Update: CBS says BB16 will be delayed until 8:51PM ET (8:00 PM PT) due to NFL overrun
The season is winding down, but the Big Brother 16 house is about to get a shock when the Jury returns! Yes, it’s a Zach Attack special event when the Jurors come back to wreak havoc all in the name of a luxury prize. Oh, and there is a major HoH competition and Nomination Ceremony too.

Tonight’s show is delayed until 8:30PM ET, so adjust your schedules. Yes, so you’ll be seeing Zach, Donny, Nicole, Hayden, Jocasta, and Christine back in the house as they surprised the remaining F5 with a luxury comp. One lucky pair of Juror and HG walked away with $5K and one heck of a trashed house.
Before the craziness of the surprise comp the HGs had to crown a new Head of Household as part of the Big Brother Rewind. Was Frankie able to retain his control of the big power or would he fall vulnerable to eviction? We’ll get to see how the rest of the comp played out from Thursday night.
The Nomination Ceremony brought it’s own drama when the house had to decide if it was going to go after a big target or would it be time to finally get Victoria out the door? Lots of drama ahead in tonight’s episode so do not miss it! Can’t wait to find out? Visit our Spoilers Board right now for the latest.
Join us tonight at 8:30PM ET, 30-mins late per CBS’s updates, as we live chat about the show as it airs! Then check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and our Email Updates.
According to my TV listing guide,I have Big Brother starting regular time on the West Coast.Is that wrong?
I would expect that to be correct. The football game impact would only be on the ET times. 8PM PT should be right, but 8:30PM in the ET.
Thank you Matt. Just needed to know
Going to be later CT. Bronco’s ran 3 min over now CBS showing end of NY and GB. Then we get 60 min. They NEVER go to it in progress. So looks like we are going to be 8PM CT. Just hope they don’t join BB in progress here.
so is Big Brother on @ 8:30 , or the regular time of 8:00?
Finishinh last night’s BBAU today before tonight’s final Sunday show. Strange but not unusual to watch back-to-back BB. :))
Won’t there be a show next Sunday?
No. Friday’s episode will be the show’s final primetime episode before the finale.
Football done. 60 minutes just started at 7:50 pm. So BB should start around 8:50 pm.
I’m having a natural light, or 2 or 3.
screw it, ain’t worth the time keep changing when it is going to start. Nothing new. Everything will be the same if I watch it in the morn or now.
That’s cruel.
That’s my sunday night cheat.
Saw where 88 came in 11th today. Got it on DVR but haven’t had time to watch it.
BK dominated. He had the best car.
Yes he did.
Tn. got whooped, Sat. :(
Nothing unusual lately.
88 is Dale Earnharth jr. Nascar.
So is this where we will be.
well good thing i wasn’t depending on my PVR… i would have been super disappointed!
This waiting game is brought to you by Lyrica: It’s not for everyone. :D
Wish it was for no one …. horrible side effects. :(
Are we seeing this episode …….. tonight? I hate football.
in 3 minutes.
I hope Donny doesn’t get evicted tonight!
There we go.
The Buh-inn. The Buh-inn.
I hope Derrick hires himself a speech coach with his winnings
Maybe he’ll share the classes with the others.
Kinda like when people started shortcutting the word “Captain” into “Cap’n”. Depends probably on where you live in the country.
Sheesh…the word even has 2 t’s; and they disregard both of them!
Hey, don’t mess with my name.
Sorry, can’t make excuses for these guys. ‘Cap’n’ is an abbreviation,’ buh-inn’ is mispronounciation pure and simple. It’s not even a regional thing, it’s everywhere. Another word people do that to is ‘mount-en’. Oh God, I’m ranting and raving, sorry about that – one of my pet peeves.
Tmi caleb
Butt crack, yeesh
Cody, you never had balls.
Beast mode finally Beast Moded
OMG Victoria’s voice is like so irritating. I am going to have like mute the teevee every time she talks.
Jury coming up. Go Donny go Donny!
I can’t wait to see jury trash the house!
Same here. Only got 1 min on lf.
Does anyone really watch anymore, except for live eviction night?
I’m watching. DR is the the only thing we don’t about. But it’s worth watching for me.
The DR sessions are worth it.
Me too. I have LF and still watch all shows.
No LF for me but I get all the spoilers and dirt on what’s going on from here thanks to BBN and all of you commenters
I still do. :)
First night I’m not watching live watching american dad premiere instead and recording tonight’s show
Frankie being nomd regenerated me a little. I usually only watch the actual live show as it is being aired, but I decided to take a peek because I knew Frankie lost “his”money to Hayden and it po’d him. Anytime something doesn’t go his way, I NEED to see it. That is a shame and it sounds terrible , but for some reason, I don’t feel bad about it.
I can understand I just couldn’t take listening to him whine but when I watched the recorded episode they edited most of his whining out
I complain all the time, but I’m still thoroughly hooked.
and the misting begins again
I’m giving Victoria credit for the acting job. The very first thing she’s done all summer other than whine.
You forgot to add crying to whining
Oh, goody. We might get to see Frankie pitch a hissy fit because V and Hayden win.
He was so po’d that the jury got to come into ‘his’ house and mess with stuff, and that they won half of ‘his’ money. He just did not think that it was fair. lol, lol, lol
Yeahh like he hasnt won 20k
Awww, missing Zach.
laughing out loud at Donny!
Love that Donny! “I was gonna git somthin’ to eat!”
I loved Donny’s DR where he said maybe this will make up for that stupid play Frankie made us do.
That, my friend, was a thing of beauty! Donny cracks me up…love that guy.
Gotta love Donny, “okay, I was looking for something to eat”.
I loved Donny’s DR where he said maybe this will make up for that stupid play Frankie made us do. Donny rocks!!!!!!!
That was actually fun to watch. Like it.
I wish jury was back in the house.
Zach, I am LOVING you tonight!
That was fun. Nicole was smoking it.
It was cute when Hayden pretended to put the last knock out in his slot to give Nicole the money. I’m glad she came out in time for a kiss as he dropped it.
Nicole was a beast in that competition.
Oh, shut up, you bunch of p*ssys.
Who are you calling p*ssys ?
The HGs…they’ve lived in filth for weeks so I don’t want to hear them whine about how’mean’ the jury is. Oh, boo-hoo-hoo!
Oh ok, I’m with you.
Who’d you think I was talking to?!
Wasn’t sure.
Captain555! I wouldn’t be calling my fellow posters that word! Well, at least not those who are on this thread right now. lol ;)
You didn’t even have to mention ice cream tonight. Captain555 did it for you…gelato..doesn’t that sound good?
HA! It sounds yummy. I’m swearing off ice cream AFTER Frankie’s departure. That evening, I’ll eat to my heart’s content. Then I really have to give it up. How’s the shoulder? Still sending healing vibes!
Great idea! I need to go buy me something special for that night. I have a lidocaine patch on my shoulder as we post and have it calmed down hopefully for a while. Thoughtful of you to ask.:)
I can’t believe that they were shocked that there were some bitter jury members after the way they treated them
Nicole and Hayden are cute, but I don’t see it really going anywhere.
nothing wrong with a little summer fling at their ages
Nothing wrong with a little summer fling at any age as long as you are single
Thank goodness this is edited. I wouldnt want to listen to them whine 2 hrs again.
did you hear last night that Frankie was hoping they would have another luxury comp so he can win back his half of the money that the jury took .After all, he hasn’t gotten enough money from the TA missions. Even though he was being bitter, he was totally serious. Why are there people like him?
to build the schools right? He is just toooo much I think I will do a happy dance when he gets da boot
Happy dance heck I’m throwing a party with friends who watch the show. We all are ecstatic!!
everyone thinks I’m nuts for watching this show lol I’ll have to crash your party!
The jury took? Having a rather brain-dead day, did I miss something?
Frankie thinks that because the $10K luxury comp was split in half between a juror and a HG, the jury “stole” his half of the winnings. Even though, it was Victoria and NOT Frankie that won.
Thanks, redroses. Will you be my mommy?
Laughing…how cute.
Are you a grandma? I’ll sponsor you into the Grandmas United Club. :)
Definitely a grandma. I could probably be your mommy! And I’ll take that sponsorship gladly.
Woo Hoo! There’s a lot of us grannies in here! We’re going to crush it IF we’re ever all on BB together!
Oh, yea, I’d do really great at the endurance comps! Nice to know we’re still awesome though. Not all blue-haired old ladies, well, just a little bit old, but still gots it goin’ on! lol
I am grandma and step great-grandma
Geez a while back I made a comment that I must be getting old because I had never heard of Frankie’s sister till he was on big brother and somebody said all the young kids know who she is. But you guys are making me feel young again :) my son just turned 18 on sept 8 which also was making me feel old so thanks. I thought from the comments and conversations you guys were all around my age being 36 so I hope you guys don’t take that wrong either as you all come across as being old enough to know better but young enough to do it again. :) :)
Yea! Another granny! :)
That was the best thing to happen all season.
At least I didn’t fall asleep.
I agree this is one BB episode that I actually enjoyed! The jury tearing up the place while the HG had to watch was priceless. I was hoping to see a bit of Vitoria drama about the broken necklace but enjoyed her telling Derrick coldly that he was “on her bed”. She is good! Seeing Frankie put up next to her was obviously a really good moment as well. Best show so far.
Caleb, ROFL
Caleb honestly has a demented look sometimes.
He is scary.
Yes he does. Had stepson like him and it scarey. One min sweet as pie the next your afraid thy will kill you. Amber better have her daddy with her at finale.
NO, she will bring J-U-Double-D
What did you do with him, Brenda?!?
We committed him once and they let him out after 2 months. When my husband died I moved and left no forwarding. Havent seen him in 9 yrs.
You used the word had.. I know there are a lot of backwoods in Ala.:(
Oh hes alive, just not around me.
Sorry about your husband. Sometimes I joke around too much.
No prob. I love joking dont stop.
very smart move
Sorry, that’s so sad.
Part of life. You move on, if you dwell you can NEVER be happy. :)
Right, he sounded bi-polar? Who knows with the right meds he may turn out OK.
He must have been really bad. It’s not easy to get someone committed. Glad you’re OK. And, yes, Caleb is frightening. Those dead eyes.
Sorry for your loss, but very happy you’re away from the stepson.
Dey. So. Stoopid. Dag-gum-it! Hurd dat!
OMG..I understand that.
“Time fa da daggum saramoanny.”
Alright, someone give me the show days the rest of the week so I don’t have to look it up.
Well, tomorrow we’re going with sneakers…Tuesday I think it’s high heels…oh—you mean the SHOW days! I don’t know…can someone tell us?
Yes, I edited that.
Sorry Philly, I couldn’t resist. :)
Lol, although it took me a minute to realize what you were talking about.
lol thank you for the great laugh Tuesday eviction, wednesday live show, Friday special show and the following wednesday is finale
Tuesday is an eviction. THat’s all I care for now.
Tue taped eviction of Fakie, wed live eviction of Caleb or Vic since Caleb cant hoh. Fri we dont know what they are showing. All at 7ct
Oh good, thanks.
OK, now let go watch 2015 Miss America. LOL
Ooh, is it on?
I’m all excited.
Watching it now.
Of course you know I was kidding. With SNF on and the Yankees on ESPN, what do you think i’m watching now ?
The Kardashions?
Anything exciting on the race. I was at the ballfield all day. Got a few things on DVR. Trying to decide what to watch.
Good race near the end expecially. The last 30 laps were very exciting.
I cant wait to see him walk out the door. I hope they show him arriving Wed.
I actually think he will get better reception than Christine did.
i hope not
See yall Tue if not before, always a fun time here.
I still wish Joey hadn’t been voted out first. She was the only one smart enough to see immediately that the women needed an alliance. Too bad her timing was off, I think she would have been a fun cast member.
I know! I was really looking forward to getting to know her. I think she could have livened things up. She and Zach could have made a great pair.
Well its sad that the Africans won’t get their dance school…I know that it was (so Frankie thought) more important to learn dance than to have running water, scholastic centers, medicine and shelter. very sad……Somebody still needs to call Chbby Checker….