Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 6 Double Eviction

Big Brother 16 is pulling out all the stops tonight. Julie Chen returns for an all-new Big Brother 16 live Double Eviction show starting at 9PM ET/PT as the HGs will first evict either Jocasta Odom or Zach Rance before racing through a full week’s events in one hour.

Big Brother 16 Double Eviction week
Big Brother 16 Double Eviction week – Source: CBS

If you’ve never seen a Double Eviction show then you do NOT want to miss tonight’s show. These are insane and the most intense episodes we get all summer. For the first time things are unpredictable and often unexpected because there’s no time for us to see it coming. Bam!

HGs will race through a new HoH comp, set the noms, compete in the Veto, and then cast another round of eviction votes all before the hour is up. I’m leaving Battle of the Block off that list because I don’t expect it to be part of the game tonight. Maybe it’ll return next week, but with so little time I don’t see it being part of production’s plan this evening.

After an insane overnight where Detonators were brought to their senses by Caleb of all people it looks like Zach could be safe. But with two evictions tonight we could get a surprise second elimination of the night. Who do you hope gets sent home next?

Join us tonight at 9PM ET to chat with other fans as we enjoy the latest Big Brother eviction.

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  1. Last night after everyone was in bed Derprick came out of DR and sat in the living room looking really worried. If he was sure about Zach staying he wouldn’t have been so worried. I’m wondering if DR asked him something that made him question the bonehead paranoid move he just made. Something like Do you really think Zach will chose you over Fakie?

    • I hope this whole plan comes back and bites him and Cody in the rear! Frankie will take Zach and Zach will take Frankie, Vote Zach out and you weaken Frankie.

  2. Would be perfect if Hayden won the first HOH and a detonator went home, preferably Derrick or Cody as it would show that they figured them out, and then for Nicole to win the 2nd HOH and put up Christine and Zach leaving Frankie open for a backdoor again. Or she could put up Zach and Frankie then backdoor Christine. C’mon Hayden, Nicole and Donnie you gotta pull this out.

    • One can only pray it works out the way you just said and that I want to happen as well! But I want Zach, Cody, Frankie, Caleb and Christine gone before Derrick, Hayden, Donny, Victoria and Nicole.

  3. Getting a couple of days with the detonators shaken up wasn’t enough. I want to see the detonators implode. I don’t care if it’s one of them going or something happening in the house. I’m tired of their stranglehold on this season.

  4. My question is if production planted the seed to keep Zach and supposedly production likes Donny, how will they stop the HG from sending him out the door during tonight’s DE. There won’t be time for DR to talk and plant the seeds. This is what really worries me. The thought of seeing Christine, Frankie and Zach for at least another week or maybe even a month, makes me sick to my stomach.

  5. This is rigged obviously. Caleb is not that smart enough to have a “change of heart” and say Zach should stay. This season is boring, manipulated and predictable.

  6. Maybe DR said something to make him realize that Christine is the one playing them and not Nicole.

  7. How does a double eviction work? It’s my fist season and I’m kind of confused.

    • They vote for the first eviction as soon as the show starts. Then they play for HOH then immediately do nominations. Then they play POV and then another vote and eviction all in one show.

  8. How were they brought to their senses? Derrick and Cody could of coasted for a few weeks if they would of kept their mouths shut. They had alliances on both sides. Stupid move, stupid, stupid! I hope this gets Derrick evicted on the DE tonight.

  9. Nicole and Hayden are so irritating now, I hope Christine won HOH and nominates them and Hayden goes home (probably jury now), that will weaken Nicole and she will go back to being a floater..

  10. Derek did own the game a lot tonight, but Caleb is one of those like, mommy issues, I thought before Amber left she might have to get a restraing order, and why do they keep picking on Donnie for their safety net, like he said he’s not at all stupid, and they shouldn’t take advantage of him being a nice guy, with that said he does need to step up a little,

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 16: New Targets Emerge Ahead Of Double Eviction Night | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16 Eviction Predictions: Week 6 | Big Brother 16

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