Big Brother 16 Team America Rumor Taking Root

Team America is hard at work on its first task for Big Brother 16: destroying a Houseguest’s trust! But in a surprising twist, the mission might backfire and sink the wrong player.

Nicole Franzel & Christine Brecht on Big Brother
Nicole Franzel & Christine Brecht on Big Brother – Source: CBS

On Friday we learned the three members of Team America would have to convince three Houseguests that someone among them was related to a past HG and get them to pass it on to three more HGs. Frankie, in his seemingly permanent mission to trash his former ally’s game, quickly suggested they go after Zach. They all agreed that Zach had now become an honorary cousin of BB15’s Amanda Zuckerman. Next step: spread that rumor.

Now this looks bad for Zach. HGs have nothing to do but sit around that house and worry. A rumor like this could really hurt a player and it’d be very disappointing to see Zach rundown by this prank after he worked so hard last week to make a big game shift. But here comes something I didn’t expect.

Derrick had no trouble talking to Victoria about the rumor, but Donny was not quite so smooth. Donny pulled Nicole in to the Hive room, gave her the story, and then precisely instructed her to go tell Christine about it. The whole thing was a little too exact and set off some flags for Nicole.

Flashback to 1:24AM BBT on 7/13 to hear Nicole go to Christine and relay the story. So Team America gets a point for the mission, but it didn’t end there. Nicole wonders about Donny’s story and what’s really going on. Christine is curious about the rumor, but Nicole seems more perplexed by Donny’s behavior and they way he went about telling her.

As the rumor spreads we’ll have to watch for more reactions and see if it puts the target on Zach or boomerangs back. If and when Zach hears this story I wonder if he might go the blow-up route again and try to track down its source. Watch out, guys!

What started off as a silly game could end up having much more serious impacts on both Team America’s targets and the secret alliance’s members themselves. Do you think it’s going to go too far or is this all fair game in the Big Brother house?



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  1. ….and that is why I don’t care for this twist..starting rumors can lead to destroying a player’s game for no absolute reason.

    • Well, that’s BB in his 16th season and trying to find new way to make things interresting.

    • I agree. I thought this twist was stupid from the beginning. And of course the “snake” chose Zach.

    • Yep. This is why I advise everybody not to vote. Or, if you can’t control your voting fingers, vote for the person you dislike the most. I knew this would happen at some point, but this was pretty fast. I hope America has learned a voting lesson and Donny can move his game toward without these silly “missions”

  2. In the past we’ve seen players take the initiative to do this themselves. That’s fair game if it backfires on them and even, unfortunately, if it blows up the targets game. Some people lie about their real occupations, even age, and that’s part of the game along with other lies players tell daily.
    I just don’t care for these type missions being facilitated by BB. I just don’t think we need it this year/yet.

    • BB wins as long as the rumor takes hold or the rumor backfires on those who are perpetrating it. The only way this task backfires as far as production is concerned is if no one buys the rumor AND no one seeks retribution for the person starting the rumor (i.e., no drama is created).

      • Good points, UPB13. Id be content with the mission fizzling. But, if it were to hurt someone’s game I d like it to be Frankies.

  3. Hey Matt I forgot who Frankie was suppose tell. Donnie did his part. Derrick tried with Vic and now Caleb but I haven’t heard anything about Frankie’s target. Who was that supposed to be?

  4. I hope it backfires. I don’t want Zach’s game to ruin because of this ridiculous twist. It’s funny because recently, Victoria said that Amanda from last season was funny and Zach immediately said that she was a bully and he doesn’t like people like that!

    • They can keep the twist but use it for something entertaining and with no risk to ruin somebody else game.

      • Something they did in BBCan last year. They should have TA spread the rumor that Joey is coming back. Like by adding a chair, changing her pic to color and making TA planting story that she’s coming back. that’s fun. And do that during the monday to thursday time slot to keep them occupied.

  5. I wonder if after they get the points could Donnie reveal so it doesn’t hurt him. All he would have to say is BB told him to do it. I would hate to see Donny leave because of this.

    • Derrick and Frankie keep throwing Donny under the bus so they’ll be happy if it messed him up.

      • I don’t like that. When they talk to him it’s all about TA, then away the bus just bloop bloops all night long.

  6. I would hate to see someone go home because of this BUT as for fair game it’s all fair game in BB

  7. This were everbody going to be in abt 30 cause Matthew doesn’t usually put up thread for taped shows?

  8. when i heard the options i thought this one could end up getting someone evicted…

  9. Are they supposed to do it on someone else or just random HG? If so, why didn’t they use one of Team America members? So even if it comes back, deny, deny, deny since it’s not true and no one would suspect they’re in alliance?

    • Because each TA member has to tell someone.
      Which means, for example, Frankie would have to go up to someone and say “Hey, I’m related to so and so.” And then that person would have to tell another person for them to get the point.

      At that point, if you deny, you’re lying one way or the other.

  10. I was hoping for with Team America would be our way of playing the game from home. When Derrick won HoH we should of voted for who he should put up. Vote on who they should vote out. Stuff like that, then they are Team America. Playing the game America wants played. And at the end if any or all members of Team America are in the Jury we vote for who we want to win. Then they will be playing for America!!

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