Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 11 HoH, Nominations, & Surprises

Big Brother 16 is back tonight on CBS at 8PM ET/PT with the Head of Household competition held late Thursday night and a lot more things you’ll want to see.

Big Brother 16 on CBS
Big Brother 16 episodes – Source: CBS

Along with the HoH competition and nominations, there will be several special events in tonight’s show including the Big Brother Rewind twist segment where we get to see how the HGs decide to handle the mysterious button.

Jeff & Jordan also arrive with some fun news for their fans… they’re engaged! The Big Brother couple finally took the plunge this weekend when they stopped by for a surprise visit for the HGs and then Jordan got a surprise of her own when Jeff popped the question. That whole segment will be shown tonight, but for now we’ve got pictures for you of the newly engaged couple and Jordan’s diamond ring.

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Can’t wait to find out who who wins HoH & who goes on the block? I have those Big Brother spoilers right now if you want to get ahead of tonight’s show.

Don’t forget to use your Two-Day Free Trial and watch the Live Feeds from inside the BB16 house. Then join us tonight at 8PM ET to chat with other fans as we enjoy the latest Big Brother episode.

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Big Brother 16 Episode 33 Preview:



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  1. Yikes, the president is giving a speech Wed. night. Does he not know BB is on? Must not be a Frankie fan. Will CBS delay to show it live, or will it be taped and shown after the speech?

  2. I didn’t watch the show this week since I knew Nicole was leaving instead of Frankie, but I do wish to see Jordan and Jeff get engaged. I see here that Frankie won HOH and now Julie has mentioned a dumb twist, that should have happened last week instead. I hope that both Cody and Victoria get to press that button, I don’t know how it works since I didn’t watch the show. I really hope that Cody wins and puts up Frankie. Once he is gone I will enjoy the rest of the show.

    • Here is the update:
      HOH was played after Thursday’s show. Frankie won. Then the HGs all pushed the rewind button together. They don’t know it, although some suspect, that this week will not count. On Wednesday’s (hopefully live) show they’ll be told. Then we will see another HOH comp (Frankie, Cody, Caleb and Victoria), nominations, another POV comp (all HGs), veto ceremony and finally the eviction. We may or may not see the following week’s HOH comp.

      My favorite saying this week is from Matt: “Not that it matters!” Nothing this week, since the last show, matters.

      • I don’t think the twist would matter a week earlier as Nicole would still be outnumbered and will be taken out no matter what. It would have given her a chance though but odds are still against her at most.

      • I meant to say had the twist was revealed earlier than this week (After Donny’s eviction and before the recent week’s DE), we would probably still get the same results.

  3. I’m looking forward to seeing Frankie demoralized ~ he was the one who insisted on pushing that button. May he be so demoralized, so shaken that he can’t perform and win HOH again.

    • Problem is, Frankie gets even stronger when things are stacked against him. Can’t wait to see what happens, the look on his face will be priceless. He keeps saying that, if pressing the button hurts him, he’ll cry. We know he won’t, at least in front of the camera, but he’ll be extremely pissed off deep down inside.

      • It’s probably what they’re hoping for too! As Frankie would say when it’s not affecting him, “makes for great T.V.”!

    • OMG I am so with you on this he insisted on the button thing like a kid has to have his fingers into everything…….I cannot wait to see the look on his face…bet he thought the golden button was the goose who laid the golden egg and by pushing it he gets closer to the money or some secret like that…….Good luck Frankie.

  4. Speaking of Frankie he doesn’t need the money I found an article on bustle stating his net worth at 500k by himself without his sister. The article speculates on how he earned it

  5. Victoria is so funny thinking she is force to be reckoned with. However nobody enlighten her though she needs that confidence if she is going to pull a win out

  6. Every time Caleb talks on TV, I feel like I’m not watching Big Brother. I don’t know why?

  7. Oh the irony of Cody ragging on Caleb about .. putting your big boy pants on, and target Frankie … Ha!!!

  8. OT: Had BB1 have the kind of cast that Utopia has now over at Fox, do you think it would have worked enough for CBS to keep the format as it is 15 season later?

  9. Caleb is the smartest. He had about ten theories what happens when you push the button….all of them are crap !

  10. Look at Frankie jumping up and down thinking he has just made another celebrity BFF. I’m sure in his head he thinks Brett came to see him

  11. Goodness Frankie has to be such the center of attention that he had to make sure he had Jordan’s dog.

  12. The most absolutely hardest thing we will have to face is 2 weeks in a row of Frankie as HOH. Everybody PRAY anybody but him wins Wed. If he does we need to file a class-action for cruel and unusual punishment against the fans.

  13. The most absolutely hardest thing we will have to face is 2 weeks in a row of Frankie as HOH. Everybody PRAY anybody but him wins Wed. If he does we need to file a class-action for cruel and unusual punishment against the fans.

  14. Victoria haha She looks like she doesn’t realized the severity of what just happened……A strategists!!!!…go Victoria..GO.!…..

  15. well tonight’s show really sucked.. I want to see show not past guests taking up time. And someone Get that rat Frankie out.. you think they boo’d at christen, Wait til Frankie is out your going to hear boo’d like you’ve never seen before.. the aging queen is a bore… The way it’s heading i’m starting to hope Victoria wins LOL

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  1. Jeff & Jordan Get Engaged On Tonight’s Big Brother | Big Brother 16
  2. Reminder: Big Brother 16 Changes Schedule This Week | Big Brother 16

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