Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 12 Saturday Highlights

Cody Calafiore considers his next target
Cody Calafiore considers his next target – Source: CBS

A very sleepy day for the Houseguests after a late night of anxious energy following the Power of Veto competition. HGs didn’t get up for the day until well in to the afternoon but there was soon plotting and planning for not just this upcoming eviction but the one to follow. Good thing too as they don’t know there will be back to back evictions on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house yesterday.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, September 13, 2014:

12:00 PM BBT – Houseguests are all still sleeping.

2:30 PM BBT – Derrick is vertical. Checks why the sliding door is locked. Cam flips to backyard and shows an uninhabited space, yet it remains on lockdown.

3:05 PM BBT – Cody tells Derrick he is okay with their new plan and ready to vote Caleb out if he (Caleb) doesn’t win the next Veto. (Caleb can not play in HoH, so he is vulnerable.)

4:40 PM BBT – Caleb tells Derrick he has thought about it and the best thing for them is to go to F2 together instead of with Cody.

4:45 PM BBT – Derrick tells Caleb about last season of Survivor where Woo went for an honorable win with Tony instead of an easy win with Kass and it cost Woo a million dollars. Sounds like Derrick is trying to set the stage for a back up plan in case he can’t get Caleb out next round.

5:40 PM BBT – Caleb asking when they should tell Frankie. He wants to wait until immediately before the vote and after Frankie gets to do his plea speech. Cody and Derrick want to tell Frankie the night before.

6:40 PM BBT – Frankie tells Derrick that he’ll go against Caleb going forward and that he told Cody the same.

7:35 PM BBT – Frankie says he hopes he walks out the BB door to find his mom and a manager. Says his family knows all the top managers, but no one would take him since he hasn’t accomplished anything.

8:15 PM BBT – Frankie camera talks saying he’s not done in the game yet and still has some tricks to try.

9:20 PM BBT – HGs sitting down for a group dinner.

9:30 PM BBT – Cody asking which cameras might be used for the Live Feeds. Derrick explains “all of them.” Cody is shocked and surprised that cameras would follow your activity. (Seriously? After nearly 3 months, Cody?)

10:18 PM BBT – Frankie practices his Veto speech (or possibly his eviction speech) alone in the bathroom.

12:00 AM BBT- Derrick and Victoria meet up in the Fire room for a whisper strategy session. They discuss Jury. Victoria talks about how much she dislikes Cody. Derrick says if he wins then he’ll have another kid since they could afford it.

1:00 AM BBT – HGs hanging out in the backyard discussing how empty and quiet the house is at F5.

1:49 AM BBT – Frankie alone in the HoH bathroom says he expects to go home this week as it’d be their best move and no reason to keep him.

1:56 AM BBT – Caleb arrives in the HoH. Frankie starts working on him. Asks Caleb if he wants him to be evicted this week. Caleb denies, but says he has no say so in it this week.

2:00 AM BBT – Frankie continues to work on Caleb. Tells Caleb there were two occasions when HGs wanted to BD him, but Frankie wouldn’t let them. Caleb asks who it was, but Frankie won’t say.

2:10 AM BBT – Caleb tells Frankie that three people have been loyal to him all game, but two of them never told others to put him up. Caleb is referencing when Frankie told Christine & Nicole to nominate any and all of the guys she could.

2:20 AM BBT – Frankie says Derrick & Cody are trying to pit them against one another. Caleb doesn’t see it and denies that being the case. Frankie warns Caleb about how well Derrick is playing, but Caleb doesn’t see that either.

2:28 AM BBT – Frankie says “the world would be pissed” if he were blindsided and evicted this week.

2:30 AM BBT – Caleb rattling off all the Jury votes he thinks he has, similar to his conversation the day before, but Frankie tries to correct his expectations.

2:40 AM BBT – Frankie suggests they should have gone after Derrick this week and that they should try to flip Cody.

2:50 AM BBT – Caleb promises Frankie he will not blindside him.

2:55 AM BBT – Frankie says he wants his sister to help him win AFP, but then says he doesn’t want to win because of his sister. Go figure that logic.

3:15 AM BBT – Caleb says he’ll grab Amber and kiss her on the finale stage.

3:25 AM BBT – Frankie goes to Derrick and says he asked Caleb if they were trying to get him out this week. He says Caleb told him no, but he’s not sure he trusts that.

4:00 AM BBT – Shaving cream fight between Cody and Victoria. It ends with Cody having to go wash his sheets as the other HGs have gone to sleep for the night.

Frankie might think he still has a shot at evading eviction by working on Caleb, but he doesn’t. It’s so locked down that no one is even discussing it anymore and they’ve all moved on to the next eviction target. Cody and Derrick want Caleb gone and with just one Veto comp in the way they have a solid shot at making it happen.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. Oh poor Frankie thinks that “the world will be pissed” if he is blindsided.

    Wrong answer Frankie, the BB world can’t wait until Tuesday night to see you head out the door.

    Oh, please CBS show Frankie on finale night just how much people can’t stand him.

    • I’m half worried about Ariana’s fans. On one hand they made #FrankieWinPOV trending, but on the other hand the majority of her fan base aren’t old enough to vote. IF (and that’s a huge IF) Frankie wins AFP over Donny, it will either be due to Ariana or production rigging the count. All of the polls I’ve seen, including the ones here, have Donny for AFP by a landslide.

      I really think that CBS is protecting Frankie due to Ariana’s fan base. Apparently income from her recording sales is more important than income from the BB fans.

    • Frankie just might keep in the game and Caleb feels Frankie will make him a star Frankie told caleb thay he would big star at the gaybars in newyk to sing songs Frankie got a rich family to buy home a car a home hes 31 not 28 hes been lieing hes old he needs a real life I have no family to help me I have no food a bad car 78 yr old mom that needs help Frankie gives to mush $$ a way to school.s mygod Franki feed the homelas the foor in new yk

  2. After Vic and Cody’s shaving cream fight, Frankie said it looked like his apartment after an orgy…semen and shaving cream everywhere. Such a beautiful, heart-warming picture of just another day in the life of Pinkerbell the Slut.

  3. “the world will be pissed”…yes i agree but only if you are NOT sent home,lord poor Fakie really is total darkness about the public reception awaits him after this season,not even a pop star sister can save him,he is toast!!

    • Absolutely right, he’s in for a rude awakening. But then, so is Caleb – so sure he’s going to be America’s Favorite Player!! What a pair!

  4. Will Victoria ever realize what a big lump of nothing she’s been in the house all season? Biggest Pawn Ever!

    • right, and she is clueless as to how she got to the ‘final 4’ — she was used to get other players out, nobody has taken her seriously this season, and being a lump is no guarantee that you will get farther in the game, but being a mastermind or a physical competitor is a better way to control your own destiny

  5. I really really want to see Victoria win something….anything!!! Just for s and g’s. I’m no Vic fan, but I just want to see some kind of shake up.

  6. The Inquisitor (?? I know) had an article on line this morning asking if Victoria Rafaeli deserves to win BB. Included was part of a statement by someone from Entertainment Weekly: “Follow this, if you can: Victoria is a useless player; because she is a useless player, she would be an ideal Final Four compatriot for a useful player. . . . . . Victoria is pure antimatter: If science could harness her, we’d already be on Mars.” Hysterical!!

    When I was watching BBAD last night, I was sitting there thinking the same thing, albeit far less eloquently. Victoria seemed to have taken over Christine’s personality; it was hard to watch. She cackled non-stop during their “family dinner”, then was wedged in next to Cody on a sofa, rubbing his feet and legs Soon, he had his head in her lap and she was caressing his hair. What it is with this guy? They should bottle his pheromones! Not that there’s a whole lot of competition for someone to cuddle with and, at least, Victoria isn’t married. I waver between thinking there’s something there, such as intelligence, and then watch her strange, blank facial expressions and think, “afraid not! Damn, she doesn’t deserve to win a penny”. There’s a very good English word to describe her behavior a lot of the time, it’s called ‘daft’. It means crazy, foolish, not very serious or bright. Victoria seemed daft.

    So, question is, clever strategy on Victoria’s part, or clueless luck? Darned if I know.

      • I think it’ll be Derrick and Victoria. I’m hoping on the extreme long shot of Cody and Victoria. Either way I’d like to see Victoria win it, just because my dislike for her is less than for all who participated in THE incident.

      • I think if Cody doesn’t win that last HOH, he could be in trouble. The vulgar things that were said and done on that Saturday still pop in my head from time to time. IMO, Cody was the lesser of 5 evils that day.

      • Agree. I just feel like Derrick knows he has the win if he takes Victoria. The way the jury has been talking..I think they would pick Derrick if he is there with either one..but, Cody at least deserves 2nd place.

      • I hope Derrick takes her pisses off Cody, Caleb and FRankie and that goes to the other jurors and they vote for Victoria to win! That is the only way to make this season a success!

      • That would serve “DADDY DERRICK” right for the way he has talked about the other players. But when he and vic were not talking to each other he seemed to watch her like a lover when she talked to the other guys.

      • Clueless lock for sure! On BBAD she did know what the shoulder of the road was, she didn’t know what a scoundrel was, she surely has led a very sheltered life. Which I think is not her fault, I’m sure she is a good person, but not much going on upstairs, just one lucky girl.

      • Yes, she seems very sheltered. Can’t believe she runs her own business. She seems so sedated a lot of the time, with very occasional sparks of something that almost approaches alertness.

      • I think you’re a very nice person, GMaG! I enjoy your posts, whether I agree with them (most) or not. :)

    • Victoria speaks very well in her speeches prior to eviction voting. Perhaps, -perhaps mind you-, her strategy all along has been to play down what brains she does have, remain non-threatening, and has advanced to this point as the greatest pawn of all time. Likely? No. Fun to consider though.

  7. Matt, do we have news as when the feeds will be offline? I saw on TVGN’s Facebook page that they’re compiling a list of questions for a live Q&A over at BBAD on the 23rd so that pretty much confirms there will still be BBAD after Friday’s show on CBS.

  8. Caleb is going to need therapy when this is over. Poor delusional Caleb. Hope they sit Amber away from him, like in an unbreakable glass protective room that he cannot break into.

    • I read somewhere that she has bodyguards escorting her on finale night. I don’t know whether it was true or a joke.

      • Lol! I also said that in the past, she will come prepared with a restraining order and bodyguards. Caleb is not going to believe one form of protection, he will think she is playing hard to get but If she has multiple, he might just get it. She. Is. Not. That. Into. YOU! I am sure CBS will prepared to keep them apart and have Springer’s guards ready to jump on stage, just in case…..

    • Amber needs to bring a boyfriend (if she has or maybe a fake bf) on finale night so Caleb would stay away from her.

    • Fortunately it will be a blindside, but only because they plan to tell Frankie the night before eviction, which they think is Wednesday. I can’t wait for the look on Frankie’s face, if they don’t get time to tell him!

  9. I would love to see Victoria and Derrick in the final two. That would mean she won a competition and I would love to see Cody’s reaction. Who would he go off on, then? Victoria may have been Super Pawn/Floater but Cody played Derrick’s game all season. Why should he win over Victoria? Both clueless but in different ways.

    • Victoria doesn’t have to win a comp to make it to F2. If Derrick wins the 3rd F3 comp, he gets to decide who to take.

      • That’s right. I still have hope she wins something, the next HOH, veto, something.

        Well, I hope Derrick takes her.

  10. A manager in the audience with his mother? Humph! They may have blacklisted you from your terrible audtion on BB. Want your sister’s fans to vote you America’s Favorite? Humph! Way to go earning it on your own. I hope her fans has parents who watches BB and counter vote, vote for Donny.

    Has BB ever had a musical performance during the finale? I hope not and I hope they don’t start by having Arianna perform to promote them (the Grandes, both her and Frankie)

  11. Frankie’s mum is just as sanctimonious as he is! She announced on twitter that since everyone has family campaigning for AFP she’ll do the same and no one can stop her what she fails to realize is the other houseguests’ families don’t have nearly as many followers to control and this is an unfair advantage! And the fact that their entire family is rich and they can’t put away their ego for 5 seconds.

    TA not being eligible for AFP would be a fair rule in my opinion. TA got weeks of earning extra money and if we got to know the houseguests before Frankie wouldn’t have been on TA and someone more deserving would’ve gotten that chance.

    • Hopefully Joan’s campaign is a fail, since most of the “grandtourage” isn’t old enough to vote.

      • Exactly! Joan also doesn’t have a following like Ariana so unless Ariana actually starts telling people to vote I don’t think we have much to worry about.

      • Ariana is doing a campaign. She’s using Frankjie’s twitter account to do it. She just got his twitter account at 800K followers. :(

  12. Derrick is playing all the guys…I think he’s planning the F2 to be him and Victoria since Victoria is the only one he can beat in a comp. Victoria is too busy looking at herself in the mirrors to realize she’s being used but would love her to win just to see the look on Derrick’s face when his plan backfired. lol

  13. 3 points. Skankie, no manager would TOUCH you. You are highly toxic now. America will be ELATED upon your eviction & demise. Finally, your chance of AFP died shortly after you entered the BB house.

  14. Did Caleb change his mind again about who to target? He said he doesn’t want Victoria to win HOH and is worried about Cody keeping her in the house, is he back to a F3 with Derrick & Cody? Very Confused

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