pulled the guys together, waited for the cameras to be on him, and then dropped the news: “my sister is famous!” General apathy in response.

Next Frankie gets the girls in the bathroom, decides the camera angles aren’t good, and takes them to the living room and shares the same news. Victoria is shocked.

Yep, that’ll pretty much be the night. Oh, and there will be a Veto competition and Ceremony in the mix. It’ll be a good comp with OTEV returning to the house. Be sure to at least catch that part!

Can’t wait for all the spoilers to arrive tonight on CBS? Get our Big Brother spoilers now and see what happened with the Power of Veto competition and ceremony.

Join us tonight at 8PM ET to chat with other fans as we enjoy the latest Big Brother episode.

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Big Brother 16 Episode 22 preview:



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  1. If it wasn’t for wanting to watch the OTEV comp I wouldn’t watch it all. I find it deplorable that CBS is appears to be pandering to Frankie when most of all that I have read shows that most of the fans don’t really care for him. I knew who Ariana was, liked her on Victorious and Sam & Cat, but had never heard of Frankie before, again as it appears most fans haven’t, so I’m sorry (not really) CBS that your big star isn’t really that big and bright after all. The fans want more of Zach, Donny heck even boring Derrick and less Frankie, at least this fan does.

  2. I will DVR it and FF through everything that involves Frankie and the big “reveal”. So what maybe 5 mins left of good TV. Frankie loves that camera. And CBS seems to love Frankie.

      • I’m not sure if you are being sarcastic or agreeing. In any event, I’m sure there are people who will enjoy watching it. I was just saying as for me, the less time Frankie is on my TV screen, the better.

      • Contact me by e-mail: captain555 at hotmail dot com
        Replace the “at” by @ then the “dot” by a real dot “.” and remove the space.

  3. CBS will NOT show the “media mogul” moving the houseguests around so that he can get the best camera angles. I have grown increasingly frustrated with the production intrusion on this year’s show & the cast has grown SO savvy about how to position themselves and what to expect, I miss the old days where you REALLY could expect the unexpected!

  4. I am sooo tired of hearing about Frankie! Who cares if his sister is famous? Should that give him special privilege, because his sister has talent and worked hard to achieve her dream? I have not liked fake Fankie since day 1. My money is on Donny. He has played the most ethical and honest game as possible on Big Brother this season. Go Donny! :-)

    • It shouldn’t give him special privilege but it seems it has benefited him. I like Donny, also, but we’ll have to admit that being ethical and honest are not exactly the adjectives used to describe BB winners or even most of theHGs sad to say.

  5. we are already 15 min in the show and I want to to turn it off. Its so funny how shaky he looked (Frankie) because he knew he was caught. They need to get him out before Vic, and Donny.

  6. Caleb is a snake and so is Zack. Christine never would have put Nicole up. Oh we’ll, it makes Donny safe.

  7. Well, gotta go. Won’t be here tomorrow night, have to give reading assessments to adults with 4th grade reading levels. I’ll check in when I get home.

  8. Par for the course, start watching feeds goes to fish. At least it wasn’t long.

  9. I was so addicted to this show I even tried the live feeds, then I started feeling as though it was rigged in favor of Frankie. I’m disgusted with this show and haven’t watched the last two episodes. I hope I’m wrong and Frankie goes home soon!

  10. For all of you Frankie haters, put yourselves in Frankies position and imagine how you would do. By the way all of the Frankie hating comments are very annoying.

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