Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 3 Nominations & Battle of the Block

Big Brother returns to CBS tonight and kicks off the third week of an already exciting season with nominations and the Battle of the Block. Buckle in, BB16 fans!

Big Brother 16 on CBS
Big Brother 16 episodes – Source: CBS

Thursday night’s Head of Household competition came down to the last swing of the mallet before being decided. Now HoHs Derrick Levasseur and Nicole Franzel will be faced with picking their nominees to duke it out in the Big Brother 16 “Battle.”

Along with noms and the block battle we’ll get a look at Team America’s first mission, though I can tell you now that they haven’t started at their work just yet. If you can’t wait until tonight to see what the Team will be up to, we have the details on it all here.

When the nominees came together they had a common goal: target Devin. With a unified house things should go smoothly right? Gotta check out tonight’s show and see if it all plays out like the house hopes. Gotta know now? We’ve got your Nomination & Battle of the Block spoilers here.

Update: Sneak Peek at tonight’s Battle of the Block comp. Looks like a puzzle comp.

Join us tonight at 8PM ET to chat with other fans as we enjoy the latest Big Brother episode.

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  1. They did start their mission. Derrick told Victoria and told her to tell Brittany, then Donny told Froggie (Nicole) and told her to tell Christine. It has to be passed to 3 people though so not sure how that will work. Looking forward to the show tonight. Especially since Derrick is saying he helped Donnie when he was eliminated.

    • I am curious to see what Derrick is talking about? Why would he help Donny win POV? Derrick got knocked out, so it was Donny to the rescue. Derrick better be nice.

  2. Don’t know why Donny started running his mouth but he should have keep it zipped till after the comp.

    • I don’t know why they keep nominating Donnie for the block. I’m glad Jocasta is up. But what about Victoria?? I rather see Devin do math than to see her boring and unaspiring gameplay.

      • Donny repeated what she told him. That’s why he got put up this week. If he had waited till after nomns she would have put up Victoria.

  3. That was sweet. Donny and Nicole’s conversation: “Im so sorry Donny, I’m not gonna be able to sleep tonight”..Donny…”that’s ok you can sleep with me tonight”

      • They are other ignorant and disloyal people (Devin and Frankie). There were other pawns available besides the groundskeeper.

      • They want Devin out. Why would they put him up and give himself two chances to get off the block.

      • Devin is going to find a way to stay. Either Jacosta is going home because of her fake illness that God can’t seem to cure or someone decides to keep him for erroneous reasons.

      • You must not have the feeds because Jacosta is fine now and Donny is using the POV on her and Devin is going up and home to his daughter. I think he has a daughter.

      • Oh sorry. They’re pretty reasonable. A lot cheaper then Showtime used to cost me.

      • He’s not campaigning to stay. He wants to go home and see his daughter….He really missed his daughter.

      • He’s giving that false impression. That’s why his baseball career didn’t pan out.

  4. I really don’t like that Donny turned that around on Nichole. She did say “this stays between you and I” when they were talking… and poor little Nichole ate it up and blamed herself… I mean it was really a good play for Donny to get out of hot water but still… i feel uneasy… lol

  5. Nicole never told him not to tell anyone. She had no right to get mad at him if she didn’t tell him to keep it quiet. Caleb was telling people so why should she get mad at Donny. Sorry Nicole I lost all BB respect for you.

    • she did tho. she said “Donny this stays between you and I” and he ran right out and told brit and bowtie.

    • She told him not to say anything. Donny runs his mouth a lot and it’s going to get him evicted if he’s not careful.

    • Well, it was 5 mins in the show, from the feed been down for more than 2 hours it was probably more than an hour long.

    • BowTie was clogged up and they just kept giving her laxatives but not monitoring her hydration. It was a really hot day and the harness hindered her breathing so she ended up with dehydration and heat exhaustion.

      • Right, with the lax she needed lots of fluids. They don’t really keep an eye. Remember the year somebody passed out from their sugar being too low?

      • Who was that and when was the season? They need some real medical professionals on this show. I don’t want this show to turn into the Survivor when someone died :-(

      • 2nd or 3rd I think. Matthew – Captain555, either of you remember? They had medical people there who quickly took care of it. He left in ambulance I think.

      • I remember somebody passing out for low sugar. Can’t remember what season that was. But nobody left in an ambulance, it was all taken care in DR. And they do have a doctor on site all the time.

      • They seem to be taking the dehydration situation with no apparent seriousness. I’m appalled. ::scratching my head::

      • Not really, they oofered her an IV, but she had to stay in DR to get it, she choose intead to drink stuff they give her with some electrolytes in it.

      • She needs to go home and BB must bring someone into the house. I’m hearing rumors about Lawon and Brenden might make an appearance. Can anyone confirm this?

      • They need to keep things the way they are. No former guests. I’m tired of Brenchel, Jesse, Jeff and Jordan. Who cares lol.

      • No way, they’re coming into the game. If those rumor are true, they would come in as host guest for a comp, that’s it.

      • All I heard were HG saying they would probably get rid of Dbl Evict night.

      • They had her drinking water laced with medication for nausea, or so Donny said, then she HAD to drink so many bottles of water or she would have to have the IV.

      • Somehow I had that in my mind like BB9 or BB10, So your saying BB9. I really don’t remember that Amanda. I’ll have to go check it out.

      • Yeah I was thinking a guy but now that she said that I believe it was a girl.

      • She had the long dark hair. That’s the season Adam (baller) won. Remember Natalie that was in love with Mattie.

      • OH I remember BB9 and some of the HGs. Especially Natalie Lynn Cunial. I follow her on twitter. She has a kid now and does some good looking painting (well, I’m not an art critic)

      • I found this on Wiki: On Day 16, Amanda (along with Allison Nichols) were simultaneously hospitalized after Amanda (who was Hypoglycemic), fainted from low blood sugar.

      • Yep. I knew they both went to the hospital. Allison had an allergic reaction to something.

      • Why give someone laxatives when you are losing fluids? Pedialyte or Gatorade works.

  6. Devin Shepherd is a struggling drug addict. That’s why he is an egotistical and irrational sociopath. That’s why he is a loony tune on BB.

  7. If you eat and do not rest and do not drink your fluids and you do not to CREW your food and take your time while eating !!!.. Sitting in combo with bad habits will cause problems……. I have seen them Shovel it in at a fast pace.. The production team should never interrupt what should be a…….. SET time for eating meals ……… least set aside 2 TWO hours each day etc.

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