Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 5 Power of Veto Episode

Tonight on CBS Big Brother Season 16 is back with the Power of Veto episode starting at 8PM ET/PT and there’s a big Backdoor plan in the works if they can get all the pieces in place.

Big Brother 16 on CBS
Big Brother 16 episodes – Source: CBS

It’ll be a busy episode with Team America looking to make up for their Nominations Ceremony failure. Just one chance left to get two Houseguests in an argument, or if that’s too hard then they’ll just get one person to plan a scripted joke and collect their $5K checks. Yep, weak sauce.

Get ready for plenty more drama this week as HGs struggle to convince one HG to make a close ally to new target, but once the folly of the plan is discovered, is it too late to stop it? Find out tonight!

HGs will be competing for the Veto in a horse riding contest and it leaves Frankie with some painful injuries as a result. Here’s a sneak peek pic of the competition.

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Can’t wait for all the spoilers to arrive tonight on CBS? Get our Big Brother spoilers now and see what happened with the Power of Veto competition and ceremony.

Join us tonight at 8PM ET to chat with other fans as we enjoy the latest Big Brother episode.

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Big Brother 16 Episode 16 previews:



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  1. I’m ready for tonight to see the Zach attack again. Matthew do you see the memory wall as a quick HOH for a dbl evict?

  2. Julie Chen just tweeted:

    Does #BBZach teasing the have not’s with food remind anyone else of when @RachelEReilly did the same thing to @RaganFox? #EpicBBFight #BB12

    • She’s right of course. People keep talking about how mean these HG are. They are like lambs compared to other seasons.

    • My hate level on Frankie has gone up. Mid Jury, he’ll be a casualty. He’s not smooth…you know what I mean..

    • Frankie camera whore..Ugh. I can not wait for him to be nominated. He will be throwing everyone under the bus and the lies.

      • Frankie’s mouth gives him away..I mean the over dramatic mouth expressions. I does he have to over enunciate and gesture. It’s not High School drama Frankie!

      • He already does but covers it. I think if on the block he would be worse.

  3. BB gives such a good edit to Zach. If I didn’t read these boards, I would love him. He is so cute with Frankie. Interesting BB never shows how bad Frankie talks about Zack.

  4. I must say, Zack is such a good actor. He’s so good on TV !…I’m sure he’s building up fans. lol

  5. I vote for Plan B. Frankie is HOH, so Derrick and Donny would be the new HOHs. Sadly, it looks like the BB is going to keep the double HOH for one more week. I would hate to see Derrick as HOH, but would love to see Donny.

  6. …and that is exactly why I did not want Caleb to know the plans about Amber..I wanted to see some fireworks since he thinks he is the king and running the house! Oh, this kid!

      • That new mission we get to vote on, doesn’t sound like much to look forward to.

      • I really don’t see how they can accomplish B and A could backfire and ruin their game. Mainly Donny because Frankie will though him under the bus before you can spit.

      • You know what, mission B says: “Get two members of Team America to become Heads of Household this week by winning it and/or convincing others to throw it..

        They don’t really need to have anybody to throw it. If 2 TA member win HoH outright, they win another 5K. That could happened.

      • Still thinking. The other choice would be again for Donny and Derrick (because Frankie is not voting tomorrow) to vote keep Amber. Then what if other want to give Amber support vote thinking she going anyway.

      • Me too…cause if someone like Donny wins…the house could go against what he wants…I don’t know.

      • Pretty sure it would apply to this to tomorrow night vote. Voting close at midnight west coast tonight.

        Read carefully mission A, It talk of two people. Not 3.

      • So it would be this weeks eviction vote? I didn’t think they would get the mission til after new HoH is crowned.

      • I think it could be this weeks vote. They are closing the vote early and having it 2nite instead of 2morrw night.

      • I like B because of Donny, but A could be fun. However, Derrick and Frankie would throw Donny under the bus with A.

      • I think “they” wanted us to pick the 2 rogue votes, since it’s easier, to stir the pot of paranoia and finger pointing. But I just don’t trust Frankie to want the TA cash enough to vote rogue. Level headed Derrick would do it but figure a way to finesse it and cash the check. I do think he’s aware enough of Frankie to know if they come up short a vote, it will be Frankie.

      • wouldnt we need the vote counted so they could tell us the results of the votes live Thusday nite?

    • But, I do have one question about Amber..she keeps saying that she saved so many people…who did she save and how?

      • I’d like to see the answer to that. She won HoH and let her alliance run it. She votes with the house/alliance but even if she didn’t, it wouldn’t have changed the outcome. She’s won BoB which I guess she might think saved her partner?

      • Maybe like last week, she voted to evict Britt and in the same breath save Donny.

      • Still that didn’t save Donny since he would have stayed anyway. But she did try to poison Metro Cowboy with a bumpy pickle. But that was no big dill.

      • maybe she thinks like Beast Toad that alliance meetings she is a part of she swayed/changed others minds of who to vote for? or nominate? NEW alliance = The Delusional Disorder Alliance = DDA, which would also include Vicky, Amber, Caleb lol

  7. Awesome I love Christine’s epic fail! plus, she is getting way too much air time.

  8. If this is the storyline BB is pursuing for Caleb…they’re going for a dumb villain. lol…..ok half wit !…and creepy.

    • “at the end of the day…” he is the romantic cowboy who is going to save his “queen.” Oh and Caleb is the “King of the house.” I am laughing so hard. You couldn’t write this stuff.

      • ” at the end of the day” the end of the day’re 12 years old…at the end of the day

      • I kinda don’t…I hate to say it but…I want him to explode..i do not think he will be violent in no way do I want that…but his words will be funny.

  9. So proud of Amber, she handled that with class and dignity. Most would be curled up crying. Zack epic fail.

  10. Ok I’m voting A, I think. It will be easy for Donny to the buck. Everybody knows he is voting Jocasta to stay.

    • Indeed Donny is perferctly set to deny in a believable way. But then Derrick also. It could be real fun.

  11. Some HG’s are talking about tomorrow being a DE..I don’t think it is..Julie didn’t say anything about that last week.

  12. Zach is a character! He loves to get reactions out of people, and while he does rub people the wrong way, there is actually something endearing about him LOL

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